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Published By Elsevier

  • Manuela Carnaghi, Federico Mandelli, Lionel Feugère, Jillian Joiner, Stephen Young, Steven R Belmain, Richard J Hopkins, Frances M Hawkes. Visual and thermal stimuli modulate mosquito-host contact with implications for improving malaria vector control tools. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108578
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  • Julio Rodriguez-Andres, Jason Axford, Ary Hoffmann, John Fazakerley. Mosquito transgenerational antiviral immunity is mediated by vertical transfer of virus DNA sequences and RNAi. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108598
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  • Masato Hirano, Shinichi Furuya. Active perceptual learning involves motor exploration and adaptation of predictive sensory integration. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108604
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  • Jiaxin Zhang, Zuojia Liu, Xunzhe Yin, Erkang Wang, Jin Wang. NSC48160 targets AMPKα to ameliorate nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by inhibiting lipogenesis and mitochondrial oxidative stress. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108614
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  • Kristina Gasch, Alba Hykollari, Manuela Habe, Patricia Haubensak, Johanna Painer-Gigler, Steve Smith, Gabrielle Stalder, Walter Arnold. Summer fades, deer change: Photoperiodic control of cellular seasonal acclimatization of skeletal muscle. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108619
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  • Zhe Cheng, Huichao Huang, Maoyu Li, Yongheng Chen. Proteomic analysis identifies PFKP lactylation in SW480 colon cancer cells. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108645
    Cited : 3
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  • Lin Wu, Zhi Zhang, Xiao Liang, Yao Wang, Yuan Cao, Meng Li, Fuqing Zhou. Glymphatic system dysfunction in recovered patients with mild COVID-19: A DTI-ALPS study. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108647
    Cited : 2
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  • Xin Zhou, Bowen Xiao, Manman Jiang, Jun Rui. Pan-cancer analysis identifies EMC6 as a potential target for lung adenocarcinoma. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108648
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  • Gabriel Vogel, Lars Hall, James Moore, Petter Johansson. The right face at the wrong place: How motor intentions can override outcome monitoring. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108649
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  • Vincent Zvenigorosky, Angéla Gonzalez, Gilles Veith, Tricia Close-Koenig, Catherine Cannet, Jean-Luc Fausser, Alexandre Wenger, Laurence Toutous-Trellu, Christine Keyser, Christian Bonah. Evaluation of whole-genome enrichment and sequencing of from FFPE samples after 75 years. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108651
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  • Célia M Gouveia, Mafalda Silva, Ana Russo. The severity of dry and hot climate extremes and their related impacts on vegetation in Madagascar. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108658
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  • Yuhua Sun, Yan Yan, Song Tian, Gang Liu, Fei Wu, Ping Wang, Mingyuan Gao. Wireless sensing in high-speed railway turnouts with battery-free materials and devices. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108663
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  • Julia Peña-Asensio, Henar Calvo-Sánchez, Joaquín Miquel, Eduardo Sanz-de-Villalobos, Alejandro González-Praetorius, Miguel Torralba, Juan-Ramón Larrubia. IL-15 boosts activated HBV core-specific CD8 progenitor cells via metabolic rebalancing in persistent HBV infection. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108666
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  • Xiaoxi Li, Chenxiao Zhang, Minyao Deng, Yong Jiang, Zhengjin He, Hui Qian. EFNB1 levels determine distinct drug response patterns guiding precision therapy for B-cell neoplasms. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108667
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  • James Hennegan, Aled H Bryant, Lauren Griffiths, Matthieu Trigano, Oliver J M Bartley, Joanna J Bartlett, Carys Minahan, Willy Antoni Abreu de Oliveira, Eylan Yutuc, Sotirios Ntikas, Christos S Bartsocas, Margarita Markouri, Eleni Antoniadou, Ioanna Laina, Owain W Howell, Meng Li, Yuqin Wang, William J Griffiths, Emma L Lane, Mariah J Lelos, Spyridon Theofilopoulos. Inhibition of 7α,26-dihydroxycholesterol biosynthesis promotes midbrain dopaminergic neuron development. iScience. 2024, 27 (1): 108670
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