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Biology of Sport

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Biology of Sport
  • Gurpreet Singh, Kyle J M Bennett, Lee Taylor, Christopher J Stevens. Core body temperature responses during competitive sporting events: A narrative review. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1003-1017
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  • Anna Katharina Dunst, Christian Manunzio, Andri Feldmann, Clemens Hesse. Applications of near-infrared spectroscopy in "anaerobic" diagnostics - SmO kinetics reflect PCr dephosphorylation and correlate with maximal lactate accumulation and maximal pedalling rate. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1019-1031
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  • Matteo Giuriato, Vittoria Carnevale Pellino, Nicola Lovecchio, Roberto Codella, Matteo Vandoni, Scott Talpey. Do maturation, anthropometrics and leg muscle qualities influence repeated change of direction performance in adolescent boys and girls? Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1033-1038
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  • Jan Schimpchen, Paulo Freitas Correia, Tim Meyer. Validity and reproducibility of match-derived ratios of selected external and internal load parameters in soccer players: A simple way to monitor physical fitness? Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1039-1046
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  • Jose A Asian-Clemente, Alberto Rabano-Muñoz, Luis Suarez-Arrones, Bernardo Requena. Different pitch configurations constrain the external and internal loads of young professional soccer players during transition games. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1047-1055
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  • Martin Buchheit, Maxime Settembre, Karim Hader, Derek McHugh. Exposures to near-to-maximal speed running bouts during different turnarounds in elite football: association with match hamstring injuries. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1057-1067
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  • Asier Gonzalez-Artetxe, Hugo Folgado, José Pino-Ortega, Markel Rico-González, Asier Los Arcos. Effects of free play or artificial rules on young soccer players' individual tactical behaviour: a one-by-one analysis. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1069-1078
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  • Evan Jeanguyot, Benjamin Salcinovic, Amanda Johnson, Nicol Van Dyk, Rod Whiteley. Eccentric hamstring strength in young athletes is best documented when normalised to body mass: A cross-sectional study with normative data of 590 athletes from different age categories. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1079-1095
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  • Tomás García-Calvo, Florentino Huertas, José Carlos Ponce-Bordón, Roberto López Del Campo, Ricardo Resta, Rafael Ballester. Does player age influence match physical performance? A longitudinal four-season analysis in Spanish Soccer LaLiga. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1097-1106
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  • Blanca Romero-Moraleda, Jaime González-García, Esther Morencos, Verónica Giráldez-Costas, José María Moya, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo. Internal workload in elite female football players during the whole in-season: starters vs non-starters. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1107-1115
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  • Aston Seng Huey Ngai, Ian Beasley, Olivier Materne, Abdulaziz Farooq, Montassar Tabben, Souhail Chebbi, Zied Ellouze, Javier Arnáiz, Khalid Alkhelaifi, Roald Bahr, Karim Chamari. Fractures in professional footballers: 7-years data from 106 team seasons in the Middle East. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1117-1124
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  • Barbara Frączek, Aleksandra Pięta. Does the Paleo diet affect an athlete's health and sport performance? Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1125-1139
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  • Nicholas M Kuhlman, Margaret T Jones, Andrew R Jagim, Mary Kate Feit, Richard Aziz, Thomas Crabill, Jennifer B Fields. Relationships between external loads, sRPE-load, and self-reported soreness across a men's collegiate soccer season. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1141-1150
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  • Alejandro Muñoz-López, Fábio Yuzo Nakamura, Marco Beato. Eccentric overload differences between loads and training variables on flywheel training. Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1151-1158
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  • Rami Maaloul, Imen Ben Dhia, Houssem Marzougui, Mouna Turki, Faten Hadj Kacem, Rihab Makhlouf, Mohamed Ben Amar, Choumous Kallel, Tarak Driss, Mohamed Habib Elleuch, Fatma Ayadi, Sameh Ghroubi, Omar Hammouda. Is moderate-intensity interval training more tolerable than high-intensity interval training in adults with obesity? Biology of sport. 2023, 40 (4): 1159-1167
    Cited : 2
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