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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN International Journal of Mental Health Systems
  • Michael John Norton. Peer support working: a question of ontology and epistemology? International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 1
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  • Amanpreet Kaur, Sudha Kallakuri, Ankita Mukherjee, Syed Shabab Wahid, Brandon A Kohrt, Graham Thornicroft, Pallab K Maulik. Mental health related stigma, service provision and utilization in Northern India: situational analysis. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 10
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  • Ritesh Chimoriya, Yaser Mohammad, Russell Thomson, Cheryl Webster, Rachel Dunne, Michaels Aibangbee, David Ip, Shameran Slewa-Younan. Mental illness stigma and associated factors among Arabic-speaking refugee and migrant populations in Australia. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 11
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  • Muhamad Taufik Hidayat, Candice Oster, Eimear Muir-Cochrane, Sharon Lawn. Indonesia free from pasung: a policy analysis. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 12
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  • Lisa Govasli Nilsen, Lise Eilin Stene. Preparing for the unexpected: a comparative study of policies addressing post-terror health reactions in Norway and France. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 13
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  • Sandra Jumbe, Joel Nyali, Chris Newby. Translation of the mental health literacy questionnaire for young adults into Chichewa for use in Malawi: preliminary validation and reliability results. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 14
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  • Suzanne J C Kroon, Manna A Alma, Meike Bak, Lian van der Krieke, Richard Bruggeman. Values and practice of collaboration in a mental health care system in the Netherlands: a qualitative study. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 15
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  • Parisa Ghanouni, Liam Seaker. What does receiving autism diagnosis in adulthood look like? Stakeholders' experiences and inputs. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 16
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  • Kristina Bakke Åkerblom, Torbjørn Mohn-Haugen, Rita Agdal, Ottar Ness. Managers as peer workers' allies: A qualitative study of managers' perceptions and actions to involve peer workers in Norwegian mental health and substance use services. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 17
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  • Aly Kassam, Michaela Beder, Saadia Sediqzadah, Matthew Levy, Madeleine Ritts, John Maher, Nicole Kirwan, Samuel Law. Impact of COVID-19 on the lives of people with severe mental illness-front-line community psychiatry workers observation from a provincial survey of assertive community treatment teams in Ontario, Canada. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 18
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  • Mariane Henriques Franca, Chrianna Bharat, Ercole Novello, Irving Hwang, Maria Elena Medina-Mora, Corina Benjet, Laura Helena Andrade, Daniel V Vigo, Maria Carmen Viana. Towards measuring effective coverage: critical bottlenecks in quality- and user-adjusted coverage for major depressive disorder in São Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 19
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  • Petra C Gronholm, Ioannis Bakolis, Anish V Cherian, Kelly Davies, Sara Evans-Lacko, Eshetu Girma, Dristy Gurung, Charlotte Hanlon, Fahmy Hanna, Claire Henderson, Brandon A Kohrt, Heidi Lempp, Jie Li, Santosh Loganathan, Pallab K Maulik, Ning Ma, Uta Ouali, Renee Romeo, Nicolas Rüsch, Maya Semrau, Tatiana Taylor Salisbury, Nicole Votruba, Syed Shabab Wahid, Wufang Zhang, Graham Thornicroft. Toward a multi-level strategy to reduce stigma in global mental health: overview protocol of the Indigo Partnership to develop and test interventions in low- and middle-income countries. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 2
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  • Jonathan Knights, Victoria Bangieva, Michela Passoni, Macayla L Donegan, Jacob Shen, Audrey Klein, Justin Baker, Holly DuBois. A framework for precision "dosing" of mental healthcare services: algorithm development and clinical pilot. International journal of mental health systems. 2023, 17 (1): 21
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