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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of the International AIDS Society
  • W Chris Buck, Andreas Schindele, Elsa Taibo, Patricia Perez, Maria Inês Jorge Tomo de Deus, Mércia Matsinhe, Jessica Cowan, Teresa Beatriz Simione, Aleny Couto. Advanced disease programming brings much needed attention and improvements to inpatient paediatric HIV care in Mozambique. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2024, 27 (1): e26203
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  • Simin Yu, Benjamin R Bavinton, Curtis Chan, James MacGibbon, Limin Mao, Daniel Vujcich, Timothy R Broady, Martin Holt. Assessing HIV risk and the social and behavioural characteristics of gay and bisexual men who have recently migrated to Australia: an analysis of national, behavioural surveillance data 2019-2021. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2024, 27 (1): e26204
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  • Elliot Raizes, John Blandford, Joseph M McCune, Mark Dybul. The promise of a "cure" for HIV: implications for the future of PEPFAR-supported HIV programmes. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2024, 27 (1): e26206
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  • Haoyi Wang, Jean-Michel Molina, Rosemary Dray-Spira, Axel J Schmidt, Ford Hickson, David van de Vijver, Kai J Jonas. Response to "On the risk of using raw regional data on new HIV infections in France" by Tassi et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2024, 27 (1): e26207
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  • Abigail Harrison, Bulelwa Mtukushe, Caroline Kuo, Marta Wilson-Barthes, Bianca Davidson, Rebecca Sher, Omar Galárraga, Jacqueline Hoare. Better Together: acceptability, feasibility and preliminary impact of chronic illness peer support groups for South African adolescents and young adults. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26148
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  • Michelle A Bulterys, Irene Njuguna, Maureen King'e, Daisy Chebet, Hellen Moraa, Laurén Gomez, Alvin Onyango, Kenneth Malavi, Gladys Nzia, Martin Chege, Jillian Neary, Anjuli D Wagner, Kendall A Lawley, Dalton Wamalwa, Sarah Benki-Nugent, Grace John-Stewart. Neurodevelopment of children who are HIV-exposed and uninfected in Kenya. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26149
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  • Laurette L Bukasa, Angelina Namiba, Matilda Brown, Estelle Ndu'ngu, Mercy Nangwale, Gillian Letting, Patricia Chirwa, Claire Thorne, Shema Tariq. Setting the research agenda: involving parents in research on children who are HIV-free. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26150
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  • Shani T de Beer, Amy L Slogrove, Brian Eley, Suzanne M Ingle, Hayley E Jones, Florence Phelanyane, Kim Anderson, Emma Kalk, Andrew Boulle, Mary-Ann Davies. Change in HIV-related characteristics of children hospitalised with infectious diseases in Western Cape, South Africa, 2008-2021: a time trend analysis. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26151
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  • Stanzi M le Roux, Elaine J Abrams, Allison Zerbe, Tamsin K Phillips, Landon Myer. Children of a syndemic: co-occurring and mutually reinforcing adverse child health exposures in a prospective cohort of HIV-affected mother-infant dyads in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26152
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  • Ceri Evans, Andrew J Prendergast. When and how to intervene to improve the health of children born HIV-free. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26157
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  • Andrea Ruff, Xolisile Dlamini, Bareng As Nonyane, Nicole Simmons, Duncan Kochelani, Fiona Burtt, Fakazi Mlotshwa, Ncamsile Gama, Esca Scheepers, Kathrin Schmitz, Lethokuhle Simelane, Lynn M Van Lith, Maureen M Black. A trial of nurturing care among children who are HIV-exposed and uninfected in eSwatini. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26158
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  • Michelle A Bulterys, Irene Njuguna, Mary Mahy, Laurie A Gulaid, Katheen M Powis, Catherine J Wedderburn, Grace John-Stewart. Neurodevelopment among children exposed to HIV and uninfected in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26159
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  • Sonia Lee, Susannah Allison, Pim Brouwers. Strengthening the evidence to improve health outcomes of children with perinatal HIV exposure. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26160
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  • Kathleen M Powis, Lesedi Lebanna, Sara Schenkel, Gosego Masasa, Samuel W Kgole, Martha Ngwaca, Coulson Kgathi, Paige L Williams, Amy L Slogrove, Roger L Shapiro, Shahin Lockman, Mompati O Mmalane, Joseph M Makhema, Jennifer Jao, Adam R Cassidy. Lower academic performance among children with perinatal HIV exposure in Botswana. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26165
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  • Mariam Davtyan, Deborah Kacanek, Jessica Lee, Claire Berman, Ellen G Chadwick, Renee Smith, Liz Salomon, Toinette Frederick, . The role of internalised HIV stigma in disclosure of maternal HIV serostatus to children perinatally HIV-exposed but uninfected: a prospective study in the United States. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 Suppl 4 (Suppl 4): e26167
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