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Optics Express

Published By Optica Publishing Group

  • Massimiliano Locatelli, Eugenio Pugliese, Pasquale Poggi, Stefano Euzzor, Riccardo Meucci. SWIR digital holography and imaging through smoke and flames: unveiling the invisible. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42090-42098
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  • Martin Dusek, Jean-Christophe Gayde, Miroslav Sulc. Wavefront reconstruction of a non-diffracting structured laser beam. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42099-42110
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  • Xiancui Yang, Furong Shui, Yanli Yu, Zao Yi, Haiou Li, Zhimou Xu, Fabi Zhang, Jian Xiong, Xingpeng Liu, Peihua Wangyang, Tangyou Sun. All layers patterned conical nanostructured thin-film silicon solar cells for light-trapping efficiency improvement. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42111-42124
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  • Yuling Xue, Zhilong Zheng, Shuai Yuan, Liuzhu Wang, Hui Yan, Wendou Zhang, Shaohua Hu, Jing Zhang, Kun Qiu. Low complexity MIMO equalization for long-haul SDM systems. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42125-42135
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  • Mateusz Pielach, Agnieszka Jamrozik, Katarzyna Krupa, Yuriy Stepanenko. Self-starting mode-locking in an all-PM Yb-doped fiber laser oscillator enabled by a 3x3 nonlinear optical lossy loop mirror. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42136-42149
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  • Fukun Li, Yang Bai, HaiXiang Hu, Longxiang Li, Lingzhong Li, Feng Zhang, Xiao Luo, Xuejun Zhang. Elastoplastic contact model of pitch-based rough surface and its polishing characteristics. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42150-42164
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  • Yong Yu, Mingfeng Xu, Mingbo Pu, Jiazheng Ding, Shuangcheng Chen, Yiqun Zhang, Mengjie Zhou, Yinghui Guo, Xiong Li, Xiaoliang Ma, Xiangang Luo. Demonstration of 120 Gbit/s turbulence-resilient coherent optical communication employing cylindrical vector beam multiplexing. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42165-42175
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  • Qi Wu, Hongxin Zhang, Taisheng Wang, Jianbo Huang, Wenbin Xu, Chengyong Shi. Structure optimization of heterogeneous compound eye camera for improving the detection performance. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42176-42190
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  • Le Liu, Qiaodan Chen, Guiyang Yang, Haoran Ma, Xizhao Wang, Wei Xiong, Leimin Deng. High-quality and efficient large-area copper removal utilizing laser-induced active mechanical peeling. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42191-42205
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  • Haowen Ma, Junhui Yao, Yuqing Gao, Juan Liu. Parameter optimization method for light field 3D display. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42206-42217
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  • Donghui Wang, Chengcheng Feng, Lingzhi Meng, Hongye Wang, Libo Yuan. High-order mixed vortex beam generator. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42218-42229
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  • Snigdhadev Chakraborty, Gokul Nalupurackal, Srestha Roy, Muruga Lokesh, Jayesh Goswami, M Gunaseelan, Basudev Roy. High-resolution detection of pitch rotation in an optically confined hexagonal-shaped upconverting particle. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42230-42239
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  • Yifan Feng, Xingyu Cui, Yun Meng, Xiangjun Yin, Kai Zou, Zifan Hao, Jingyu Yang, Xiaolong Hu. Non-line-of-sight imaging at infrared wavelengths using a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42240-42254
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  • Xiyue Sissi Wang, Romolo Savo, Andreas Maeder, Fabian Kaufmann, Jost Kellner, Andrea Morandi, Stefan Rotter, Riccardo Sapienza, Rachel Grange. Graph model for multiple scattering in lithium niobate on insulator integrated photonic networks. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42255-42270
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  • Yuan Peng, Ji Liu, Tao Yuan, Jinhui Wu. Investigation of dynamic wind speed impacts on radiative transmittance and reflectance in the ocean-sea fog system. Optics express. 2023, 31 (25): 42271-42284
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