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Published By International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims

  • Nouf Bazaz, Seini O Connor, Andrea Barron, Léonce Byimana, Jennifer Isley. Torture survivors who engage in advocacy in the U.S.: Review, characteristics and policy implications. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 102-118
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  • Refugees As Survivors Rasnz Auckland New Zealand. The community pillars project: engaging survivors as cross- cultural facilitators in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 119-132
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  • Rachel Hoare. 'I was lost in my life and they helped me find my way again': Befriendee and befriender experiences of the Spirasi Befriending Programme for survivors of torture in Ireland. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 133-150
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  • José Quiroga, Ana Deutsch. Medico-legal evaluation of torture victims in the USA before the Istanbul Protocol. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 151-156
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  • Christian DeVos, Rayan N Kaakati, Joshua Martins-Caulfield, Michele Heisler. Torture beyond carceral settings against individuals from marginalized communities: the important role for clinical documentation. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 157-167
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  • Daniel J N Weishut, Bettina Steiner-Birmanns, Lucy R Aitchison, David Senesh, Alona Korman. The use of the Istanbul Protocol in Israel: Insights at the reception of the revised (2022) version. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 168-172
    Cited : 1
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  • Susan Wyatt. What is 'agency' in torture and trauma recovery? An inquiry into the properties and explanations of the concept of agency and it's impacts. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 17-44
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  • Giulia Berta. Migration and torture in today's world. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 173-176
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  • Pau Pérez-Sales. Survivor-organisation in the search for justice and reparation: a vision from grassroots organising. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 4-16
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  • Christopher Einolf, Susan Wyatt, Carmen Araujo Márquez. Best practices in survivor engagement in IRCT member centres. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 45-63
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  • Mikel Soto Nolasco. Self-organisation and empowerment in the struggle against silence. Network of Tortured People of Navarre. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 64-84
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  • Seini O Connor, Andrea Barron, Léonce Byimana, Jennifer Isley, Sheetal Patel, Yadhu Dhital, Nouf Bazaz. Survivor engagement: Experience with an advocacy-based model in Washington, D.C. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (2): 85-101
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  • Olivia Febles Simeon, C Nicholas Cuneo. Remote evaluations for humanitarian parole of asylum seekers to the United States - The case of MA. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (1): 119-122
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  • Dr Alice Edwards. World needs leadership and greater political will to combat torture. Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (1): 126-127
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  • Editorial Team. Prof. Henrik Marcussen (17 January 1938 - 22 February 2023). Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture. 2023, 33 (1): 128-130
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