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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
  • Adi Marom, Iris Levy, Paola Rosca. Changes and trends in medication-assisted treatment in Israel. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 1
    Cited : 4
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  • Alon Rasooly, Eliana Ben-Sheleg, Nadav Davidovitch, Moriah Ellen. Rethinking the path from evidence to decision-making. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 10
    Cited : 1
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  • Manfred S Green. Rational and irrational vaccine hesitancy. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 11
    Cited : 2
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  • Shulamit Pinchover, Rony Berger-Raanan, Maya Yaari, Mary Rudolf, Lisa Rubin, Dafna Idan-Prusak, Vera Skvirsky, Tirzah Margolin, Hava Gadassi. "I'm 'just' a community pediatrician" views and challenges of pediatricians working in the community in Israel. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 12
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  • Nachman Ash, Noa Triki, Ruth Waitzberg. The COVID-19 pandemic posed many dilemmas for policymakers, which sometimes resulted in unprecedented decision-making. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 13
    Cited : 3
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  • Daniel Argo, Khaled Daibas, Igor Barash, Moshe Z Abramowitz. A 10-year comparison of short versus long-term court-ordered psychiatric hospitalization: a follow-up study. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 14
    Cited : 1
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  • Dan Even, Shifra Shvarts. Understanding and addressing populations whose prior experience has led to mistrust in healthcare. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 15
    Cited : 2
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  • Assaf Ben Shoham, Yechiel Schlesinger, Ian Miskin, Ziva Kalderon, Rachel Michaelson-Cohen, Yonit Wiener-Well. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) seroprevalence among women at childbearing age, maternal and congenital CMV infection: policy implications of a descriptive, retrospective, community-based study. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 16
    Cited : 4
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  • Efrat Shadmi, Mohammad Khatib, Sivan Spitzer. The COVID-19 Israeli tapestry: the intersectionality health equity challenge. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 17
    Cited : 1
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  • Tali Sarah Berman, Zohar Barnett-Itzhaki, Tamar Berman, Eli Marom. Antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals: towards implementing a one health based national action plan in Israel. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 18
    Cited : 8
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  • Bruria Adini, Shaul Kimhi. Perspective: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic concerning the resilience of the population. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 19
    Cited : 3
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  • Yulia Treister-Goltzman, Roni Peleg. The physician shortage in Israel and a policy proposal for improvement. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 2
    Cited : 4
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  • Dorit Nitzan. A call to readjust the Israeli school feeding program. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 20
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  • Nadav Penn, Michal Laron. Use and barriers to the use of telehealth services in the Arab population in Israel: a cross sectional survey. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 21
    Cited : 5
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  • Gideon Leibner, Shuli Brammli-Greenberg, David Katz, Yaakov Esayag, Nechama Kaufman, Adam J Rose. Where internal medical patients receive intensive interventions: results from a tertiary-care hospital in Israel. Israel journal of health policy research. 2023, 12 (1): 22
    Cited : 0
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