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Gastroenterology Research and Practice

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Gastroenterology Research and Practice
  • Chenghu Xu, Dehua Tang, Ying Xie, Muhan Ni, Min Chen, Yonghua Shen, Xiaotan Dou, Lin Zhou, Guifang Xu, Lei Wang, Ying Lv, Shu Zhang, Xiaoping Zou. Sedation Is Associated with Higher Polyp and Adenoma Detection Rates during Colonoscopy: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 1172478
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  • Fang Wu, Chao Wei, Shicun Zhang, Shanshan Jia, Jidong Zhang. The Efficacy of Surgical Resection versus Radiofrequency Ablation for the Treatment of Single Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A SEER-Based Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 1269504
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  • Jean Paul Buhendwa Cikwanine, Jonathan Tunangoya Yoyu, Désiré Munyali Alumeti, Bernard Mugisho, John Mutendela Kivukuto, Rivain Fefe Iteke, Ona Longombe Ahuka, Willy Kalau Arung. Benefits of Early Enteral Feeding with a Locally Prepared Protein-Energy Ration after Surgery for Acute Generalised Peritonitis: A Randomised Trial in Two Hospitals in Bukavu, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 1764242
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  • Thorbjörn Sakari, Sophie Langenskiöld, Filip Sköldberg, Urban Karlbom. Economic Consequences of Surgery for Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Population-Based Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 1844690
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  • Tshepo Mafokwane, Appolinaire Djikeng, Lucky T Nesengani, John Dewar, Olivia Mapholi. Gastrointestinal Infection in South African Children under the Age of 5 years: A Mini Review. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 1906782
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  • Huaying Fang, Jie Liu, Kai Qian, Xuemei Xu, Zhaolong Li, Li Xie, Menghan Sun, Song Wang, Jiaqin Xu, Chaolan Lv, Bo Wang, Weiyong Liu, Gengqing Song, Yue Yu. Intestinal Ultrasound Combined with Blood Inflammatory Markers Is a More Efficient Tool in Evaluating Severity of Crohn's Disease: A Pilot Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 2173396
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  • Xuchen Chen, Xinliang Lv, Manman Han, Yexiao Hu, Wanqiong Zheng, Haibo Xue, Zhuokai Li, Kui Li, Wei Tan. EMP1 as a Potential Biomarker in Liver Fibrosis: A Bioinformatics Analysis. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 2479192
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  • Anat Fisher, Jason D Kim, Colin R Dormuth. Monitoring a Mandatory Nonmedical Switching Policy from Originator to Biosimilar Infliximab in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 2794220
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  • Jiangnan Wan, Yi Fang, Haizhong Jiang, Bujiang Wang, Lei Xu, Chunjiu Hu, Honghui Chen, Xiaoyun Ding. Endoscopic Screening for Missed Lesions of Synchronous Multiple Early Gastric Cancer during Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 2824573
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  • Nan Liu, Yidong Wan, Yifan Tong, Jie He, Shufeng Xu, Xi Hu, Chen Luo, Lei Xu, Feng Guo, Bo Shen, Hong Yu. A Clinic-Radiomics Model for Predicting the Incidence of Persistent Organ Failure in Patients with Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 2831024
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  • Yu Chang, Zhi Wang, Hai-Bo Sun, Yu-Qin Li, Tong-Yu Tang. Artificial Intelligence in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Endoscopy: Advanced Development and New Horizons. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 3228832
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  • Tang Yuming, Zhao Yuping, Lin Yihan, Zhu Ying, Huang Jia, Shen Hanbing, Zou Duowu, Yao Weiyan. Acupuncture Improved the Function of the Lower Esophageal Sphincter and Esophageal Motility in Chinese Patients with Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms: A Randomized Trial. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 4645715
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  • Yao Wu, Ying Zhang, Xiao Meng Jiang, Chen Jing Xu, Yan Yan Wang, Jin Yuan Gu, Yi Li, Shun Fu Xu. Risk Factors for Single and Multiple Recurrences for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography and Open Choledochotomy in Treating Choledocholithiasis. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 4738985
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  • Dongliang Lin, Zhendong Xu, Jinlong Huang, Wenshan Hong, Weiqing Zhang, Luoyu Lian. Ultra-Proximal Jejunostomy Application after McKeown-Type Esophagectomy: A Retrospective Case-Series Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 5874332
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  • Wengang Zhang, Jiafeng Wang, Ningli Chai, Enqiang Linghu. Comparison between Submucosal Tunneling Endoscopic Resection and Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Prepyloric Submucosal Tumors: A Case-Matched Controlled Study. Gastroenterology research and practice. 2023, 2023: 5931360
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