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Neural Development

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Neural Development
  • Hyung-Song Nam, Mario R Capecchi. Lrig1 expression identifies quiescent stem cells in the ventricular-subventricular zone from postnatal development to adulthood and limits their persistent hyperproliferation. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 1
    Cited : 3
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  • Matthew B Pomaville, Kevin M Wright. Follicle-innervating Aδ-low threshold mechanoreceptive neurons form receptive fields through homotypic competition. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 2
    Cited : 1
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  • Hyung-Song Nam, Mario R Capecchi. Correction: Lrig1 expression prospectively identifies stem cells in the ventricular-subventricular zone that are neurogenic throughout adult life. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 3
    Cited : 0
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  • Hyung-Song Nam, Mario R Capecchi. Correction: Lrig1 expression identifies quiescent stem cells in the ventricular‑subventricular zone from postnatal development to adulthood and limits their persistent hyperproliferation. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 4
    Cited : 0
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  • Mary Jo Talley, Diana Nardini, Lisa A Ehrman, Q Richard Lu, Ronald R Waclaw. Distinct requirements for Tcf3 and Tcf12 during oligodendrocyte development in the mouse telencephalon. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 5
    Cited : 1
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  • Judith A Tello, Linan Jiang, Yitshak Zohar, Linda L Restifo. Drosophila CASK regulates brain size and neuronal morphogenesis, providing a genetic model of postnatal microcephaly suitable for drug discovery. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 6
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  • Oluwaseun Mustapha, Thomas Grochow, James Olopade, Simone A Fietz. Neocortex neurogenesis and maturation in the African greater cane rat. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 7
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  • Samantha J England, Amber K Rusnock, Amra Mujcic, Angelica Kowalchuk, Sarah de Jager, William C Hilinski, José L Juárez-Morales, Matthew E Smith, Ginny Grieb, Santanu Banerjee, Katharine E Lewis. Molecular analyses of zebrafish V0v spinal interneurons and identification of transcriptional regulators downstream of Evx1 and Evx2 in these cells. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 8
    Cited : 2
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  • Jordan A Munroe, Chris Q Doe. Imp is expressed in INPs and newborn neurons where it regulates neuropil targeting in the central complex. Neural development. 2023, 18 (1): 9
    Cited : 0
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  • Ryan P Cheng, Puneet Dang, Alemji A Taku, Yoon Ji Moon, Vi Pham, Xiaohe Sun, Ethan Zhao, Jonathan A Raper. Loss of Neuropilin2a/b or Sema3fa alters olfactory sensory axon dynamics and protoglomerular targeting. Neural development. 2022, 17 (1): 1
    Cited : 5
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  • Meike Lobb-Rabe, Katherine DeLong, Rio J Salazar, Ruiling Zhang, Yupu Wang, Robert A Carrillo. Dpr10 and Nocte are required for Drosophila motor axon pathfinding. Neural development. 2022, 17 (1): 10
    Cited : 9
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  • Marc Corrales, Benjamin T Cocanougher, Andrea B Kohn, Jason D Wittenbach, Xi S Long, Andrew Lemire, Albert Cardona, Robert H Singer, Leonid L Moroz, Marta Zlatic. Correction: A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of complete insect nervous systems across multiple life stages. Neural development. 2022, 17 (1): 11
    Cited : 3
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  • Christian Bollmann, Susanne Schöning, Katharina Kotschnew, Julia Grosse, Nicole Heitzig, Gabriele Fischer von Mollard. Primary neurons lacking the SNAREs vti1a and vti1b show altered neuronal development. Neural development. 2022, 17 (1): 12
    Cited : 1
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  • Ellen C Gingrich, Kendra Case, A Denise R Garcia. A subpopulation of astrocyte progenitors defined by Sonic hedgehog signaling. Neural development. 2022, 17 (1): 2
    Cited : 11
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  • Terry L Hafer, Sofiya Patra, Daiki Tagami, Minoree Kohwi. Enhancer of trithorax/polycomb, Corto, regulates timing of hunchback gene relocation and competence in Drosophila neuroblasts. Neural development. 2022, 17 (1): 3
    Cited : 2
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