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Journal of Lipids

Published By Hindawi Limited

SUBJECTS : Lipids | Cholestero

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of Lipids
  • Abdulmajeed Abdulghani A Sindi. Genetics, Safety, Cost-Effectiveness, and Accessibility of Injectable Lipid-Lowering Agents: A Narrative Review. Journal of lipids. 2023, 2023: 2025490
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  • Jingyi Li, Yue Zhao, Na Wang. Physiological and Pathological Functions of TMEM30A: An Essential Subunit of P4-ATPase Phospholipid Flippases. Journal of lipids. 2023, 2023: 4625567
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  • Gideon Kofi Helegbe, Saeed Jabactey Abdullah, Baba Sulemana Mohammed. Dyslipidemias: Prevalence and Associated Factors among Lactating Women in a Lower- and Middle-Income Country, Ghana. Journal of lipids. 2023, 2023: 6280494
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  • Jafar Mohammadshahi, Hassan Ghobadi, Golchin Matinfar, Mohammad Hossein Boskabady, Mohammad Reza Aslani. Role of Lipid Profile and Its Relative Ratios (Cholesterol/HDL-C, Triglyceride/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, WBC/HDL-C, and FBG/HDL-C) on Admission Predicts In-Hospital Mortality COVID-19. Journal of lipids. 2023, 2023: 6329873
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  • Ikechukwu C Esobi, Olanrewaju Oladosu, Jing Echesabal-Chen, Rhonda R Powell, Terri Bruce, Alexis Stamatikos. miR-33a Expression Attenuates ABCA1-Dependent Cholesterol Efflux and Promotes Macrophage-Like Cell Transdifferentiation in Cultured Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Journal of lipids. 2023, 2023: 8241899
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  • Vamsee K Duggirala, Kyla Geary, Donald Hasenmayer, Farzaneh Daghigh. Modulation of Arginase-2 mRNA Levels by -3 PUFAs and Aspirin in Asthmatic Human Lung Fibroblasts. Journal of lipids. 2022, 2022: 3062274
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  • Moses Banyeh, Nafiu Amidu, Draman Abdul-Wahab, Abdul-Salim Zakaria. Sexual Dimorphism and Sex-2D : 4D Interactions on Fasting Lipid Variables in an Adult Ghanaian Population. Journal of lipids. 2022, 2022: 3303588
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  • Camille Point, Benjamin Wacquier, Marjorie Dosogne, Mohammed Al Faker, Hadrien Willame, Gwenolé Loas, Matthieu Hein. Impact of Alexithymia on the Lipid Profile in Major Depressed Individuals. Journal of lipids. 2022, 2022: 5450814
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  • Melissa M Heintz, Ramiya Kumar, Kristal M Maner-Smith, Eric A Ortlund, William S Baldwin. Age- and Diet-Dependent Changes in Hepatic Lipidomic Profiles of Phospholipids in Male Mice: Age Acceleration in Cyp2b-Null Mice. Journal of lipids. 2022, 2022: 7122738
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  • Farzaneh Jamali, Bita Shahrami, Amirmahdi Mojtahedzadeh, Farhad Najmeddin, Amir Ahmad Arabzadeh, Azar Hadadi, Mohammad Sharifzadeh, Mojtaba Mojtahedzadeh. LipoxinA4 as a Potential Prognostic Marker of COVID-19. Journal of lipids. 2022, 2022: 8527305
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  • Lena Foseid, Hanne Devle, Yngve Stenstrøm, Carl Fredrik Naess-Andresen, Dag Ekeberg. Corrigendum to "Fatty Acid Profiles of Stipe and Blade from the Norwegian Brown Macroalgae Laminaria Hyperborea with Special Reference to Acyl Glycerides, Polar Lipids, and Free Fatty Acids". Journal of lipids. 2021, 2021: 1207139
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  • Marcéline Joëlle Mbouche Fanmoe, Léopold Tatsadjieu Ngoune, Robert Ndjouenkeu. Leaf Powder from Cameroon: Antioxidant Activity and Antihyperlipidemic Effect in Rats Fed with a High-Fat Diet. Journal of lipids. 2021, 2021: 5539878
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  • Ved Chauhan, Asaba Anis, Abha Chauhan. Effects of Starvation on the Levels of Triglycerides, Diacylglycerol, and Activity of Lipase in Male and Female Drosophila Melanogaster. Journal of lipids. 2021, 2021: 5583114
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  • Himani Thakkar, Vinnyfred Vincent, Atanu Sen, Archna Singh, Ambuj Roy. Changing Perspectives on HDL: From Simple Quantity Measurements to Functional Quality Assessment. Journal of lipids. 2021, 2021: 5585521
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