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  • M Emília Santos, João F Lopes, Claudius F Kratochwil. East African cichlid fishes. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 1
    Cited : 24
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  • Abdull Jesus Massri, Brennan McDonald, Gregory A Wray, David R McClay. Feedback circuits are numerous in embryonic gene regulatory networks and offer a stabilizing influence on evolution of those networks. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 10
    Cited : 4
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  • Kun-Lung Li, Keisuke Nakashima, Kanako Hisata, Noriyuki Satoh. Expression and possible functions of a horizontally transferred glycosyl hydrolase gene, GH6-1, in Ciona embryogenesis. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 11
    Cited : 4
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  • Kohei Oguchi, Toru Miura. Upregulation of Hox genes leading to caste-specific morphogenesis in a termite. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 12
    Cited : 2
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  • James M Gahan, Paulyn Cartwright, Matthew L Nicotra, Christine E Schnitzler, Patrick R H Steinmetz, Celina E Juliano. Cnidofest 2022: hot topics in cnidarian research. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 13
    Cited : 0
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  • Kyle J McCulloch, Leslie S Babonis, Alicia Liu, Christina M Daly, Mark Q Martindale, Kristen M Koenig. Nematostella vectensis exemplifies the exceptional expansion and diversity of opsins in the eyeless Hexacorallia. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 14
    Cited : 9
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  • Macie M Chess, William Douglas, Josiah Saunders, Charles A Ettensohn. Genome-wide identification and spatiotemporal expression analysis of cadherin superfamily members in echinoderms. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 15
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  • Giovanni Piccinini, Liliana Milani. Germline-related molecular phenotype in Metazoa: conservation and innovation highlighted by comparative transcriptomics. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 2
    Cited : 1
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  • Erik Díaz-Valenzuela, Daniel Hernández-Ríos, Angélica Cibrián-Jaramillo. The role of non-additive gene action on gene expression variation in plant domestication. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 3
    Cited : 3
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  • Yui Uchida, Hiroyuki Takeda, Chikara Furusawa, Naoki Irie. Stability in gene expression and body-plan development leads to evolutionary conservation. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 4
    Cited : 2
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  • Yuxiu Xia, Pin Huan, Baozhong Liu. Shell field morphogenesis in the polyplacophoran mollusk Acanthochitona rubrolineata. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 5
    Cited : 1
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  • Noura Jabr, Paul Gonzalez, Kevin M Kocot, Christopher B Cameron. The embryology, metamorphosis, and muscle development of Schizocardium karankawa sp. nov. (Enteropneusta) from the Gulf of Mexico. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 6
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  • Shumpei Yamakawa, Atsuko Yamazaki, Yoshiaki Morino, Hiroshi Wada. Early expression onset of tissue-specific effector genes during the specification process in sea urchin embryos. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 7
    Cited : 2
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  • Zachary D Root, David Jandzik, Claire Gould, Cara Allen, Margaux Brewer, Daniel M Medeiros. Cartilage diversification and modularity drove the evolution of the ancestral vertebrate head skeleton. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 8
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  • Haeli J Lomheim, Lizet Reyes Rodas, Lubna Mulla, Layla Freeborn, Dennis A Sun, Sheri A Sanders, Meredith E Protas. Transcriptomic analysis of cave, surface, and hybrid samples of the isopod Asellus aquaticus and identification of chromosomal location of candidate genes for cave phenotype evolution. EvoDevo. 2023, 14 (1): 9
    Cited : 2
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