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Published By MDPI AG

  • Rondy J Malik, Mary Ann V Bruns, Terrence H Bell, David M Eissenstat. Phylogenetic Signal, Root Morphology, Mycorrhizal Type, and Macroinvertebrate Exclusion: Exploring Wood Decomposition in Soils Conditioned by 13 Temperate Tree Species. Forests. 2022, 13 (4):
    Cited : 2
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  • Fabrizio Michelangeli, Federico Di Rita, Alessandra Celant, Nadine Tisnérat-Laborde, Fabrizio Lirer, Donatella Magri. Three Millennia of Vegetation, Land-Use, and Climate Change in SE Sicily. Forests. 2022, 13 (1): 102
    Cited : 9
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  • Kaitlyn E Trepanier, Laura Manchola-Rojas, Bradley D Pinno. Effects of Buried Wood on the Development of on Various Oil Sands Reclamation Soils. Forests. 2022, 13 (1): 42
    Cited : 0
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  • Christopher M Wade, Kemen G Austin, James Cajka, Daniel Lapidus, Kibri H Everett, Diana Galperin, Rachel Maynard, Aaron Sobel. What is Threatening Forests in Protected Areas? A Global Assessment of Deforestation in Protected Areas, 2001-2018. Forests. 2020, 11 (5): 539
    Cited : 60
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  • Benjamin L Branoff, Sebastián Martinuzzi. The Structure and Composition of Puerto Rico's Urban Mangroves. Forests. 2020, 11 (10): 1119
    Cited : 8
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  • Robert F Keefe, Ann M Wempe, Ryer M Becker, Eloise G Zimbelman, Emily S Nagler, Sophie L Gilbert, Christopher C Caudill. Positioning Methods and the Use of Location and Activity Data in Forests. Forests. 2019, 10 (5):
    Cited : 30
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  • John S Iiames, Ellen Cooter, Donna Schwede, Jimmy Williams. A Comparison of Simulated and Field-Derived Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Canopy Height Values from Four Forest Complexes in the Southeastern USA. Forests. 2018, 9 (1): 26
    Cited : 6
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  • Viacheslav I Kharuk, Sergei T Im, Kenneth J Ranson, Mikhail N Yagunov. Climate-Induced Northerly Expansion of Siberian Silkmoth Range. Forests. 2017, 8 (8): 301
    Cited : 24
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  • Oh Seok Kim, Jeffrey B Nugent, Zhuang-Fang Yi, Joshua P Newell, Andrew J Curtis. A Mixed Application of Geographically Weighted Regression and Unsupervised Classification for Analyzing Latex Yield Variability in Yunnan, China. Forests. 2017, 8 (5):
    Cited : 2
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  • Ann M Wempe, Robert F Keefe. Characterizing Rigging Crew Proximity to Hazards on Cable Logging Operations Using GNSS-RF: Effect of GNSS Positioning Error on Worker Safety Status. Forests. 2017, 8 (10): 357
    Cited : 19
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