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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Research Involvement and Engagement
  • Lucy Abell, Francesca Maher, Samina Begum, Sarah Booth, Jonathan Broomfield, Sangyu Lee, Ellesha Smith, Rachael Stannard, Lucy Teece, Elpida Vounzoulaki, Hannah Worboys, Laura J Gray. Incorporation of patient and public involvement in statistical methodology research: a survey assessing current practices and attitudes of researchers. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 100
    Cited : 3
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  • Carmel McGrath, Mari-Rose Kennedy, Andy Gibson, Samira Musse, Zahra Kosar, Shoba Dawson. World Cafés as a participatory approach to understanding research agendas in primary care with underserved communities: reflections, challenges and lessons learned. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 101
    Cited : 2
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  • Hannah M Worboys, Jonathan Broomfield, Aiden Smith, Rachael Stannard, Freya Tyrer, Elpida Vounzoulaki, Barbara Czyznikowska, Gurpreet Grewal-Santini, Justin Greenwood, Laura J Gray. Incorporation of patient and public involvement in statistical methodology research: development of an animation. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 102
    Cited : 2
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  • Laura Istanboulian, Louise Rose, Yana Yunusova, Craig Dale. Adapting co-design methodology to a virtual environment: co-designing a communication intervention for adult patients in critical care. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 103
    Cited : 2
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  • Ediane Santana de Lima, Cristina Preece, Katie Potter, Ellen Goddard, Julian Edbrooke-Childs, Tim Hobbs, Peter Fonagy. A community-based approach to identifying and prioritising young people's mental health needs in their local communities. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 104
    Cited : 2
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  • Maria Pierce, Louise Foley, Bridget Kiely, Aisling Croke, James Larkin, Susan M Smith, Barbara Clyne, Edel Murphy. Embedding formal and experiential public and patient involvement training in a structured PhD programme: process and impact evaluation. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 105
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  • Anna Maria Chudyk, Roger Stoddard, Nicola McCleary, Todd A Duhamel, Carolyn Shimmin, Serena Hickes, Annette S H Schultz, . Exploring patient and caregiver perceptions of the meaning of the patient partner role: a qualitative study. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 106
    Cited : 2
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  • Atsushi Kogetsu, Moeko Isono, Tatsuki Aikyo, Junichi Furuta, Dai Goto, Nao Hamakawa, Michihiro Hide, Risa Hori, Noriko Ikeda, Keiko Inoi, Naomi Kawagoe, Tomoya Kubota, Shirou Manabe, Yasushi Matsumura, Koji Matsuyama, Tomoko Nakai, Ikuko Nakao, Yuki Saito, Midori Senoo, Masanori P Takahashi, Toshihiro Takeda, Megumi Takei, Katsuto Tamai, Akio Tanaka, Yasuhiro Torashima, Yuya Tsuchida, Chisato Yamasaki, Beverley Anne Yamamoto, Kazuto Kato. Enhancing evidence-informed policymaking in medicine and healthcare: stakeholder involvement in the Commons Project for rare diseases in Japan. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 107
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  • Sibylle Reidemeister, Begonya Nafria Escalera, Daniel Marín, Jan Balayla, Ingrid Klingmann, Viviane Klingmann. Young patients' involvement in a composite endpoint method development on acceptability for paediatric oral dosage forms. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 108
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  • Alice Moult, Dereth Baker, Ali Aries, Paul Bailey, Steven Blackburn, Tom Kingstone, Saumu Lwembe, Zoe Paskins. Using the UK standards for public involvement to evaluate the public involvement sections of annual reports from NIHR managed research centres. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 109
    Cited : 2
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  • Susie Aldiss, Penelope Hart-Spencer, Loveday Langton, Sonia Malik, Keeley McEvoy, Jessica E Morgan, Rosa Reed-Berendt, Rachel Hollis, Bob Phillips, Faith Gibson, . What matters to you? Engaging with children in the James Lind Alliance Children's Cancer Priority Setting Partnership. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 110
    Cited : 2
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  • Alice Malpass, Astrid Breel, Jo Stubbs, Tassos Stevens, Persis-Jadé Maravala, Ellie Shipman, Zoe Banks Gross, Michelle Farr. Create to Collaborate: using creative activity and participatory performance in online workshops to build collaborative research relationships. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 111
    Cited : 2
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  • Fenia Ferra, Eva Drewelow, Olga Klein, Marcel Daum, Peggy Walde, Kai Gerullis, Ingo Kilimann, Jack Tomlin, Stefan Teipel, Birgit Völlm. Implementation and evaluation of participatory advisory boards in mental health research: a research protocol of the 'PART-Beirat' project. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 112
    Cited : 0
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  • Vasiliki Papageorgiou, Lindsay H Dewa, Jane Bruton, Keitumetse-Kabelo Murray, Nick Hewlett, Wezi Thamm, Husseina Hamza, Pino Frumiento, Robyn Steward, Melissa Bradshaw, Ellie Brooks-Hall, Silvia Petretti, Sarah Ewans, Mark Williams, Dorota Chapko. 'Building bridges': reflections and recommendations for co-producing health research. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 113
    Cited : 2
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  • Rebecca Raeside, Allyson Todd, Sara Wardak, Lauren Gardner, Katrina E Champion, Melissa Kang, Seema Mihrshahi, Katharine Steinbeck, Julie Redfern, Stephanie R Partridge, , . Striking the right balance: co-designing the Health4Me healthy lifestyle digital health intervention with adolescents. Research involvement and engagement. 2023, 9 (1): 114
    Cited : 4
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