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Skin Health and Disease

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Skin Health and Disease
  • Jessica Maguire, David Gleeson, Roberto Corso, Andrew Pink, Catherine Smith, John Ferguson. Remission of chronic actinic dermatitis on baricitinib: A case report. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e243
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  • Marie Orliaguet, Emilie Brenaut, Anne-Sophie Ficheux, Sylvie Boisramé, Laurent Misery. Psychogenic and neurogenic components in patients with psychogenic or neuropathic pruritus: PRURINEURO: A non-interventional single-centre prospective assay. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e267
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  • Kate Dear, Georgios Kravvas, Sharmaine Sim, Evanthia Mastoraki, Mariel James, Richard Watchorn, Aiman Haider, Peter Ellery, Alex Freeman, Hussain M Alnajjar, Asif Muneer, Christopher B Bunker. Primary penile melanoma and genital lichen sclerosus. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e274
    Cited : 6
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  • Robert Harrington, Marion Leahy, Jack Roberts, Mary E Laing. Morphoea induced by vaping. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e279
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  • Samavia Khan, Banu Farabi, Alina Zufall, Anjelica Peacock, Kenneth Helmandollar, Kenneth Shulman, Bijan Safai. A case study on the dermatoscopic findings of Darier's disease in skin type VI. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e282
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  • Sarah E Drummond, Akash Maliampurakal, Saranaz Jamdar, Lucy Melly, Susan Holmes. causing recurrent superficial skin infections in an immunosuppressed patient. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e283
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  • Evangelia Vetsiou, Julia Gass, Andre Khoo, Sarah McDonald, Niki Stefanos, Ed Rytina, Nigel Burrows. Anetodermic pilomatrixomas: A case series. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e284
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  • Nada Khalil, Laksha Bala, Christina George. Undergraduate dermatology education: The importance of curriculum review. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e288
    Cited : 2
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  • Katie Solomon, Vincent Yip. The novel treatment of children with viral warts using microwave technology. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e291
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  • Hunter J Pyle, Arturo R Dominguez, Melissa M Mauskar, Cristina Thomas. Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis predictive models are not effective when applied by non-dermatologists: A single-institution prospective study. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e292
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  • Liat Samuelov, Avner Shemer, Shoshana Greenberger, Inbal Ziv, Doron Friedman, Oron Yacoby-Zeevi, Roni Dodiuk-Gad, Yuval Ramot, Sari Murad, Eli Sprecher. SNG100, a novel topical treatment for moderate atopic dermatitis, in patients aged 6 years or older: A randomised, double-blind, active-controlled trial. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e293
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  • Flora Balieva, Dawit Shawel Abebe, Florence J Dalgard, Lars Lien. Risk of developing psychiatric disease among adult patients with skin disease: A 9-year national register follow-up study in Norway. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e294
    Cited : 1
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  • Nicola M Congdon, Christina M Davis. A systematic review of the frequency of features of the seven-point checklist in proven cutaneous melanoma: The importance of change. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e295
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  • Hira Ghani, Samavia Khan, Marielle Jamgochian, Beth Richards, Erica DeCecco, Rebecca Fliorent, Nithisha Cheendalla, Khalil Khatri, Babar Rao. Cutaneous adverse effects associated with LAG-3 inhibitor use in cancer treatment: A systematic review. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e296
    Cited : 2
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  • . Correction to An updated report on the incidence and epidemiological trends of keratinocyte cancers in the United Kingdom 2013-2018. Skin health and disease. 2023, 3 (6): e298
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