Meg Attwood, Christopher Jarrold. Investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adolescents' psychological wellbeing and self-identified cognitive difficulties.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12164
Madison Aitken, Ameeta Sagar, Darren Courtney, Peter Szatmari. Development, reach, acceptability and associated clinical changes of a group intervention to improve caregiver-adolescent relationships in the context of adolescent depression.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12168
Paraskevi Bali, Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Christina Mohr-Jensen, Ditte Demontis, Helen Minnis. Is there evidence of a causal link between childhood maltreatment and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder? A systematic review of prospective longitudinal studies using the Bradford-Hill criteria.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12169
Y I Ahmadzadeh, E M Eilertsen, R Cheesman, C Rayner, E Ystrom, L J Hannigan, T A McAdams. Mothers' symptoms of anxiety and depression and the development of child temperament: A genetically informative, longitudinal investigation.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12171
Adrian Dahl Askelund, Helga Ask, Eivind Ystrom, Alexandra Havdahl, Laurie J Hannigan. Exploring the differentiation of behavioural and emotional problems across childhood: A prospective longitudinal cohort study.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12176
Emma James, Paul A Thompson, Lucy Bowes, Kate Nation. Heterogeneity in children's reading comprehension difficulties: A latent class approach.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12177
Anders Nilsson, Ralf Kuja-Halkola, Paul Lichtenstein, Henrik Larsson, Sebastian Lundström, Helena Fatouros-Bergman, Nitya Jayaram-Lindström, Yasmina Molero. The genetics of gaming: A longitudinal twin study.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12179
Victoria Powell, Jessica Lennon, Rhys Bevan Jones, Alice Stephens, Bryony Weavers, David Osborn, Judith Allardyce, Robert Potter, Ajay Thapar, Stephan Collishaw, Anita Thapar, Jon Heron, Frances Rice. Following the children of depressed parents from childhood to adult life: A focus on mood and anxiety disorders.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12182
Richard Gaus, Sebastian Pölsterl, Ellen Greimel, Gerd Schulte-Körne, Christian Wachinger. Can we diagnose mental disorders in children? A large-scale assessment of machine learning on structural neuroimaging of 6916 children in the adolescent brain cognitive development study.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12184
Jessica Mayumi Maruyama, Andreas Bauer, Gemma Hammerton, Sarah L Halligan, Ina S Santos, Tiago N Munhoz, Aluísio J D Barros, Fernando C Barros, Graeme Fairchild, Alicia Matijasevich. Pathways from maternal depression to child resilience: Socioeconomic, family, and individual factors in the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12188
Tony Charman, Greg Pasco, Alexandra Hendry, Tessel Bazelmans, Nisha Narvekar, Amy Goodwin, Hanna Halkola, Mary Agyapong, Rebecca Holman, Jannath Begum Ali, Mutluhan Ersoy, Mark H Johnson, Andrew Pickles, Emily J H Jones, . Three year outcomes in infants with a family history of autism and/or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12189
Teodora Gliga, Alexandra Hendry, Shannon P Kong, Ben Ewing, Catherine Davies, Michelle McGillion, Nayeli Gonzalez-Gomez. More frequent naps are associated with lower cognitive development in a cohort of 8-38-month-old children, during the Covid-19 pandemic.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12190
Cameron A Hecht, Samuel D Gosling, Christopher J Bryan, Jeremy P Jamieson, Jared S Murray, David S Yeager. When do the effects of single-session interventions persist? Testing the mindset + supportive context hypothesis in a longitudinal randomized trial.JCPP advances. 2023, 3 (4): e12191