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Clinical Endoscopy

Published By Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Clinical Endoscopy
  • Daniel Martin Simadibrata, Elvira Lesmana, Ronnie Fass. Role of endoscopy in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 681-692
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  • Renato Medas, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto. Endoscopic treatment of upper gastrointestinal postsurgical leaks: a narrative review. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 693-705
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  • Sung Hyeok Ryou, Ki Bae Bang. Endoscopic management of postoperative bleeding. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 706-715
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  • Giorgia Burrelli Scotti, Roberto Lorenzetti, Annalisa Aratari, Antonietta Lamazza, Enrico Fiori, Claudio Papi, Stefano Festa. Stricturing Crohn's disease: what is the role of endoscopic stenting? A systematic review. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 726-734
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  • Kwang Bum Cho. How to reduce fistula formation after self-expandable metallic stent insertion for treating malignant esophageal stricture? Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 735-737
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  • João Paulo de Souza Pontual, Alexandre Moraes Bestetti, Diogo Turiani Hourneaux de Moura. Understanding hybrid endoscopic submucosal dissection subtleties. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 738-740
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  • Hyung Ku Chon, Shayan Irani, Tae Hyeon Kim. The writing on the wall: self-expandable stents for endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticogastrostomy? Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 741-743
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  • Younghee Choe, Yu Kyung Cho, Gwang Ha Kim, Jun-Ho Choi, Eun Soo Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, Eun Kwang Choi, Tae Hyeon Kim, Seong-Hun Kim, Do Hoon Kim, . Prevalence, natural progression, and clinical practices of upper gastrointestinal subepithelial lesions in Korea: a multicenter study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 744-753
    Cited : 5
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  • Iatagan R Josino, Bruno C Martins, Andressa A Machado, Gustavo R de A Lima, Martin A C Cordero, Amanda A M Pombo, Rubens A A Sallum, Ulysses Ribeiro, Todd H Baron, Fauze Maluf-Filho. Self-expandable metallic stent-induced esophagorespiratory fistulas in patients with advanced esophageal cancer. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 761-768
    Cited : 2
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  • Ippei Tanaka, Dai Hirasawa, Hiroaki Saito, Junichi Akahira, Tomoki Matsuda. Usefulness of the S-O clip for duodenal endoscopic submucosal dissection: a propensity score-matched study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 769-777
    Cited : 1
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  • Hayato Yamaguchi, Masakatsu Fukuzawa, Takashi Kawai, Takahiro Muramatsu, Taisuke Matsumoto, Kumiko Uchida, Yohei Koyama, Akira Madarame, Takashi Morise, Shin Kono, Sakiko Naito, Naoyoshi Nagata, Mitsushige Sugimoto, Takao Itoi. Significance of rescue hybrid endoscopic submucosal dissection in difficult colorectal cases. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 778-789
    Cited : 2
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  • Radhika Chavan, Chaiti Gandhi, K K Rawal, Chirag Shah, Nisarg Patel, Sanjay Rajput. Nasojejunal tube-related duodenal perforations: a multicenter experience. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 817-822
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  • Jun-Ho Choi. A 66-year-old woman with a hypervascular pancreatic mass. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 827-828
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  • So Young Han, Young Hoon Youn. Role of endoscopy in patients with achalasia. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 537-545
    Cited : 2
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  • Sang Pyo Lee. Role of linked color imaging for upper gastrointestinal disease: present and future. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 546-552
    Cited : 2
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