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  • Vinko Zadjelovic, Robyn J Wright, Chiara Borsetto, Jeannelle Quartey, Tyler N Cairns, Morgan G I Langille, Elizabeth M H Wellington, Joseph A Christie-Oleza. Microbial hitchhikers harbouring antimicrobial-resistance genes in the riverine plastisphere. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 225
    Cited : 14
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  • Peng Jia, Li-Feng Dong, Yan Tu, Qi-Yu Diao. Bacillus subtilis and Macleaya cordata extract regulate the rumen microbiota associated with enteric methane emission in dairy cows. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 229
    Cited : 4
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  • Haipeng Guo, Xuezhi Fu, Jikun He, Ruoyu Wang, Mengchen Yan, Jing Wang, Pengsheng Dong, Lei Huang, Demin Zhang. Gut bacterial consortium enriched in a biofloc system protects shrimp against Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 230
    Cited : 3
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  • Simon Labarthe, Sandra Plancade, Sebastien Raguideau, Florian Plaza Oñate, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Marion Leclerc, Beatrice Laroche. Four functional profiles for fibre and mucin metabolism in the human gut microbiome. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 231
    Cited : 2
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  • Mirja Thomsen, Axel Künstner, Inken Wohlers, Michael Olbrich, Tim Lenfers, Takafumi Osumi, Yotaro Shimazaki, Koji Nishifuji, Saleh M Ibrahim, Adrian Watson, Hauke Busch, Misa Hirose. A comprehensive analysis of gut and skin microbiota in canine atopic dermatitis in Shiba Inu dogs. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 232
    Cited : 7
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  • Rob van Dalen, Ahmed M A Elsherbini, Mareike Harms, Svenja Alber, Regine Stemmler, Andreas Peschel. Secretory IgA impacts the microbiota density in the human nose. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 233
    Cited : 3
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  • Xiangyu Fan, Mengzhi Ji, Dashuai Mu, Xianghe Zeng, Zhen Tian, Kaili Sun, Rongfeng Gao, Yang Liu, Xinyuan He, Linwei Wu, Qiang Li. Global diversity and biogeography of DNA viral communities in activated sludge systems. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 234
    Cited : 6
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  • Yiwen Yang, Xinwen Hu, Shuang Cai, Nan Hu, Yilin Yuan, Yinbao Wu, Yan Wang, Jiandui Mi, Xindi Liao. Pet cats may shape the antibiotic resistome of their owner's gut and living environment. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 235
    Cited : 6
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  • Yuchao Zhao, Shiqiang Yu, Huiying Zhao, Liuxue Li, Yuqin Li, Ming Liu, Linshu Jiang. Integrated multi-omics analysis reveals the positive leverage of citrus flavonoids on hindgut microbiota and host homeostasis by modulating sphingolipid metabolism in mid-lactation dairy cows consuming a high-starch diet. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 236
    Cited : 6
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  • Clement Coclet, Patrick O Sorensen, Ulas Karaoz, Shi Wang, Eoin L Brodie, Emiley A Eloe-Fadrosh, Simon Roux. Virus diversity and activity is driven by snowmelt and host dynamics in a high-altitude watershed soil ecosystem. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 237
    Cited : 11
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  • Yanjiao Li, Kang Mao, Yitian Zang, Guwei Lu, Qinghua Qiu, Kehui Ouyang, Xianghui Zhao, Xiaozhen Song, Lanjiao Xu, Huan Liang, Mingren Qu. Revealing the developmental characterization of rumen microbiome and its host in newly received cattle during receiving period contributes to formulating precise nutritional strategies. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 238
    Cited : 3
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  • Abhishek Srivastava, Daniele De Corte, Juan A L Garcia, Brandon K Swan, Ramunas Stepanauskas, Gerhard J Herndl, Eva Sintes. Interplay between autotrophic and heterotrophic prokaryotic metabolism in the bathypelagic realm revealed by metatranscriptomic analyses. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 239
    Cited : 0
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  • Yorick Minnebo, Karen Delbaere, Valerie Goethals, Jeroen Raes, Tom Van de Wiele, Kim De Paepe. Gut microbiota response to in vitro transit time variation is mediated by microbial growth rates, nutrient use efficiency and adaptation to in vivo transit time. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 240
    Cited : 8
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  • Ying Su, Ming-Ying Xu, Ying Cui, Run-Zhi Chen, Li-Xiang Xie, Jing-Xiang Zhang, Yong-Qiu Chen, Tao Ding. Bacterial quorum sensing orchestrates longitudinal interactions to shape microbiota assembly. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 241
    Cited : 3
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  • Yao Fu, Songyang Yao, Tiankun Wang, Yongqiang Lu, Huigang Han, Xuening Liu, Dongying Lv, Xiao Ma, Shengyu Guan, Yujun Yao, Yunjie Liu, Haiying Yu, Shengli Li, Ning Yang, Guoshi Liu. Correction: Effects of melatonin on rumen microorganisms and methane production in dairy cow: results from in vitro and in vivo studies. Microbiome. 2023, 11 (1): 242
    Cited : 0
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