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  • Shareen Forbes, Anne Halpin, Anna Lam, Don Grynoch, Richard Parker, Luis Hidalgo, David Bigam, Blaire Anderson, Khaled Dajani, Tatsuya Kin, Doug O'Gorman, Peter A Senior, Patricia Campbell, A M James Shapiro. Islet transplantation outcomes in type 1 diabetes and transplantation of HLA-DQ8/DR4: results of a single-centre retrospective cohort in Canada. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102333
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  • Julia Kozlitina, Naomi M Cohen, Drew Sturtevant, Jonathan C Cohen, Cathi Murphey-Half, Jerome G Saltarrelli, Peter Jindra, Medhat Askar, Christine S Hwang, Parsia A Vagefi, Chantale Lacelle, Helen H Hobbs, Malcolm P MacConmara. Effect of donor genotype on patient survival after liver transplant: a retrospective cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102350
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  • Yohei Miyashita, Tatsuro Hitsumoto, Hiroki Fukuda, Jiyoong Kim, Shin Ito, Naoki Kimoto, Koko Asakura, Yutaka Yata, Masami Yabumoto, Takashi Washio, Masafumi Kitakaze. Metabolic syndrome is linked to the incidence of pancreatic cancer. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102353
    Cited : 5
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  • Anhar Ullah, Raquel Granell, Sadia Haider, Lesley Lowe, Sara Fontanella, Hasan Arshad, Clare S Murray, Steve Turner, John W Holloway, Angela Simpson, Graham Roberts, Adnan Custovic, . Obstructive and restrictive spirometry from school age to adulthood: three birth cohort studies. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102355
    Cited : 3
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  • Aimin Qian, Siyuan Jiang, Xinyue Gu, Shujuan Li, Xiaoping Lei, Wei Shi, Jianguo Zhou, Liyuan Hu, Tiantian Xiao, Yanping Zhu, Yun Cao, Lizhong Du, Wenhao Zhou, Shoo K Lee, Rui Cheng, Rong Yin. Treatment of patent ductus arteriosus and short-term outcomes among extremely preterm infants: a multicentre cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102356
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  • Anxin Wang, Xue Tian, Xuewei Xie, Hao Li, Jing Jing, Jinxi Lin, Yilong Wang, Xingquan Zhao, Zixiao Li, Liping Liu, Yongjun Wang, Xia Meng. Effects of remnant cholesterol on the efficacy of genotype-guided dual antiplatelet in loss-of -function carriers with minor stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a post-hoc analysis of the CHANCE-2 trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102357
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  • Maya C Andre, Carlos Sanchez, Sabrina Bressieux-Degueldre, Marie-Helene Perez, Daniela Wütz, Geraldine Blanchard-Rohner, Serge Grazioli, Nina Schöbi, Johannes Trück, Tatjana Welzel, Andrew Atkinson, Luregn J Schlapbach, Julia Bielicki, . Cardiac assessment and inflammatory markers in children with paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV2 (PIMS-TS) treated with methylprednisolone versus intravenous immunoglobulins: 6-month follow-up outcomes of the randomised controlled Swissped RECOVERY trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102358
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  • Yangqing Zhan, Zhengshi Lin, Jingyi Liang, Ruilin Sun, Yueping Li, Bingliang Lin, Fangqi Ge, Ling Lin, Hongzhou Lu, Liang Su, Tianxin Xiang, Hongqiu Pan, Chaolin Huang, Ying Deng, Furong Wang, Ruhong Xu, Dexiong Chen, Ping Zhang, Jianlin Tong, Xifu Wang, Qingwei Meng, Zhigang Zheng, Shuqiang Ou, Xiaoyun Guo, Herui Yao, Tao Yu, Weiyang Li, Yu Zhang, Mei Jiang, Zhonghao Fang, Yudi Song, Ruifeng Chen, Jincan Luo, Changyuan Kang, Shiwei Liang, Haijun Li, , Jingping Zheng, Nanshan Zhong, Zifeng Yang. Leritrelvir for the treatment of mild or moderate COVID-19 without co-administered ritonavir: a multicentre randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102359
    Cited : 7
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  • Tracey Smythe, Shanquan Chen, Sara Rotenberg, Marianne Unger, Emily Miner, Frederic Seghers, Chiara Servili, Hannah Kuper. Do children with disabilities have the same opportunities to play as children without disabilities? Evidence from the multiple indicator cluster surveys in 38 low and middle-income countries. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102361
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  • Santiago Martínez Torre, Luis Sordo, Cristina Carreño Glaría, Augusto E Llosa, Retsat Dazang Umar, Joshua Usman, María José Sagrado Benito. Association between severity of symptoms and minimum mental health treatment duration in humanitarian contexts: a retrospective observational study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102362
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  • Sok King Ong, Rei Haruyama, Cheng Har Yip, Tran Thu Ngan, Jingmei Li, Daphne Lai, Yawei Zhang, Siyan Yi, Abhishek Shankar, Evlina Suzanna, So-Youn Jung, Peh Joo Ho, Aasim Yusuf, Ashrafun Nessa, Kyu-Won Jung, Eshani Fernando, Shweta Baral, Maryam Bagherian, Prabhat Pradhan, Uranbolor Jugder, Champadeng Vongdala, Siti Norbayah Yusof, Khin Thiri, Patumrat Sripan, Clarito Cairo, Tomohiro Matsuda, Suleeporn Sangrajran, Veronique Kiak-Mien Tan, Ravi Mehrotra, Benjamin O Anderson. Feasibility of monitoring Global Breast Cancer Initiative Framework key performance indicators in 21 Asian National Cancer Centers Alliance member countries. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102365
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  • Matthew Quinn, Jim Halsey, Paul Sherliker, Hongchao Pan, Zhengming Chen, Derrick A Bennett, Robert Clarke. Global heterogeneity in folic acid fortification policies and implications for prevention of neural tube defects and stroke: a systematic review. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102366
    Cited : 5
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  • Xu-Kun Wu, Lan-Fang Yang, Yu-Feng Chen, Zhong-Wu Chen, Hao Lu, Xue-Yi Shen, Min-Hui Chi, Liang Wang, Hui Zhang, Jia-Fei Chen, Jing-Yao Huang, Yong-Yi Zeng, Mao-Lin Yan, Zhi-Bo Zhang. Transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation combined with lenvatinib plus camrelizumab as conversion therapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a single-arm, multicentre, prospective study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102367
    Cited : 10
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  • Jiawei Wang, Xin Hu, Teng Yang, Jianbo Jin, Junwei Hao, Frank J Kelly, Jing Huang, Guoxing Li. Ambient air pollution and the dynamic transitions of stroke and dementia: a population-based cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102368
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  • Yan Chen, Jianhui Zhao, Ping Sun, Mengli Cheng, Yiquan Xiong, Zhaochen Sun, Yixuan Zhang, Kangning Li, Yunli Ye, Ping Shuai, Hairong Huang, Xue Li, Yuping Liu, Zhengwei Wan. Estimates of the global burden of non-Hodgkin lymphoma attributable to HIV: a population attributable modeling study. EClinicalMedicine. 2024, 67: 102370
    Cited : 2
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