Joannie Beaulne, Étienne Boucher, Michelle Garneau, Gabriel Magnan. Paludification reduces black spruce growth rate but does not alter tree water use efficiency in Canadian boreal forested peatlands.Forest ecosystems. 2021, 8 (1): 28
Berthold Traub, Rafael O Wüest. Analysing the quality of Swiss National Forest Inventory measurements of woody species richness.Forest ecosystems. 2020, 7 (1): 37
Dries Landuyt, Evy Ampoorter, Cristina C Bastias, Raquel Benavides, Sandra Müller, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Fernando Valladares, Safaa Wasof, Kris Verheyen. Importance of overstorey attributes for understorey litter production and nutrient cycling in European forests.Forest ecosystems. 2020, 7 (1): 45
Johannes Breidenbach, Aksel Granhus, Gro Hylen, Rune Eriksen, Rasmus Astrup. A century of National Forest Inventory in Norway - informing past, present, and future decisions.Forest ecosystems. 2020, 7 (1): 46