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Bone Reports

Published By Elsevier

  • Kaleen N Hayes, Suzanne M Cadarette, Andrea M Burden. Methodological guidance for the use of real-world data to measure exposure and utilization patterns of osteoporosis medications. Bone reports. 2024, 20: 101730
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  • Yasamin Hadaegh, Hasan Uludag, Douglas Dederich, Tarek H El-Bialy. Corrigendum to "The effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on mandibular condylar growth in young adult rats" [Bone Rep. 15 (2021) 101122 (December)]. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101652
    Cited : 0
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  • Adriana Marques-Carvalho, Ha-Neui Kim, Maria Almeida. The role of reactive oxygen species in bone cell physiology and pathophysiology. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101664
    Cited : 10
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  • Hicham Drissi, Hanna Taipaleenmäki, Christian Jorgensen. Redefining stem cells through their use in musculoskeletal tissue preservation, regeneration, and cancer metastases to bone. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101678
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  • James Webster, Jack Dalla Via, Christina Langley, Cassandra Smith, Craig Sale, Marc Sim. Nutritional strategies to optimise musculoskeletal health for fall and fracture prevention: Looking beyond calcium, vitamin D and protein. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101684
    Cited : 12
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  • Lena Steppe, Michael Megafu, Miriam E A Tschaffon-Müller, Anita Ignatius, Melanie Haffner-Luntzer. Fracture healing research: Recent insights. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101686
    Cited : 4
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  • Anabela Barcelos, David G Lopes, Helena Canhão, Jaime da Cunha Branco, Ana Maria Rodrigues. Corrigendum to "Multimorbidity is associated with fragility fractures in women 50 years and older: A nationwide cross-sectional study" [Bone Rep. 15 (2021) 101139 (December)]. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101691
    Cited : 0
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  • Maria Ochoa, Roman Jurencak, Kevin Smit, Sasha Carsen, Sarah L Sawyer, Marie-Eve Robinson, Karine Khatchadourian, Hooi Peng Cheng, Marika Pagé, Joel Werier, Leanne Marie Ward. Canakinumab in addition to phosphate-binding and phosphaturia-inducing therapy were effective in achieving remission in a child with a large familial calcinotic tumour. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101695
    Cited : 1
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  • Suchita Desai, Pernilla Lång, Tuomas Näreoja, Sara H Windahl, Göran Andersson. RANKL-dependent osteoclast differentiation and gene expression in bone marrow-derived cells from adult mice is sexually dimorphic. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101697
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  • Ning Chen, Robin W H Wu, Yan Lam, Wilson C W Chan, Danny Chan. Hypertrophic chondrocytes at the junction of musculoskeletal structures. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101698
    Cited : 3
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  • Mirjam E A Scheffer-Rath, Hermine E Veenstra-Knol, Annemieke M Boot. A novel mutation in in a family with a variable phenotype with brachydactyly, short stature, oligodontia and developmental delay. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101699
    Cited : 0
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  • Daniela A Rubin, Skylar C Holmes, Jacqueline Ramirez, Steven A Garcia, Eric J Shumski, Derek N Pamukoff. Bone mineral density and its relationship with ground reaction force characteristics during gait in young adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101700
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  • Bailey Trinkino, Nina S Ma. Treatment of a young child with multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis exhibiting joint inflammation and dysfunctional bone formation. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101701
    Cited : 2
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  • Tae Young Ahn, Jung Bum Han, Jung Yun Bae, Seung Hun Woo. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101702
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  • Louise Alstrup Drejer, Bilal Mohamad El-Masri, Charlotte Ejersted, Christina Møller Andreasen, Lisbeth Koch Thomsen, Jesper Skovhus Thomsen, Thomas Levin Andersen, Stinus Hansen. Trabecular bone deterioration in a postmenopausal female suffering multiple spontaneous vertebral fractures due to a delayed denosumab injection - A post-treatment re-initiation bone biopsy-based case study. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101703
    Cited : 3
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