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Journal of Inflammation

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of Inflammation
  • M T Demitri, F Benigni, C Meazza, M Zinetti, M Fratelli, P Villa, A Acheson, N Panayotatos, P Ghezzi. Protective effect of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in a model of endotoxic shock: action mechanisms and role of CNTF receptor alpha. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (2): 47-55
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  • N Lavnikova, S Prokhorova, A V Lakhotia, R Gordon, D L Laskin. Distinct inflammatory responses of adherent vascular lung neutrophils to pulmonary irritants. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (2): 56-66
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  • M J Sweet, K J Stacey, I L Ross, M C Ostrowski, D A Hume. Involvement of Ets, rel and Sp1-like proteins in lipopolysaccharide-mediated activation of the HIV-1 LTR in macrophages. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (2): 67-83
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  • M E Klut, S F van Eeden, J C Hogg. Neutrophil structural changes associated with chronic endotoxemia and lung injury. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (1): 1-12
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  • A C Tosello, F Mary, M Amiot, A Bernard, D Mary. Activation of T cells via CD55: recruitment of early components of the CD3-TCR pathway is required for IL-2 secretion. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (1): 13-27
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  • M J Fultz, S N Vogel. Analysis of the antagonist effect of IFN-alpha on IFN-gamma-induced interferon consensus sequence binding protein messenger RNA in murine macrophages. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (1): 28-39
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  • J D Walters, A C Cario, M M Danne, P T Marucha. An inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase antagonizes superoxide generation by primed human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Journal of inflammation. 1998, 48 (1): 40-6
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  • N Veis, A Rosen, A Aderem. Microtubule-active agents mimic lipopolysaccharides in priming macrophages for enhanced arachidonic acid metabolism. Journal of inflammation. 1996, 46 (2): 106-13
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  • A Marchant, C Gueydan, L Houzet, Z Amraoui, A Sels, G Huez, M Goldman, V Kruys. Defective translation of tumor necrosis factor mRNA in lipopolysaccharide-tolerant macrophages. Journal of inflammation. 1996, 46 (2): 114-23
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  • V Imbert, D Farahifar, P Auberger, D Mary, B Rossi, J F Peyron. Stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor-CD3 complex signaling pathway by the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor pervanadate is mediated by inhibition of CD45: evidence for two interconnected Lck/Fyn- or zap-70-dependent signaling pathways. Journal of inflammation. 1996, 46 (2): 65-77
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  • J C Calzada-Wack, M Frankenberger, H W Ziegler-Heitbrock. Interleukin-10 drives human monocytes to CD16 positive macrophages. Journal of inflammation. 1996, 46 (2): 78-85
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  • S Georgopoulos, D Plows, G Kollias. Transmembrane TNF is sufficient to induce localized tissue toxicity and chronic inflammatory arthritis in transgenic mice. Journal of inflammation. 1996, 46 (2): 86-97
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  • S Riva, M L Nolli, M B Lutz, S Citterio, G Girolomoni, C Winzler, P Ricciardi-Castagnoli. Bacteria and bacterial cell wall constituents induce the production of regulatory cytokines in dendritic cell clones. Journal of inflammation. 1996, 46 (2): 98-105
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  • F Bazzoni, B Beutler. How do tumor necrosis factor receptors work? Journal of inflammation. 1995, 45 (4): 221-38
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  • R Trüeb, G Brown, C Van Huffel, A Poltorak, M Valdez-Silva, B Beutler. Expression of an adenovirally encoded lymphotoxin-beta inhibitor prevents clearance of Listeria monocytogenes in mice. Journal of inflammation. 1995, 45 (4): 239-47
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