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  • Devin M Mann. Resistant disease or resistant patient: problems with adherence to cardiovascular medications in the elderly. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (9): 10-5
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  • Diane Klein-Ritter. An evidence-based review of the AMA/AHA guideline for the primary prevention of ischemic stroke. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (9): 16-20, 28
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  • Vikas Majithia, Chere Peel, Stephen A Geraci. Rheumatoid arthritis in elderly patients. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (9): 22-8
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  • Norman Levine. Persistent facial eruption. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (9): 30
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  • Fredrick T Sherman. Baby boomers court metabolic syndrome. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (9): 8-9, 15
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  • Laura L Phillips, Amber L Paukert, Melinda A Stanley, Mark E Kunik. Incorporating religion and spirituality to improve care for anxiety and depression in older adults. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (8): 15-8
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  • Judith Z Goldfinger, Andrew D Choi, Eric D Adler. Implantable cardiac defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy for heart failure in older adults. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (8): 20-9
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  • Norman Levine. Slightly sore, dark lesion on thigh. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (8): 30
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  • Fredrick T Sherman. Quick death, slow death. I've learned from both. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (8): 6-7, 14
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  • Fatima Naqvi, Frank Cervo, Suzanne Fields. Evidence-based review of interventions to improve palliation of pain, dyspnea, depression. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (8): 8-10, 12-4
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  • John M Halphen, Grace M Varas, June M Sadowsky. Recognizing and reporting elder abuse and neglect. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (7): 13-8
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  • Albert P Lin, Silvia Orengo-Nania, Ursula K Braun. The PCP's role in chronic open-angle glaucoma. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (7): 20-8
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  • Norman Levine. Eruption on upper extremities. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (7): 30
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  • Mark Holthaus. Long-term care: a test bed for coming reform. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (7): 7-8
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  • Bradley Morganstern, Sharmila Anandasabapathy. GERD and Barrett's esophagus: diagnostic and management strategies in the geriatric population. Geriatrics. 2009, 64 (7): 9-12
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