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  • Journal of the International AIDS Society: 2023, vol: 26, issue:
  • 1)- Caitlin E Kennedy, Xinyi Feng, Robert Ssekubugu, Joseph G Rosen, Joseph Ssekasanvu, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Ping Teresa Yeh, Joseph Kagaayi, Thomas C Quinn, Aaron A R Tobian, Maria J Wawer, Steven J Reynolds, Larry W Chang, M Kate Grabowski, Fred Nalugoda. Population prevalence of antiretroviral therapy sharing and its association with HIV viremia in rural Uganda: a cross-sectional population-based study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26135
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  • 2)- Andrew Mujugira, Agnes Nakyanzi, Deborah Donnell, Jade Boyer, Gabrielle Stein, Michelle Bulterys, Faith Naddunga, Juliet Kyomugisha, Juliet E Birungi, Paul Ssendiwala, Rogers Nsubuga, Timothy R Muwonge, Joshua Musinguzi, Monisha Sharma, Connie L Celum. Partner testing with HIV self-test distribution by Ugandan pregnant women living with HIV: a randomized trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26156
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  • 3)- Lara Lewis, Yukteshwar Sookrajh, Johan van der Molen, Thokozani Khubone, Phelelani Sosibo, Munthra Maraj, Rose van Heerden, Francesca Little, Reshma Kassanjee, Nigel Garrett, Jienchi Dorward. Clinical outcomes after extended 12-month antiretroviral therapy prescriptions in a community-based differentiated HIV service delivery programme in South Africa: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26164
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  • 4)- Olga Fursa, Joanne Reekie, Ihor Kuzin, Larysa Hetman, Alina Kryshchuk, Olena Starychenko, Nana Hrytsaiuk, Inna Khodus, Alla Nyzhnyk, Viktoriia Rakhuba, Maryna Kovalevska, Tetiana Maistat, Iryna Pryhoda, Marianna Ahieieva, Olena Varvarovska, Olena Valdenmaiier, Jens Lundgren, Lars Peters, . Cross-sectional HIV and HCV cascades of care across the regions of Ukraine between 2019 and 2020: findings from the CARE cohort. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26166
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  • 5)- Joanne M Carson, Sebastiano Barbieri, Evan Cunningham, Eric Mao, Marc van der Valk, Jürgen K Rockstroh, Margaret Hellard, Arthur Kim, Sanjay Bhagani, Jordan J Feld, Ed Gane, Maria C Thurnheer, Julie Bruneau, Elise Tu, Gregory J Dore, Gail V Matthews, Marianne Martinello, . Sexual and drug use risk behaviour trajectories among people treated for recent HCV infection: the REACT study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26168
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  • 6)- Gregory F Guzauskas, Timothy B Hallett. The long-term impact and value of curative therapy for HIV: a modelling analysis. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26170
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  • 7)- Jienchi Dorward, Richard Lessells, Katya Govender, Pravi Moodley, Natasha Samsunder, Yukteshwar Sookrajh, Phil Turner, Christopher C Butler, Gail Hayward, Monica Gandhi, Paul K Drain, Nigel Garrett. Diagnostic accuracy of a point-of-care urine tenofovir assay, and associations with HIV viraemia and drug resistance among people receiving dolutegravir and efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26172
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  • 8)- Alexandre Grangeiro, Lorruan Alves do Santos, Denize Lotufo Estevam, Rosemeire Munhoz, Érico Arruda, Renata Amaral de Moraes, Lisiane de Quadros Winkler, Lis Aparecida de Souza Neves, Juliane Cardoso Villela Santos, Mariele Kruppa, Eliana Miura Zucchi, Maria Mercedes Escuder, Andréa Fachel Leal, Mitti Ayako Hara Koyama, Maria Fernanda Tourinho Peres, Marcia Thereza Couto, José Eluf Neto, . Telehealth effectiveness for pre-exposure prophylaxis delivery in Brazilian public services: the Combine! Study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26173
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  • 9)- Linda Namutebi Barlow-Mosha, Grace Miriam Ahimbisibwe, Elizabeth Chappell, Pauline Mary Amuge, Annet Nanduudu, Elizabeth Kaudha, Timothy Amukele, David Balamusani, Bosco Kafufu, Audrey Nimwesiga, Hajira Kataike, Rosemary Namwanje, Gladys Kasangaki, Alice Mulindwa, Gerald Agaba Muzorah, Dickson Bbuye, Victor Musiime, Emmanuel Mujyambere, Mark Ssenyonga, Disan Mulima, Raymonds Crespo Kyambadde, Josephine Namusanje, Richard Isabirye, Mariam Nabalamba, Barbara Musoke Nakirya, Cissy Kityo, Adeodata R. Effect of dolutegravir on folate, vitamin B12 and mean corpuscular volume levels among children and adolescents with HIV: a sub-study of the ODYSSEY randomized controlled trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26174
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  • 10)- Lindsey de Vos, Emily Krogstad Mudzingwa, Lauren Fynn, Millicent Atujuna, Matinatsa Mugore, Monica Gandhi, Connie Celum, Sybil Hosek, Linda-Gail Bekker, Joseph Daniels, Andrew Medina-Marino. Factors that influence adolescent girls and young women's re-initiation or complete discontinuation from daily oral PrEP use: a qualitative study from Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (9): e26175
