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  • Catarina Leite Pereira, Sibylle Grad, Raquel M Gonçalves. Biomarkers for intervertebral disc and associated back pain: From diagnosis to disease prognosis and personalized treatment. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1280
    Cited : 2
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  • Garrett W D Easson, Alireza Savadipour, Christian Gonzalez, Farshid Guilak, Simon Y Tang. TRPV4 differentially controls inflammatory cytokine networks during static and dynamic compression of the intervertebral disc. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1282
    Cited : 4
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  • Matthew Fainor, Brianna S Orozco, Victoria G Muir, Sonal Mahindroo, Sachin Gupta, Robert L Mauck, Jason A Burdick, Harvey E Smith, Sarah E Gullbrand. Mechanical crosstalk between the intervertebral disc, facet joints, and vertebral endplate following acute disc injury in a rabbit model. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1287
    Cited : 3
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  • Christopher J Panebianco, Caroline Constant, Andrea J Vernengo, Dirk Nehrbass, Dominic Gehweiler, Tyler J DiStefano, Jesse Martin, David J Alpert, Saad B Chaudhary, Andrew C Hecht, Alan C Seifert, Steven B Nicoll, Sibylle Grad, Stephan Zeiter, James C Iatridis. Combining adhesive and nonadhesive injectable hydrogels for intervertebral disc repair in an ovine discectomy model. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1293
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  • Katherine B Crump, Ahmad Alminnawi, Paola Bermudez-Lekerika, Roger Compte, Francesco Gualdi, Terence McSweeney, Estefano Muñoz-Moya, Andrea Nüesch, Liesbet Geris, Stefan Dudli, Jaro Karppinen, Jérôme Noailly, Christine Le Maitre, Benjamin Gantenbein. Cartilaginous endplates: A comprehensive review on a neglected structure in intervertebral disc research. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1294
    Cited : 11
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  • Jeffrey L Hutchinson, Matthew A Veras, Meghan E Serjeant, Matthew R McCann, Ashley L Kelly, Diana Quinonez, Frank Beier, Cheryle A Séguin. Comparative histopathological analysis of age-associated intervertebral disc degeneration in CD-1 and C57BL/6 mice: Anatomical and sex-based differences. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1298
    Cited : 1
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  • Hagar M Kenawy, María I Nuñez, Xóchitl Morales, Lauren E Lisiewski, Kevin G Burt, Min Kyu M Kim, Leonardo Campos, Nadia Kiridly, Clark T Hung, Nadeen O Chahine. Sex differences in the biomechanical and biochemical responses of caudal rat intervertebral discs to injury. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1299
    Cited : 3
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  • Jeffrey C Lotz, Glen Ropella, Paul Anderson, Qian Yang, Michael A Hedderich, Jeannie Bailey, C Anthony Hunt. An exploration of knowledge-organizing technologies to advance transdisciplinary back pain research. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1300
    Cited : 2
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  • Maho Koga, Byumsu Kim, Marianne Lintz, Sertaç Kirnaz, Jacob L Goldberg, Ibrahim Hussain, Branden Medary, Kathleen N Meyers, Suzanne A Maher, Roger Härtl, Lawrence J Bonassar. Finite element modeling to predict the influence of anatomic variation and implant placement on performance of biological intervertebral disc implants. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1307
    Cited : 2
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  • Lachlan J Smith, John T Martin, Makarand V Risbud. Advancing basic and preclinical spine research: Highlights from the ORS PSRS 6th International Spine Research Symposium. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (4): e1308
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  • Sihan He, Jiong Li, Yunjia Wang, Gang Xiang, Guanteng Yang, Lige Xiao, Mingxing Tang, Hongqi Zhang. Phosphorylated heat shock protein 27 improves the bone formation ability of osteoblasts and bone marrow stem cells from patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (3): e1256
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  • Mattan R Orbach, Jonathan Mahoney, Brandon S Bucklen, Sriram Balasubramanian. In vitro coupled motions of the whole human thoracic and lumbar spine with rib cage. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (3): e1257
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  • Eda Çiftci Dede, Merve Gizer, Feza Korkusuz, Zeynep Bal, Hiroyuki Ishiguro, Hideki Yoshikawa, Takashi Kaito, Petek Korkusuz. A pilot study: Nano-hydroxyapatite-PEG/PLA containing low dose rhBMP2 stimulates proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (3): e1258
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  • Tin Yan Lee, De Yang, Kelly Ka-Lee Lai, Rene M Castelein, Tom P C Schlosser, Winnie Chu, Tsz-Ping Lam, Yong-Ping Zheng. Three-dimensional ultrasonography could be a potential non-ionizing tool to evaluate vertebral rotation of subjects with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (3): e1259
    Cited : 3
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  • Kevin G Burt, Dan C Viola, Lauren E Lisiewski, Joseph M Lombardi, Louis F Amorosa, Nadeen O Chahine. An in vivo model of ligamentum flavum hypertrophy from early-stage inflammation to fibrosis. JOR spine. 2023, 6 (3): e1260
    Cited : 5
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