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  • Citra Cesilia, Muh Akbar Tirtosudiro, Heda Melinda Nataprawira. Bedaquiline (BDQ) resistance in an adolescent with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB): An alarm for pediatricians. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01880
    Cited : 2
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  • Seowoong Jung, Yu Yagi, Kazuaki Fukushima, Yukari Nishikawa, Masaru Tanaka, Taiichiro Kobayashi, Keishiro Yajima, Atsushi Ajisawa, Akifumi Imamura. Successful dual antiviral therapy with remdesivir and ensitrelvir in a case of prolonged COVID-19 following B-cell depleting immunotherapy for malignant lymphoma. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01890
    Cited : 1
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  • Sirine Ahmad, Ahmad J Alzahrani, Mohammed Alsaeed. Uncommon association: bacteremia in an immunocompetent individual with acute tonsillitis - A case report. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01891
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  • Mónica R A Pachar-Flores, José A Suarez, Roderick Chen, José A González, Nelson Iván Agudelo Higuita, Laura Naranjo, Yamilka Diaz, Carlos Franco-Paredes. Tropical splenomegaly in a migrant-in-transit crossing the Darien gap, Panamá: A probable case of hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01892
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  • Clarke Morihara, Weiming Du, Kevin Benavente, Royce Shimamoto. Liver, lung, muscle, and bone: invasive liver abscess syndrome in a Vietnamese immigrant. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01893
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  • Supawan Surukrattanaskul, Rosana Pittayapongpat, Nutsuchar Wangtiraumnuay. Periocular ecthyma gangrenosum with in an infant: A case report. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01894
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  • Li Zhao, Wanmu Xie, Pengmei Li. Severe adverse reaction induced by albendazole and praziquantel for cystic echinococcosis. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01895
    Cited : 2
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  • Samantha R Kaplan, Amutha Rajagopal, Edward R Cachay, Robert Deiss. A case of disseminated coccidioidomycosis and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in a patient with HIV/AIDS. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01896
    Cited : 2
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  • Tat W Yau, Bennet D Franz, Hanadi A Osman, Jessica C Rivera, Ashaur Azhar. Bad to the bone. Not all bone tumors are cancer: Case of long bone osteomyelitis. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01897
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  • Chelsea Ware, Sherin Meledathu, Zoon Tariq, Rebecca Yee, John P Lichtenberger, Marc O Siegel. Cryptococcal pneumonia and meningitis in a renal transplant recipient with a false negative serum cryptococcal antigen due to postzone phenomenon. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01898
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  • Nazary Nebeluk, Robert Lukin, Talal Alkayali, Rohit Talwani. A case of viral meningitis due to Varicella Zoster virus infection in a young adult male. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01899
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  • Vivek Paul, Kendall Kling, Phillip P Santoiemma. A rare anaerobic cause of vertebral osteomyelitis and psoas abscess: A case study. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01900
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  • Tomohide Okinaka, Kento Fukumitsu, Nozomi Okamura, Liya Wang, Yoshihiro Ohishi, Yoshiko Miyazaki, Takashi Matono. Minocycline-Induced Hyperpigmentation: Importance of Early Diagnosis. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01901
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  • Gongjie Ye, Lei Yang, Zhouzhou Dong. Severe intracranial infection caused by community-acquired hypervirulent : A case report. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01902
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  • Shanmu Jin, Xiaopeng Guo, Hao Xing, Dingding Li, Yu Wang, Wenbin Ma. Multiple brain abscesses caused by : Case report and literature review. IDCases. 2023, 34: e01903
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