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  • Kinga Berczy, Adam Lorincz, Laszlo Fonyad, Gyula Prinz. Diagnostic problems of the mucormycosis of the maxillary sinus Case presentation. Fogorvosi szemle. 2017, 110 (1): 15-19
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  • Ibrahim Adam Barrak, Edit Urban, Kinga Turzo, Anette Stajer. Comparison of effects of different fluoride containing prophylactics on the growth of Streptococcus mutans on titanium surfaces - an in vitro study. Fogorvosi szemle. 2017, 110 (1): 20-24
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  • Fruzsina Kiss, Gabor Fulop, Ferenc Oberna, Zita Battyani. Head and neck mucosal melanoma: clinicopathological analysis of 5 cases and review of the literature. Fogorvosi szemle. 2017, 110 (1): 25-29
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  • Robert Nagy, Katalin Szabo, Attila Szucs, Tamas Ruszin, Arpad Joob-Fancsaly. Impact of rheumatoid arthritis in oral surgery and implantology treatment based on literature. Fogorvosi szemle. 2017, 110 (1): 3-6
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  • Katalin Erzsebet Perczel-Kovach, Sandor Farkasdi, Karola Kallo, Orsolya Hegedus, Beata Keremi, Frederic Cuisinier, Jozsef Blazsek, Gabor Varga. Effect of stem cells of dental pulp origin on osseointegration of titanium implant in a novel rat vertebra model. Fogorvosi szemle. 2017, 110 (1): 7-14
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  • A Gyocsi, B Kolarovszki, D Frank. Adverse effects of orthodontic treatments. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (4): 111-118
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  • D Gheorghita, M A Antal, K Nagy, A Kertesz, G Braunitzer. Smoking and Psoriasis as Synergistic Risk Factors in Periodontal disease. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (4): 119-124
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  • Pilihaci Bella, Gera Istvan. The comprehensive periodontal, resorative end prosthodontic therapy of chronic periodontitis Case presentation. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (4): 125-135
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  • K Berczy, Zs Laszlo, Gy Gondocs, T Shkolnik, A Joob-F. Changes of trends in the size of the dental implants in recent years Part 1. The role of short implants in dental implantology The literature review. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (4): 136-140
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  • M Szalóki, T Radics, Cs Hegedűs. Characterization of dental allergy associated polymer surfaces by phage display technique. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (3): 75-80
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  • M Feher, A Kuki, R Mohacsi, L Birinyi, J Angyal. Precision evaluation of panoramic morphometric index measurement's performed by experienced clinicians and dental students. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (3): 81-87
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  • N B Cziriak, J Szalma, J Vag, S Bogdan. In vitro comparison of the effect of piezosurgery and conventional bone preparation technique on intraosseous heat generation. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (3): 88-93
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  • I Sonkodi, J Nagy, P Novak, G Braunitzer, K Virag, K Boda, K Nagy. A retrospective screening and epidemiological study of oncological and other diseases in the oral and maxillofacial region at the University of Szeged, Department of Oral Medicine (1960-2014). Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (3): 94-101
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  • Adrienn Dobai, Tamás Vizkelety, Zsolt Markella, Adrienne Rosta, Ágnes Kucserá, József Barabás. [Di Paolo's cephalometrical analysis of lower face by means of Cone-Beam CT]. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (2): 39-44
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  • Dániel Palkovics, István Gera. [The significance of biotype in the predictability of dental-periodontal treatment]. Fogorvosi szemle. 2016, 109 (2): 45-55
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