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Earth System Science Data

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  • Charles R Lane, Ellen D'Amico, Jay R Christensen, Heather E Golden, Qiusheng Wu, Adnan Rajib. Mapping global non-floodplain wetlands. Earth system science data. 2023, 15 (7): 2927-2955
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  • Jeremy Baynes, Anne Neale, Torrin Hultgren. Improving intelligent dasymetric mapping population density estimates at 30 m resolution for the conterminous United States by excluding uninhabited areas. Earth system science data. 2022, 14 (6): 2833-2849
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  • Johannes H Uhl, Stefan Leyk, Caitlin M McShane, Anna E Braswell, Dylan S Connor, Deborah Balk. Fine-grained, spatiotemporal datasets measuring 200 years of land development in the United States. Earth system science data. 2021, 13 (1): 119-153
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  • Kimberly A Casey, Cecile S Rousseaux, Watson W Gregg, Emmanuel Boss, Alison P Chase, Susanne E Craig, Colleen B Mouw, Rick A Reynolds, Dariusz Stramski, Steven G Ackleson, Annick Bricaud, Blake Schaeffer, Marlon R Lewis, Stéphane Maritorena. A global compilation of in situ aquatic high spectral resolution inherent and apparent optical property data for remote sensing applications. Earth system science data. 2020, 12 (2): 1123-1139
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  • Anna Karion, William Callahan, Michael Stock, Steve Prinzivalli, Kristal R Verhulst, Jooil Kim, Peter K Salameh, Israel Lopez-Coto, James Whetstone. Greenhouse gas observations from the Northeast Corridor tower network. Earth system science data. 2020, 12 (1):
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  • Marc Schröder, Maarit Lockhoff, Frank Fell, John Forsythe, Tim Trent, Ralf Bennartz, Eva Borbas, Michael G Bosilovich, Elisa Castelli, Hans Hersbach, Misako Kachi, Shinya Kobayashi, E Robert Kursinski, Diego Loyola, Carl Mears, Rene Preusker, William B Rossow, Suranjana Saha. The GEWEX Water Vapor Assessment archive of water vapour products from satellite observations and reanalyses. Earth system science data. 2018, 10 (2): 1093-1117
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  • Tomohiro Oda, Shamil Maksyutov, Robert J Andres. The Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic Carbon dioxide (CO), version 2016 (ODIAC2016): A global, monthly fossil-fuel CO gridded emission data product for tracer transport simulations and surface flux inversions. Earth system science data. 2018, 10 (1): 87-107
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  • Sean M Davis, Karen H Rosenlof, Birgit Hassler, Dale F Hurst, William G Read, Holger Vömel, Henry Selkirk, Masatomo Fujiwara, Robert Damadeo. The Stratospheric Water and Ozone Satellite Homogenized (SWOOSH) database: a long-term database for climate studies. Earth system science data. 2016, 8 (2): 461-490
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