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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of Causal Inference
  • Xin Gao, Li Li, Li Luo. Decomposition of the total effect for two mediators: A natural mediated interaction effect framework. Journal of causal inference. 2022, 10 (1): 18-44
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  • Dasom Lee, Shu Yang, Xiaofei Wang. Doubly robust estimators for generalizing treatment effects on survival outcomes from randomized controlled trials to a target population. Journal of causal inference. 2022, 10 (1): 415-440
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  • Peter B Gilbert, Bryan S Blette, Bryan E Shepherd, Michael G Hudgens. Post-randomization Biomarker Effect Modification Analysis in an HIV Vaccine Clinical Trial. Journal of causal inference. 2020, 8 (1): 54-69
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  • Chad Hazlett. Estimating Causal Effects of New Treatments Despite Self-Selection: The Case of Experimental Medical Treatments. Journal of causal inference. 2019, 7 (1):
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  • Yeying Zhu, Jennifer S Savage, Debashis Ghosh. A Kernel-Based Metric for Balance Assessment. Journal of causal inference. 2018, 6 (2):
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  • Wenjing Zheng, Mark van der Laan. Longitudinal Mediation Analysis with Time-varying Mediators and Exposures, with Application to Survival Outcomes. Journal of causal inference. 2017, 5 (2):
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  • B A Griffin, D McCaffrey, D Almirall, C Setodji, L Burgette. Chasing balance and other recommendations for improving nonparametric propensity score models. Journal of causal inference. 2017, 5 (2):
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  • Romain Neugebauer, Julie A Schmittdiel, Alyce S Adams, Richard W Grant, Mark J van der Laan. Identification of the joint effect of a dynamic treatment intervention and a stochastic monitoring intervention under the no direct effect assumption. Journal of causal inference. 2017, 5 (1):
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  • Oleg Sofrygin, Mark J van der Laan. Semi-Parametric Estimation and Inference for the Mean Outcome of the Single Time-Point Intervention in a Causally Connected Population. Journal of causal inference. 2017, 5 (1):
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  • Samuel David Lendle, Bruce Fireman, Mark J van der Laan. Balancing Score Adjusted Targeted Minimum Loss-based Estimation. Journal of causal inference. 2015, 3 (2): 139-155
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  • Peter B Gilbert, Erin E Gabriel, Ying Huang, Ivan S F Chan. Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation: Principal Stratification Criteria and the Prentice Definition. Journal of causal inference. 2015, 3 (2): 157-175
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  • Greg Ridgeway, Stephanie Ann Kovalchik, Beth Ann Griffin, Mohammed U Kabeto. Propensity Score Analysis with Survey Weighted Data. Journal of causal inference. 2015, 3 (2): 237-249
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