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Bone Reports

Published By Elsevier

  • Bone Reports: 2023, vol: 19, issue:
  • 1)- Yasamin Hadaegh, Hasan Uludag, Douglas Dederich, Tarek H El-Bialy. Corrigendum to "The effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound on mandibular condylar growth in young adult rats" [Bone Rep. 15 (2021) 101122 (December)]. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101652
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  • 2)- Adriana Marques-Carvalho, Ha-Neui Kim, Maria Almeida. The role of reactive oxygen species in bone cell physiology and pathophysiology. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101664
    Cited : 10
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  • 3)- Hicham Drissi, Hanna Taipaleenmäki, Christian Jorgensen. Redefining stem cells through their use in musculoskeletal tissue preservation, regeneration, and cancer metastases to bone. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101678
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  • 4)- James Webster, Jack Dalla Via, Christina Langley, Cassandra Smith, Craig Sale, Marc Sim. Nutritional strategies to optimise musculoskeletal health for fall and fracture prevention: Looking beyond calcium, vitamin D and protein. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101684
    Cited : 12
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  • 5)- Lena Steppe, Michael Megafu, Miriam E A Tschaffon-Müller, Anita Ignatius, Melanie Haffner-Luntzer. Fracture healing research: Recent insights. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101686
    Cited : 4
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  • 6)- Anabela Barcelos, David G Lopes, Helena Canhão, Jaime da Cunha Branco, Ana Maria Rodrigues. Corrigendum to "Multimorbidity is associated with fragility fractures in women 50 years and older: A nationwide cross-sectional study" [Bone Rep. 15 (2021) 101139 (December)]. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101691
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  • 7)- Maria Ochoa, Roman Jurencak, Kevin Smit, Sasha Carsen, Sarah L Sawyer, Marie-Eve Robinson, Karine Khatchadourian, Hooi Peng Cheng, Marika Pagé, Joel Werier, Leanne Marie Ward. Canakinumab in addition to phosphate-binding and phosphaturia-inducing therapy were effective in achieving remission in a child with a large familial calcinotic tumour. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101695
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  • 8)- Suchita Desai, Pernilla Lång, Tuomas Näreoja, Sara H Windahl, Göran Andersson. RANKL-dependent osteoclast differentiation and gene expression in bone marrow-derived cells from adult mice is sexually dimorphic. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101697
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  • 9)- Ning Chen, Robin W H Wu, Yan Lam, Wilson C W Chan, Danny Chan. Hypertrophic chondrocytes at the junction of musculoskeletal structures. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101698
    Cited : 3
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  • 10)- Mirjam E A Scheffer-Rath, Hermine E Veenstra-Knol, Annemieke M Boot. A novel mutation in in a family with a variable phenotype with brachydactyly, short stature, oligodontia and developmental delay. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101699
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  • 11)- Daniela A Rubin, Skylar C Holmes, Jacqueline Ramirez, Steven A Garcia, Eric J Shumski, Derek N Pamukoff. Bone mineral density and its relationship with ground reaction force characteristics during gait in young adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101700
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  • 12)- Bailey Trinkino, Nina S Ma. Treatment of a young child with multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis exhibiting joint inflammation and dysfunctional bone formation. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101701
    Cited : 2
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  • 13)- Tae Young Ahn, Jung Bum Han, Jung Yun Bae, Seung Hun Woo. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome in a patient with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101702
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  • 14)- Louise Alstrup Drejer, Bilal Mohamad El-Masri, Charlotte Ejersted, Christina Møller Andreasen, Lisbeth Koch Thomsen, Jesper Skovhus Thomsen, Thomas Levin Andersen, Stinus Hansen. Trabecular bone deterioration in a postmenopausal female suffering multiple spontaneous vertebral fractures due to a delayed denosumab injection - A post-treatment re-initiation bone biopsy-based case study. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101703
    Cited : 3
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  • 15)- Parisa Dashti, Eric A Lewallen, Jonathan A R Gordon, Martin A Montecino, Johannes P T M van Leeuwen, Gary S Stein, Bram C J van der Eerden, James R Davie, Andre J van Wijnen. Protein arginine methyltransferases PRMT1, PRMT4/CARM1 and PRMT5 have distinct functions in control of osteoblast differentiation. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101704
    Cited : 3
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  • 16)- Victoria E DeMambro, Li Tian, Vivin Karthik, Clifford J Rosen, Anyonya R Guntur. Effects of PTH on osteoblast bioenergetics in response to glucose. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101705
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  • 17)- Carmen P Wong, Urszula T Iwaniec, Russell T Turner. Brown adipose tissue but not tibia exhibits a dramatic response to acute reduction in environmental temperature in growing male mice. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101706
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  • 18)- Julio Soto Barros, Demetrios Braddock, Thomas O Carpenter. Hypophosphatemic rickets: An unexplained early feature of craniometaphyseal dysplasia. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101707
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  • 19)- Patricia Guardia-Jimena, María Dolores Martínez-Valle Torres, Raquel Arenas Aguaza, Amanda Rocío González Ramírez, Diego Becerra-García, Damián Guirado. Semi-quantitative analysis with Tc-Besilesomab in musculoskeletal system infections. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101708