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  • 11)- Sarah B Puryear, Florence Mwangwa, Fred Opel, Gabriel Chamie, Laura B Balzer, Jane Kabami, James Ayieko, Asiphas Owaraganise, Elijah Kakande, George Agengo, Elizabeth Bukusi, Stella Kabageni, Daniel Omoding, Melanie Bacon, John Schrom, Sarah Woolf-King, Maya L Petersen, Diane V Havlir, Moses Kamya, Judith A Hahn. Effect of a brief alcohol counselling intervention on HIV viral suppression and alcohol use among persons with HIV and unhealthy alcohol use in Uganda and Kenya: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26187
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  • 12)- John Nkengasong, Michael Ruffner, Maureen Bartee, Ingrid T Katz, Michael J A Reid. Sustaining the HIV/AIDS response: PEPFAR's vision. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26192
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  • 13)- Duoduo Wang, Mengge Zhou, Peicheng Wang, Jinjuan Zhang, Yuanqi Mi, Feng Cheng, Jufen Liu. Treatment-naïve people living with HIV aged 50 years or older in Beijing, China, 2010-2020: joinpoint regression model analysis of surveillance data. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26193
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  • 14)- Carla M Doyle, Rachael M Milwid, Joseph Cox, Yiqing Xia, Gilles Lambert, Cécile Tremblay, Joanne Otis, Marie-Claude Boily, Jean-Guy Baril, Réjean Thomas, Alexandre Dumont Blais, Benoit Trottier, Daniel Grace, David M Moore, Sharmistha Mishra, Mathieu Maheu-Giroux. Population-level effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men in Montréal (Canada): a modelling study of surveillance and survey data. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26194
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  • 15)- Elijah R Kakande, James Ayieko, Helen Sunday, Edith Biira, Marilyn Nyabuti, George Agengo, Jane Kabami, Colette Aoko, Hellen N Atuhaire, Norton Sang, Asiphas Owaranganise, Janice Litunya, Erick W Mugoma, Gabriel Chamie, James Peng, John Schrom, Melanie C Bacon, Moses R Kamya, Diane V Havlir, Maya L Petersen, Laura B Balzer, . A community-based dynamic choice model for HIV prevention improves PrEP and PEP coverage in rural Uganda and Kenya: a cluster randomized trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26195
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  • 16)- Florence Riako Anam, Sbongile Nkosi, Meirinda Sebayang, Maximina Jokonya, Keren Dunaway, Tariq El Alaoui. Let us lead: community leadership in the AIDS response is its fundamental pillar for success. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26196
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  • 17)- Stefan Baral, Gregorio Millett, Omar Syarif, Nguissali Turpin, Sheree Schwartz. There is no path to ending AIDS by 2030 without improving human rights. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26197
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  • 18)- Sarah T Roberts, Miriam Hartmann, Alexandra M Minnis, Sophie Odek Otticha, Erica N Browne, Elizabeth T Montgomery, Kawango Agot. Breaking down relationship barriers to increase PrEP uptake and adherence among adolescent girls and young women in Kenya: safety and preliminary effectiveness results from a pilot cluster-randomized trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26198
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  • 19)- Erin E Cooney, Haneefa T Saleem, Meg Stevenson, Rodrigo A Aguayo-Romero, Keri N Althoff, Tonia C Poteat, S Wilson Beckham, Dee Adams, Asa E Radix, Andrew J Wawrzyniak, Christopher M Cannon, Jason S Schneider, J Sonya Haw, Allan E Rodriguez, Kenneth H Mayer, Chris Beyrer, Sari L Reisner, Andrea L Wirtz, . PrEP initiation and discontinuation among transgender women in the United States: a longitudinal, mixed methods cohort study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26199
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  • 20)- Andrew Mujugira, Beyonce Karungi, Jackson Mugisha, Agnes Nakyanzi, Monica Bagaya, Brenda Kamusiime, Alisaati Nalumansi, Grace Kakoola Nalukwago, Vicent Kasiita, Chris Collins Twesigye, Olivia Nampewo, Rogers Nsubuga, Kikulwe Robert Nyanzi, Timothy Muwonge, Monique A Wyatt, Norma C Ware, Jessica E Haberer. "I felt special!": a qualitative study of peer-delivered HIV self-tests, STI self-sampling kits and PrEP for transgender women in Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (12): e26201
    Cited : 4
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  • 21)- Julia Raifman, Debbie M Cheng, Alexandra Skinner, Mark L Hatzenbuehler, Kenneth H Mayer, Michael D Stein. State same-sex marriage policies and pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation among men who have sex with men in the United States. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (11): e26180
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  • 22)- Rena C Patel, Patrick Oyaro, Katherine K Thomas, Garoma Wakjira Basha, James Wagude, Irene Mukui, Evelyn Brown, Shukri A Hassan, Eunice Kinywa, Fredrick Oluoch, Francesca Odhiambo, Boaz Oyaro, Leonard Kingwara, Enericah Karauki, Nashon Yongo, Lindah Otieno, Grace C John-Stewart, Lisa L Abuogi. Impact of point-of-care HIV viral load and targeted drug resistance mutation testing on viral suppression among Kenyan pregnant and postpartum women: results from a prospective cohort study (Opt4Mamas). Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (11): e26182
