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  • Hélène Poinot, Eloïse Dupuychaffray, Grégoire Arnoux, Montserrat Alvarez, Jérémie Tachet, Ounss Ezzar, Jonathan Moore, Olivia Bejuy, Eulalia Olesti, Gioele Visconti, Víctor González-Ruiz, Serge Rudaz, Jean-Christophe Tille, Clarissa D Voegel, Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska, Carole Bourquin, Aurélien Pommier. Activation of endogenous glucocorticoids by HSD11B1 inhibits the antitumor immune response in renal cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2286820
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  • Mengjia Song, Yue Huang, Ye Hong, Juan Liu, Jia Zhu, Suying Lu, Juan Wang, Feifei Sun, Junting Huang, Jiaqian Xu, Yan Tang, Jian-Chuan Xia, Yizhuo Zhang. PD-L1-expressing natural killer cells predict favorable prognosis and response to PD-1/PD-L1 blockade in neuroblastoma. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2289738
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  • Chia-Chi Lin, Elena Garralda, Patrick Schöffski, David S Hong, Lillian L Siu, Miguel Martin, Michela Maur, Rina Hui, Ross A Soo, Joanne Chiu, Tian Zhang, Brigette Ma, Chrisann Kyi, Daniel Sw Tan, Philippe A Cassier, John Sarantopoulos, Andrew Weickhardt, Richard D Carvajal, Jennifer Spratlin, Taito Esaki, Fréderic Rolland, Wallace Akerley, Barbara Deschler-Baier, Lawrence Rispoli, Tanay S Samant, Niladri Roy Chowdhury, Daniel Gusenleitner, Eunice L Kwak, Vasileios Askoxylakis, Filippo De Braud. A phase 2, multicenter, open-label study of anti-LAG-3 ieramilimab in combination with anti-PD-1 spartalizumab in patients with advanced solid malignancies. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2290787
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  • Meichen Li, Jing Chen, Hui Yu, Baishen Zhang, Xue Hou, Honghua Jiang, Dan Xie, Likun Chen. Cerebrospinal fluid immunological cytokines predict intracranial tumor response to immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients with brain metastases. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2290790
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  • Thomas V Guy, Alexandra M Terry, Helen M McGuire, Elena Shklovskaya, Barbara Fazekas de St Groth. MHCII restriction demonstrates B cells have very limited capacity to activate tumour-specific CD4 T cells in vivo. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2290799
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  • Morten Nielsen, Tine Monberg, Vibeke Sundvold, Benedetta Albieri, Dorrit Hovgaard, Michael Mørk Petersen, Anders Krarup-Hansen, Özcan Met, Ketil Camilio, Trevor Clancy, Richard Stratford, Baldur Sveinbjornsson, Øystein Rekdal, Niels Junker, Inge Marie Svane. LTX-315 and adoptive cell therapy using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes generate tumor specific T cells in patients with metastatic soft tissue sarcoma. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2290900
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  • Jiqi Shan, Wei Jing, Yu Ping, Chunyi Shen, Dong Han, Fengsen Liu, Yaqing Liu, Congcong Li, Yi Zhang. LFA-1 regulated by IL-2/STAT5 pathway boosts antitumor function of intratumoral CD8 T cells for improving anti-PD-1 antibody therapy. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2293511
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  • Coralie Schoumacher, Valentin Derangère, Gwladys Gaudillière-Le Dain, Titouan Huppe, David Rageot, Alis Ilie, Angélique Vienot, Christophe Borg, Franck Monnien, Frederic Bibeau, Caroline Truntzer, François Ghiringhelli, . CD3-CD8 immune score associated with a clinical score stratifies PDAC prognosis regardless of adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2294563
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  • Alvaro López Malizia, Antonela Merlotti, Pierre-Emmanuel Bonte, Melina Sager, Yago Arribas De Sandoval, Christel Goudot, Fernando Erra Díaz, Pehuén Pereyra-Gerber, Ana Ceballos, Sebastian Amigorena, Jorge Geffner, Juan Sabatte. Clusterin protects mature dendritic cells from reactive oxygen species mediated cell death. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2294564
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  • Jochen T Frueh, Julia Campe, Daniele Yumi Sunaga-Franze, Nikita A Verheyden, Sakhila Ghimire, Elisabeth Meedt, Denise Haslinger, Sabine Harenkamp, Daniel Staudenraus, Sascha Sauer, Andreas Kreft, Ralf Schubert, Michael Lohoff, Andreas Krueger, Halvard Bonig, Andreas G Chiocchetti, Robert Zeiser, Ernst Holler, Evelyn Ullrich. Interferon regulatory factor 4 plays a pivotal role in the development of aGVHD-associated colitis. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2296712
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  • Lukas Heger, Gordon F Heidkamp, Lukas Amon, Falk Nimmerjahn, Tobias Bäuerle, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Arndt Hartmann, Carolin C Hack, Matthias Ruebner, Hanna Huebner, Peter Fasching, Matthias W Beckmann, Diana Dudziak. Unbiased high-dimensional flow cytometry identified NK and DC immune cell signature in Luminal A-type and triple negative breast cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2296713
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  • Nadine Landolina, Francesca Romana Mariotti, Andrea Pelosi, Valentina D'Oria, Tiziano Ingegnere, Claudia Alicata, Paola Vacca, Lorenzo Moretta, Enrico Maggi. The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-37 improves the NK cell-mediated anti-tumor response. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2297504
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  • Suyang Wang, Michelle Cheng, Chao-Cheng Chen, Chia-Yu Chang, Ya-Chea Tsai, Jr-Ming Yang, T C Wu, Chuan-Hsiang Huang, Chien-Fu Hung. immunotherapy engineered with highly efficient tumor antigen coating establishes antigen-specific CD8+ T cell immunity and increases in antitumor efficacy with type I interferon combination therapy. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2298444
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  • Manuela Lizarralde-Guerrero, Laura Zucaro, Guido Kroemer, Jonathan G Pol. Single-cell analysis of T lymphocytes infiltrating colorectal carcinoma: the dilemma of specificity. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2300520
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  • Carlo P Ramil, Handan Xiang, Peng Zhang, Aileen Cronin, Lisia Cabral, Zhizhang Yin, Josephine Hai, Huijun Wang, Benjamin Ruprecht, Yanlin Jia, Dongyu Sun, Hongmin Chen, An Chi. Extracellular vesicles released by cancer-associated fibroblast-induced myeloid-derived suppressor cells inhibit T-cell function. Oncoimmunology. 2024, 13 (1): 2300882
    Cited : 3
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