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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Clinical and Translational Science
  • Maria E Trujillo, Surya Ayalasomayajula, Robert O Blaustein, Ferdous Gheyas. Vericiguat, a novel sGC stimulator: Mechanism of action, clinical, and translational science. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2458-2466
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  • Chiao Xin Lim, Alistair Bozkurt, Zi Yue Chen, Abbey Hird, Joanne Wickens, Smaro Lazarakis, Safeera Y Hussainy, Marliese Alexander. Healthcare professionals' and consumers' knowledge, attitudes, perspectives, and education needs in oncology pharmacogenomics: A systematic review. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2467-2482
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  • Nicolas Hohmann, Martin Ronald Sprick, Moritz Pohl, Azaz Ahmed, Jürgen Burhenne, Marietta Kirchner, Lucian Le Cornet, Markus Kratzmann, Jacek Hajda, Albrecht Stenzinger, Karen Steindorf, Stefan Delorme, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer, Sabine Riethdorf, Ron van Schaik, Klaus Pantel, Jens Siveke, Thomas Seufferlein, Dirk Jäger, Walter E Haefeli, Andreas Trumpp, Christoph Springfeld. Protocol of the IntenSify-Trial: An open-label phase I trial of the CYP3A inhibitor cobicistat and the cytostatics gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel in patients with advanced stage or metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to evaluate the combination's pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2483-2493
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  • Jacob M van Laar, Alejhandra Lei, Mary Safy-Khan, Joachim Almquist, Graham Belfield, Karl Edman, Lisa Öberg, Bastian R Angermann, Inken Dillmann, Pia Berntsson, Damla Etal, Ian Dainty, Carol Astbury, Maria G Belvisi, Szilárd Nemes, Adam Platt, Susanne Prothon, Sara Samuelsson, Petter Svanberg, Christina Keen, . AZD9567 versus prednisolone in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: A phase IIa, randomized, double-blind, efficacy, and safety study. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2494-2506
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  • LiBo Zhao, YingHui Gao, WeiHao Xu, KaiLiang Li, Lin Liu, Li Fan. Factors influencing new-onset hypertension in elderly patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A multicenter cohort study. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2507-2518
    Cited : 2
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  • Xuan Huang, Junmin Li, Xiaoying Pang, Jialei Zhu, Jiaqian Pan, Yueyan Li, Jing Tang. Gene polymorphism and prediction of toxicity to platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with gynecologic cancer. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2519-2529
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  • Andreas Becker, Axel Krebs-Brown, Claudia Vetter, Tanja Reuter, Almudena Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Xiaoli You, Michael Lissy. Phase I crossover study of DNA-protein kinase inhibitor peposertib in healthy volunteers: Effect of food and pharmacokinetics of an oral suspension. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2628-2639
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  • John E McKinnon, Joel Santiaguel, Claudia Murta de Oliveira, Dongzi Yu, Mukhy Khursheed, Flavie Moreau, Lena Klopp-Schulze, Jamie Shaw, Sanjeev Roy, Amy H Kao, . Enpatoran in COVID-19 pneumonia: Safety and efficacy results from a phase II randomized trial. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2640-2653
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  • Paloma Moraga Alapont, Paula Prieto, Mikel Urroz, María Jiménez, Antonio J Carcas, Alberto M Borobia. Evaluation of factors associated with recruitment rates in early phase clinical trials based on the European Clinical Trials Register data. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2654-2664
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  • Ruth Lizzeth Madera-Sandoval, Arturo Cérbulo-Vázquez, Lourdes Andrea Arriaga-Pizano, Graciela Libier Cabrera-Rivera, Edna Basilio-Gálvez, Patricia Esther Miranda-Cruz, María Teresa García de la Rosa, Jessica Lashkmin Prieto-Chávez, Silvia Vanessa Rivero-Arredondo, Alonso Cruz-Cruz, Daniela Rodríguez-Hernández, María Eugenia Salazar-Ríos, Enrique Salazar-Ríos, Esli David Serrano-Molina, Roberto Carlos De Lira-Barraza, Abel Humberto Villanueva-Compean, Alejandra Esquivel-Pineda, Rubén Ramírez-Mont. Potential biomarkers for fatal outcome prognosis in a cohort of hospitalized COVID-19 patients with pre-existing comorbidities. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2687-2699
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  • Sarah Glewis, Mei Krishnasamy, Senthil Lingaratnam, Sam Harris, Craig Underhill, Chloe Georgiou, Mark Warren, Robert Campbell, Maarten IJzerman, Mussab Fagery, Ian Campbell, Jennifer H Martin, Jeanne Tie, Marliese Alexander, Michael Michael. Patient and healthcare professional acceptability of pharmacogenetic screening for DPYD and UGT1A1: A cross sectional survey. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2700-2708
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  • Apichot So-Ngern, Supunnee Jirajariyavej, Huttaya Thuncharoon, Nuttha Khunthupat, Teerachai Chantarojanasiri, Preecha Montakantikul. A randomized, controlled trial of prulifloxacin as conversion therapy after intravenous carbapenem in the treatment of acute pyelonephritis caused by third generation cephalosporin resistant pathogens: A pilot study. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2709-2718
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  • Diego Paine-Cabrera, Lisa K Harvey, Dakota R Robarts, Michele T Pritchard, John Thyfault, Steven A Weinman, Udayan Apte, Voytek Slowik. Leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 2 correlates with pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2719-2728
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  • Robert Greite, Sebastian Schott, Li Wang, Lukas Gohlke, Kirill Kreimann, Katja Derlin, Marcel Gutberlet, Martina Schmidbauer, Andreas Leffler, Igor Tudorache, Jawad Salman, Fabio Ius, Ruslan Natanov, Christine Fegbeutel, Axel Haverich, Ralf Lichtinghagen, Anne M Hüsing, Sibylle von Vietinghoff, Roland Schmitt, Nelli Shushakova, Song Rong, Hermann Haller, Kai M Schmidt-Ott, Magnus Gram, Vijith Vijayan, Irina Scheffner, Wilfried Gwinner, Stephan Immenschuh. Free heme and hemopexin in acute kidney injury after cardiopulmonary bypass and transient renal ischemia. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2729-2743
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  • Michael Z Liao, Rong Deng, Leonid Gibiansky, Tong Lu, Priya Agarwal, Randall Dere, Calvin Lee, Jamie Hirata, Charles Herbaux, Gilles Salles, Chunze Li, Dale Miles. Ethnic sensitivity assessment: Polatuzumab vedotin pharmacokinetics in Asian and non-Asian patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in POLARIX. Clinical and translational science. 2023, 16 (12): 2744-2755
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