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  • 23)- Carol Strong, Jing-Hao Hsu, An-Chun Chung, Meng-Tzu Wu, Yi-Hui Wu, Kuo-Wei Lo, Su-Ting Hsu, Nai-Ying Ko. Transition of a community- and person-centred design for providing healthcare services to gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men who engage in chemsex from a facility-based setting to a community-led setting in Taiwan. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (11): e26188
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  • 24)- Sarah T Roberts, Noah Mancuso, Kristin Williams, Hadijah Kalule Nabunya, Hlengiwe Mposula, Caroline Mugocha, Priscilla Mvinjelwa, Morgan Garcia, Daniel W Szydlo, Lydia Soto-Torres, Kenneth Ngure, Sybil Hosek. How a menu of adherence support strategies facilitated high adherence to HIV prevention products among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa: a mixed methods analysis. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (11): e26189
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  • 25)- Shaffiq Essajee, Anurita Bains. Getting back on track to ending AIDS in children: it could just be easier than you think. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (11): e26191
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  • 26)- Sarah Bernays, Joni Lariat, Frances Cowan, Beula Senzanje, Nicola Willis, Zivai Mupambireyi Nenguke. "They test my blood to know how much blood is in my body": the untapped potential of promoting viral load literacy to support adherence and viral suppression among adolescents living with HIV. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26153
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  • 27)- Christina Fennell, Daniel Escudero, Rebecca Zash, Modiegi Diseko, Gloria Mayondi, Judith Mabuta, Tumalano Sekoto, Tendani Gaolathe, Mompati Mmalane, Shahin Lockman, Joseph Makhema, Roger Shapiro. The impact of free antiretroviral therapy for pregnant non-citizens and their infants in Botswana. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26161
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  • 28)- Anna Saura-Lázaro, Peter Bock, Erika van den Bogaart, Jessie van Vliet, Laura Granés, Kerry Nel, Vikesh Naidoo, Michelle Scheepers, Yvonne Saunders, Núria Leal, Francesco Ramponi, René Paulussen, Tobias Rinke de Wit, Denise Naniche, Elisa López-Varela. Field performance and cost-effectiveness of a point-of-care triage test for HIV virological failure in Southern Africa. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26176
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  • 29)- Katrina F Ortblad, Benn Kwach, Shengruo Zhang, Magdalene Asewe, Patricia Atieno Ongwen, Rachel C Malen, Kendall Harkey, Josephine Odoyo, Paul Gathii, Greshon Rota, Monisha Sharma, Daniel Knight Were, Kenneth Ngure, Victor Omollo, Elizabeth Anne Bukusi. Measuring the performance of HIV self-testing at private pharmacies in Kenya: a cross-sectional study. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26177
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  • 30)- Joseph H Puyat, James Wilton, Adeleke Fowokan, Naveed Zafar Janjua, Jason Wong, Troy Grennan, Catharine Chambers, Abigail Kroch, Cecilia T Costiniuk, Curtis L Cooper, Darren Lauscher, Monte Strong, Ann N Burchell, Aslam Anis, Hasina Samji, . COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness by HIV status and history of injection drug use: a test-negative analysis. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26178
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  • 31)- Wendy Grant-McAuley, Estelle Piwowar-Manning, William Clarke, Autumn Breaud, Kidist Belay Zewdie, Ayana Moore, Helen Mary Ayles, Barry Kosloff, Kwame Shanaube, Peter Bock, Sue-Ann Meehan, Gerald Maarman, Sarah Fidler, Richard Hayes, Deborah Donnell, Susan H Eshleman, . Population-level analysis of natural control of HIV infection in Zambia and South Africa: HPTN 071 (PopART). Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26179
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  • 32)- Christina A Laurenzi, Chipo Mutambo, Chanda Mwamba, Eugene Mupakile, Chuma Busakhwe, Agnes Ronan, Elona Toska. Using community conversations to integrate violence screening and referrals into HIV care for young women living with HIV in Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26181
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  • 33)- Milton L Wainberg, George Gustaaf Wolvaardt, Lidia Gouveia, Erin Ferenchick. World Mental Health Day 2023: We must leave no one behind in the response to HIV and mental health. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26183
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  • 34)- Carmen H Logie, Moses Okumu, Isha Berry, Robert Hakiza, Stefan D Baral, Daniel Kibuuka Musoke, Aidah Nakitende, Simon Mwima, Peter Kyambadde, Miranda Loutet, Shamilah Batte, Richard Lester, Stella Neema, Katie Newby, Lawrence Mbuagbaw. Findings from the Tushirikiane mobile health (mHealth) HIV self-testing pragmatic trial with refugee adolescents and youth living in informal settlements in Kampala, Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023, 26 (10): e26185
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