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  • 20)- Mariam Abdelkarim, Dalal Alageel, Faridul Ahsan, Raghad Alhuthil, Haifa Alsarhani, Afaf Alsagheir. Hajdu-Cheney syndrome with a novel variant in NOTCH2 gene: A case report. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101709
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  • 21)- Lady Katerine Serrano Mujica, Carolina Dos Santos Amaral, Fernanda Soldatelli Valente, Ligia Gomes Miyazato, Soraia Macari, Tarcília Aparecida da Silva, Breno Rocha Barrioni, Bruna Leonel Carlos, Guilherme Jafroni Alves Silva, Antônio Carlos Shimano, Alfredo Quites Antoniazzi, Melissa Orlandin Premaor, Fabio Vasconcellos Comim. Bone strength is reduced in a neonatal androgenized rat model. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101710
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  • 22)- Ang Chen, Shangyong Feng, Lijuan Lai, Caifeng Yan. A meta-analysis of the value of MRI-based VBQ scores for evaluating osteoporosis. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101711
    Cited : 4
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  • 23)- Lin Cheng, Zhimin Zhou, Qingqing Li, Wen Li, Xin Li, Gen Li, Jin Fan, Lipeng Yu, Guoyong Yin. Dendronized chitosan hydrogel with GIT1 to accelerate bone defect repair through increasing local neovascular amount. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101712
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  • 24)- Sammy Badr, Anne Cotten, Romuald Mentaverri, Daniela Lombardo, Julien Labreuche, Claire Martin, Lucie Hénaut, Bernard Cortet, Julien Paccou. Relationship between bone marrow adipose tissue and kidney function in postmenopausal women. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101713
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  • 25)- Ross Remesz, Tsolmonbaatar Khurelbaatar, Karyne N Rabey, Michael R Doschak, Dan L Romanyk. Three-dimensional morphometric analysis of cranial sutures - A novel approach to quantitative analysis. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101714
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  • 26)- Juan M Colazo, Julia Quirion, Anthony D Judice, Jennifer Halpern, Herbert S Schwartz, S Bobo Tanner, Joshua M Lawrenz, Kathryn M Dahir, Ginger E Holt. Utility of iliac crest tetracycline-labelled bone biopsy in osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease: An evaluation of 95 cases over a period of 25 years. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101715
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  • 27)- Ernestina Schipani, Geert Carmeliet. Cell metabolism and bone cells. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101719
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  • 28)- Marie Hoshi-Numahata, Aya Takakura, Atsuko Nakanishi-Kimura, Haruhisa Watanabe, Kentaro Takada, Mai Nishiura, Yoshiaki Sato, Ryoko Takao-Kawabata, Tadahiro Iimura. Evaluation of cortical bone remodeling in canines treated with daily and weekly administrations of teriparatide by establishing AI-driven morphometric analyses and GIS-based spatial mapping. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101720
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  • 29)- Walid Bouaicha, Mohamed Jlidi, Salwa Nechi, Mouldi Lammouchi, Siwar Sbaihi, Selim Daas. An unusually aggressive multiple non-ossifying fibroma of the distal tibia and fibula: A case report. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101721
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  • 30)- Shiva Rahimipour Anaraki, Ali Mohammadian, Samaneh Saghafian Larijani, Maryam Niksolat, Vahid Rashedi, Milad Gholizadeh Mesgarha. Frailty syndrome in women with osteoporosis, should physicians consider screening? A cross-sectional study. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101722
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  • 31)- Jean Cassuto, Agnetha Folestad, Jan Göthlin, Henrik Malchau, Johan Kärrholm. The importance of BMPs and TGF-βs for endochondral bone repair - A longitudinal study in hip arthroplasty patients. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101723
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  • 32)- Mark Siderius, Suzanne Arends, Anneke Muller Kobold, Lucie Wagenmakers, Karin Koerts, Anneke Spoorenberg, Eveline van der Veer. Serum levels of bone turnover markers including calculation of -scores: Data from a Dutch healthy reference cohort. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101724
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  • 33)- Yazan Kadkoy, Sangeeta Abraham, Peter Michael, Tasmima Tazin, Charlene Wetterstrand, J Patrick O'Connor. Novel approaches to correlate computerized tomography imaging of bone fracture callus to callus structural mechanics. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101726
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  • 34)- Kara B Anderson, Pamela Rufus-Membere, Jacob W Harland, Julie A Pasco, Adolfo Diez-Perez, Mark A Kotowicz, Kara L Holloway-Kew. For older individuals there is greater variance in low mean Bone Material Strength Index values obtained with the OsteoProbe. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101727
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  • 35)- Enrica Marchionni, Maria Rosaria D'Apice, Viviana Lupo, Giovanna Lattanzi, Elisabetta Mattioli, Gina Lisignoli, Elena Gabusi, Gerardo Pepe, Manuela Helmer Citterich, Elena Campione, Anna Maria Nardone, Paola Spitalieri, Noemi Pucci, Dario Cocciadiferro, Eliseo Picchi, Francesco Garaci, Antonio Novelli, Giuseppe Novelli. Clinical and functional characterization of p.Gly444Ser variant: From a fetal phenotype to a previously undisclosed postnatal phenotype. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101728
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  • 36)- Sanjay Singh, Satwinder Jit Singh, Jitendra Prasad. Derivation, validation, and prediction of loading-induced mineral apposition rates at endocortical and periosteal bone surfaces based on fluid velocity and pore pressure. Bone reports. 2023, 19: 101729
    Cited : 1
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