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  • Amy Vercell, Sally Taylor, Janelle Yorke, Dawn Dowding. Assessing the Acceptability of Home Blood Monitoring for Patients With Cancer Who Are Receiving Systemic Anticancer Therapy From a Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician Perspective: Focus Group and Interview Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e39815
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  • Hsiao-Hui Ju, Rashmi Momin, Stanley Cron, Jed Jularbal, Jeffery Alford, Constance Johnson. A Nurse-Led Telehealth Program for Diabetes Foot Care: Feasibility and Usability Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e40000
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  • Haoqiang Jiang, Arturo Castellanos, Alfred Castillo, Paulo J Gomes, Juanjuan Li, Debra VanderMeer. Nurses' Work Concerns and Disenchantment During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Machine Learning Analysis of Web-Based Discussions. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e40676
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  • Sjors W M Groeneveld, Marjolein E M den Ouden, J E W C van Gemert-Pijnen, Rudolph M Verdaasdonk, Harmieke van Os-Medendorp. Underestimated Factors Regarding the Use of Technology in Daily Practice of Long-Term Care: Qualitative Study Among Health Care Professionals. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e41032
    Cited : 3
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  • Christopher Picard, Manal Kleib, Colleen Norris, Hannah M O'Rourke, Carmel Montgomery, Matthew Douma. The Use and Structure of Emergency Nurses' Triage Narrative Data: Scoping Review. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e41331
    Cited : 4
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  • Maxim Topaz, Jiyoun Song, Anahita Davoudi, Margaret McDonald, Jacquelyn Taylor, Scott Sittig, Kathryn Bowles. Home Health Care Clinicians' Use of Judgment Language for Black and Hispanic Patients: Natural Language Processing Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e42552
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  • Jobbe P L Leenen, Henriëtte J M Rasing, Cor J Kalkman, Lisette Schoonhoven, Gijsbert A Patijn. Process Evaluation of a Wireless Wearable Continuous Vital Signs Monitoring Intervention in 2 General Hospital Wards: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e44061
    Cited : 5
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  • Rosa Maria Baños, Laura-Maria Peltonen, Blaine Martin, Ekaterina Koledova. An Augmented Reality Mobile App (Easypod AR) as a Complementary Tool in the Nurse-Led Integrated Support of Patients Receiving Recombinant Human Growth Hormone: Usability and Validation Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e44355
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  • Charlene Esteban Ronquillo, V Susan Dahinten, Vicky Bungay, Leanne M Currie. Differing Effects of Implementation Leadership Characteristics on Nurses' Use of mHealth Technologies in Clinical Practice: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e44435
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  • Alice Auton, Sameer Zaman, Yorissa Padayachee, Jack W Samways, Nicholas M Quaife, Mark Sweeney, Indira Tenorio, Nick W F Linton, Graham D Cole, Nicholas S Peters, Jamil Mayet, Carys Barton, Carla Plymen. Smartphone-Based Remote Monitoring for Chronic Heart Failure: Mixed Methods Analysis of User Experience From Patient and Nurse Perspectives. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e44630
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  • Aimee R Castro, Lydia Ould Brahim, Qirong Chen, Antonia Arnaert, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Karyn Moffatt, John Kildea, Vasiliki Bitzas, Carolyn Pang, Audrey-Jane Hall, Ariana Pagnotta, Argerie Tsimicalis. Information and Communication Technologies to Support the Provision of Respite Care Services: Scoping Review. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e44750
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  • Alya Al-Rumhi, Samira Al-Rasbi, Aaliyah M Momani. The Use of Social Media by Clinical Nurse Specialists at a Tertiary Hospital: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e45150
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  • Susanne Andersson, Isabella Scandurra, Ulrika Nyström, Marika Varemo, Ulla Hellstrand Tang. Experiences of a Novel Structured Foot Examination Form for Patients With Diabetes From the Perspective of Health Care Professionals: Qualitative Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e45501
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  • Caitlin J Bakker, Tami H Wyatt, Melissa Cs Breth, Grace Gao, Lisa M Janeway, Mikyoung A Lee, Christie L Martin, Victoria L Tiase. Nurses' Roles in mHealth App Development: Scoping Review. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e46058
    Cited : 4
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  • Alycia A Bristol, Michelle Litchman, Cynthia Berg, Ernest Grigorian, Denise Small, Ashley Glazener, Christopher Jones, Nancy A Allen. Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Data Sharing to Encourage Collaboration Among Older Adults With Type 1 Diabetes and Their Care Partners: Qualitative Descriptive Study. JMIR nursing. 2023, 6: e46627
    Cited : 1
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