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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry
  • Danny Perez Sierra, Ashutosh Tripathi, Anilkumar Pillai. Dysregulation of complement system in neuropsychiatric disorders: A mini review. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2022, 7:
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  • Amit Kumar Madeshiya, Anilkumar Pillai. Innate lymphoid cells in depression: Current status and perspectives. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2022, 7:
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  • W Tommy Baumel, Lu Lu, Xiaoqi Huang, Andrew T Drysdale, John A Sweeny, Qiyong Gong, Chad M Sylvester, Jeffrey R Strawn. Neurocircuitry of treatment in anxiety disorders. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2022, 6:
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  • A Irem Sonmez, Charles P Lewis, John D Port, Arjun P Athreya, Doo-Sop Choi, Michael J Zaccariello, Julia Shekunov, Caren J Blacker, Paul E Croarkin. A pilot spectroscopy study of adversity in adolescents. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2021, 5:
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  • Henry Sershen, Alessandro Guidotti, James Auta, Jenny Drnevich, Dennis R Grayson, Marin Veldic, Jordan Meyers, Mary Youseff, Adrian Zhubi, Keturah Faurot, Renrong Wu, Jingping Zhao, Hua Jin, Abel Lajtha, John M Davis, Robert C Smith. Gene Expression Of Methylation Cycle And Related Genes In Lymphocytes And Brain Of Patients With Schizophrenia And Non-Psychotic Controls. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2021, 5:
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  • Joshua B Ewen, William Z Potter, John A Sweeney. BIOMARKERS AND NEUROBEHAVIORAL DIAGNOSIS. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2021, 4:
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  • William Oliver, David Parker, William Hetrick, Brett A Clementz. Is a paired-stimuli configuration necessary to obtain typical evoked response differences in studies of psychosis? An MEG study. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2021, 4:
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  • Francesco Luciano Donati, Armando D'Agostino, Fabio Ferrarelli. Neurocognitive and neurophysiological endophenotypes in schizophrenia: An overview. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2020, 3:
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  • David A Parker, Rebekah L Trotti, Jennifer E McDowell, Sarah K Keedy, Elliot S Gershon, Elena I Ivleva, Godfrey D Pearlson, Matcheri S Keshavan, Carol A Tamminga, John A Sweeney, Brett A Clementz. Auditory paired-stimuli responses across the psychosis and bipolar spectrum and their relationship to clinical features. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2020, 3:
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  • Jeffrey R Strawn, Amir Levine. Treatment Response Biomarkers in Anxiety Disorders: From Neuroimaging to Neuronally-Derived Extracellular Vesicles and Beyond. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2020, 3:
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  • Kirsten E Schoonover, Samuel J Dienel, David A Lewis. Prefrontal cortical alterations of glutamate and GABA neurotransmission in schizophrenia: Insights for rational biomarker development. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2020, 3:
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  • Andrea Balla, Stephen D Ginsberg, Atheir I Abbas, Henry Sershen, Daniel C Javitt. Translational neurophysiological biomarkers of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor dysfunction in serine racemase knockout mice. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2020, 2:
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  • K Juston Osborne, Sebastian Walther, Stewart A Shankman, Vijay A Mittal. Psychomotor Slowing in Schizophrenia: Implications for Endophenotype and Biomarker Development. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2020, 2:
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  • Anilkumar Pillai, Davide Bruno, Jay Nierenberg, Chirayu Pandya, Tami Feng, Chelsea Reichert, Jaime Ramos-Cejudo, Ricardo Osorio, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Nunzio Pomara. Complement component 3 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of cognitively intact elderly individuals with major depressive disorder. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2019, 1:
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  • Olivia Thomas, David Parker, Rebekah Trotti, Jennifer McDowell, Elliot Gershon, John Sweeney, Matcheri S Keshavan, Sarah K Keedy, Elena Ivleva, Carol A Tamminga, Godfrey D Pearlson, Brett A Clementz. Intrinsic neural activity differences in psychosis biotypes: Findings from the Bipolar-Schizophrenia Network on Intermediate Phenotypes (B-SNIP) consortium. Biomarkers in neuropsychiatry. 2019, 1:
    Cited : 12
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