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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN BMC Ecology and Evolution
  • Jessica Knapp, Andrea Sciarretta. Agroecology: protecting, restoring, and promoting biodiversity. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 29
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  • Joseph N Keating, Russell J Garwood, Robert S Sansom. Phylogenetic congruence, conflict and consilience between molecular and morphological data. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 30
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  • Jonathan L Whitney, Richard R Coleman, Mark H Deakos. Genomic evidence indicates small island-resident populations and sex-biased behaviors of Hawaiian reef Manta Rays. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 31
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  • Jennifer Harman, Christy A Hipsley, Luke M Jacobus, David A Liberles, Josef Settele, Arne Traulsen. 2023 BMC Ecology and Evolution image competition: the winning images. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 32
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  • Chase Doran Brownstein. A late-surviving phytosaur from the northern Atlantic rift reveals climate constraints on Triassic reptile biogeography. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 33
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  • Elijah Mbandi Mkala, Matthias Jost, Xiang Dong, Geoffrey Mwachala, Paul Mutuku Musili, Stefan Wanke, Guang-Wan Hu, Qing-Feng Wang. Phylogenetic and comparative analyses of Hydnora abyssinica plastomes provide evidence for hidden diversity within Hydnoraceae. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 34
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  • Renske M A Vroomans, Enrico Sandro Colizzi. Evolution of selfish multicellularity: collective organisation of individual spatio-temporal regulatory strategies. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 35
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  • Zi-Chen Fang, Jiang-Li Li, Chun-Bo Yan, Ya-Rui Zou, Li Tian, Bi Zhao, Michael J Benton, Long Cheng, Xu-Long Lai. First filter feeding in the Early Triassic: cranial morphological convergence between Hupehsuchus and baleen whales. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 36
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  • Sina Metzler, Jessica Kirchner, Anna V Grasse, Sylvia Cremer. Trade-offs between immunity and competitive ability in fighting ant males. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 37
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  • Wakana Harigai, Aya Saito, Chika Zemmoto, Shigenori Karasawa, Touta Yokoi, Atsushi J Nagano, Hitoshi Suzuki, Masanobu Yamamoto. History of the terrestrial isopod genus Ligidium in Japan based on phylogeographic analysis. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 38
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  • Jorian D Hapeman, Caroline S Carneiro, Aurora M Nedelcu. A model for the dissemination of circulating tumour cell clusters involving platelet recruitment and a plastic switch between cooperative and individual behaviours. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 39
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  • James Ssuuna, Rhodes H Makundi, Simon J Chidodo, Moses Isabirye, Nsajigwa E Mbije, Loth S Mulungu. Spatio-temporal home range of the dominant rodent species in Mabira central forest reserve, Uganda. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 40
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  • Anna Fiesinger, Christoph Held, Frank Melzner, Lalita Putchim, Thorsten B H Reusch, Andrea L Schmidt, Marlene Wall. Population genetic differentiation of the ubiquitous brooding coral Pocillopora acuta along Phuket Island reefs in the Andaman Sea, Thailand. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 42
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  • Yitayih Dagne, Liyew Birhanu. Floristic composition and plant community distribution along environmental gradients in Guard dry Afromontane forest of Northwestern Ethiopia. BMC ecology and evolution. 2023, 23 (1): 43
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