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CJC Open

Published By Elsevier

  • Sahr Wali, Justice Seidel, Greg Spence, Lynne Innes, Elaine Innes, Anne Simard, Angela Mashford-Pringle, Isaac Ssinabulya, Joseph A Cafazzo, Heather Ross. Heart Health Begins With Community: Community-Based Research Exploring Innovative Strategies to Support First Nations Heart Health. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 661-670
    Cited : 2
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  • Gynter Kotrri, Erik Youngson, Nowell M Fine, Jonathan G Howlett, Kristin Lyons, D Ian Paterson, Justin Ezekowitz, Finlay A McAlister, Robert J H Miller. Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure Trajectory as a Predictor of Hospitalization and Mortality in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 671-679
    Cited : 1
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  • Carlos Diaz-Arocutipa, María Chumbiauca, Hector M Medina, Adrian V Hernandez, Lourdes Vicent. Echocardiographic Criteria to Differentiate Constrictive Pericarditis From Restrictive Cardiomyopathy: A Meta-analysis. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 680-690
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  • Jessica Spence, Emilie Belley-Côté, Eric Jacobsohn, Shun Fu Lee, Frederick D'Aragon, Michael Avidan, C David Mazer, Nicolas Rousseau-Saine, Raja Rajamohan, Kane Pryor, Rael Klein, Edmund Chong-How Tan, Matthew Cameron, Emily Di Sante, Erin DeBorba, Mary Mustard, Etienne Couture, Raffael Zamper, Michael Law, George Djaiani, Tarit Saha, Stephen Choi, Peter Hedlin, Ryan Pikaluk, Wing Ying Lam, Alain Deschamps, Richard Whitlock, Braden Dulong, P J Devereaux, Chris Beaver, Shelley Kloppenburg, Simon . Benzodiazepine-Free Cardiac Anesthesia for Reduction of Postoperative Delirium (B-Free): A Protocol for a Multi-centre Randomized Cluster Crossover Trial. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 691-699
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  • Raghav Chandra, Christopher A Heid, Ishwar Chuckaree, Nicholas Marshall, Michael A Wait, Matthias Peltz, John S Murala. How I Teach It: The Ross Procedure Using Explanted Hearts During Orthotopic Heart Transplantation. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 700-703
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  • Zachary M Force, Ratika Parkash, Anthony Tang, Shannon E Kelly, George Wells, Evan Lockwood, Amir AdelWahab, Isabelle Nault, Jeff Healey, Karen A Giddens, Karl L Wuensch, Samuel F Sears. Health Security Perceptions: Initial Psychometric Analysis of the Construct of Health Security in Chronic Illness Among Patients With a Cardiac Device. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 704-708
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  • Pishoy Gouda, Douglas C Dover, Elinor Mengxiao Wang, Victor Aboyans, Robert Welsh. The Challenges of Identifying Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease Utilizing Administrative Databases. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 709-712
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  • Jeffrey Kolominsky, Andrew Poklepovic, Aamer Syed, Valentina Robila, Krishnasree Rao, Inna Tchoukina, Kenneth A Ellenbogen, Antonio Abbate, Wendy Bottinor, Jordana Kron. Granulomatous Cardiomyopathy Presenting As a Paraneoplastic Syndrome in Metastatic Melanoma. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 713-716
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  • Takayuki Sekihara, Takafumi Oka, Kentaro Ozu, Yasushi Sakata. Persistent Accelerated Infra-Hisian Escape Rhythm Masking Infra-Nodal Atrioventricular Block After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation. CJC open. 2023, 5 (9): 717-718
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  • Erika Nakajima, Bisan ShweikiAlrefaee, Peter C Austin, Dennis T Ko, Husam Abdel-Qadir. Validation of the Use of Discharge Diagnostic Codes for the Verification of Secondary Atrial Fibrillation in Administrative Databases. CJC open. 2023, 5 (8): 597-602
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  • Eric Duong, Mu Lin, Mathew Hodgson, Glen Jickling, Kirsten George-Phillips, Tammy J Bungard. Choice of Oral Anticoagulant: Outcomes in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Post-Stroke Despite Direct Oral Anticoagulant Use. CJC open. 2023, 5 (8): 603-610
    Cited : 2
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  • Lena Rivard, Isabelle Nault, Andrew D Krahn, Benoit Daneault, Jean-Francois Roux, Madhu Natarajan, Jeffrey S Healey, Kenneth Quadros, Roopinder K Sandhu, Remi Kouz, Isabelle Greiss, Peter Leong-Sit, Jean Baptiste Gourraud, Walid Ben Ali, Anita Asgar, Martin Aguilar, Raoul Bonan, Julia Cadrin-Tourigny, Raymond Cartier, Jean-Francois Dorval, Marc Dubuc, Nicolas Dürrleman, Katia Dyrda, Peter Guerra, Marina Ibrahim, Reda Ibrahim, Laurent Macle, Blandine Mondesert, Emmanuel Moss, Alexandre Raymond-Pa. Rationale and Design of the Randomized Bayesian Multicenter COME-TAVI Trial in Patients With a New Onset Left Bundle Branch Block. CJC open. 2023, 5 (8): 611-618
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  • Vanessa Debay, Sophie Hallot, Alexander Calderone, Michael Goldfarb. Family Participation in Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Rounds: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. CJC open. 2023, 5 (8): 619-625
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  • Hatim Al Lawati, Mohammed B Al Riyami. Misadventure During Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty, a Complication Despite All Precautions. CJC open. 2023, 5 (8): 626-628
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  • Blair J MacDonald, Sean A Virani, Shelley Zieroth, Ricky Turgeon. Heart Failure Management in 2023: A Pharmacotherapy- and Lifestyle-Focused Comparison of Current International Guidelines. CJC open. 2023, 5 (8): 629-640
    Cited : 3
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