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Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Published By Hindawi Limited

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Masatake Toshimitsu, Takayuki Iriyama, Jiro Sato, Osamu Abe, Mari Ichinose, Seisuke Sayama, Takahiro Seyama, Kenbun Sone, Keiichi Kumasawa, Yutaka Osuga. A Case of Ruptured Exophytic Uterine Artery Pseudoaneurysm without Specific Risk Factors That Manifested Seven Days after Vaginal Delivery. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 1637463
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  • Chisa Ito, Hirotada Suzuki, Yusuke Amano, Shigeyoshi Kijima, Akihide Ohkuchi, Hironori Takahashi, Hiroyuki Fujiwara. Placental Insertion into the Cervix with Cervical Shortening as a Clinical Sign to Suspect Cervico-Isthmic Pregnancy: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 1816955
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  • Conner Blackwell, Shian McLeish, David Iglesias, Shannon D Armbruster. Dysgerminoma Masquerading as Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 1901858
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  • A Ivert, C Lindblad Wollmann, K Pettersson. A Case Series on Pregnant Patients with Mild Covid-19 Infection and Signs of Severe Placental Insufficiency. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 2018551
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  • Somaia Elsayed, Nadine Farah, Mary Anglim. Heterotopic Pregnancy: Case Series and Review of Diagnosis and Management. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 2124191
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  • T Loukopoulos, A Zikopoulos, M Plachoura, A Galani, K Zikopoulos, E Kolibianakis. Emergency Obstetric Hysterectomy after Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 2420333
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  • Laryssa Santos Metzker, Luyanne Azevedo Cabral Ferreira, Julia Caroliny Nogueira Borges, Mariana Furieri Guzzo, Rodrigo Neves Ferreira, Lucas Luciano Rocha Silva, Rodrigo Monico Cavedo, Antonio Chambô Filho. Postmenopausal Hyperandrogenism due to Ovarian Hyperthecosis. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 2783464
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  • Hiroharu Kobayashi, Misa Kobayashi, Yoshihiro Takaki, Yuki Kondo, Yuri Hamada, Haruhiko Shimizu, Yumi Shimizu, Masaru Nagashima, Hiroshi Adachi. Ureter Injury in Laparoscopic Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy for Endometrial Cancer by the Transperitoneal Approach. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 3138683
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  • Fatemeh Rahimi-Sharbaf, Mahboobeh Shirazi, Kamran Hessami, Maasoumeh Saleh, Fatemeh Golshahi, Sara Saeedi, Abolfazl Shirdel Abdolmaleki, Seyede Houra Mousavi Vahed, Behnaz Nouri, Behrokh Sahebdel. Radiofrequency Ablation and Intrauterine Transfusion in a Delayed Diagnosed Acardiac Twin Pregnancy. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 3243820
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  • Rachel Hartman, Olga Colón-Mercado, Valario Johnson, James Baron, Lauren Davis. Uterine Rupture Secondary to Pyomyoma, Leading to Intra-Abdominal Abscesses following an Uncomplicated Vaginal Delivery. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 3306687
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  • S Riccio, F Galanti, M Scudo, L Di Troia, M G Ferrillo, F Manzara, P Ianiri, F A Battaglia. Recurrent Hydatidiform Moles: A Clinical Challenge-A Case Report and an Update on Management and Therapeutical Strategies. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 3752274
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  • Alemayehu Shiferaw Lema, Jemila Salih Suleyman. Lethal Neural Tube Defects: Reports of Anencephaly and Craniorachischisis Cases and Literature Review. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 4017625
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  • Alina Tvina, Emily Smith, Meredith Cruz. Cervical Ripening Balloon in Combination with Methotrexate and Potassium Chloride for the Treatment of a 13-week Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 4725663
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  • Dehi Boston Mian, Vedi Andre Serges Loue, Sylvanus Koui. About a Large Botryoid Rhabdomyosarcoma in a Little Girl: Management Difficulties and Literature Review. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 4789851
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  • Melissa Bou Malham, Jordy Mehawej, Andreas Filippaios, Christina Kushnir, Paulette Mhawech-Fauceglia. Bilateral Ovarian Serous Borderline Tumor with Non-Invasive Endometrial Implants. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 2023, 2023: 4845887
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