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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Molecular Vision
  • Tamar Ben Yosef, Eyal Banin, Elana Chervinsky, Stavit A Shalev, Rina Leibu, Eedy Mezer, Ygal Rotenstreich, Nitza Goldenberg-Cohen, Shirel Weiss, Muhammad Imran Khan, Daan M Panneman, Rebekkah J Hitti-Malin, Chen Weiner, Susanne Roosing, Frans P M Cremers, Eran Pras, Dinah Zur, Hadas Newman, Iris Deitch, Dror Sharon, Miriam Ehrenberg. Genetic causes of inherited retinal diseases among Israeli Jews of Ethiopian ancestry. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 1-12
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  • Bret A Moore, Iman Jalilian, Soohyun Kim, Makiko Mizutani, Madison Mukai, Connor Chang, Alec M Entringer, Kamesh Dhamodaran, Vijay Krishna Raghunathan, Leandro B C Teixeira, Christopher J Murphy, Sara M Thomasy. Collagen crosslinking impacts stromal wound healing and haze formation in a rabbit phototherapeutic keratectomy model. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 102-116
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  • Yuan Chen, Yixiang Zhou, Xue Zhu, Ge Yan, Donghui Pan, Lizhen Wang, Min Yang, Ke Wang. PET imaging of retinal inflammation in mice exposed to blue light using [F]-DPA-714. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 117-124
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  • Abigail D Solstad, Josephine M Brown, Judith D Ochrietor. The retina-specific basigin isoform does not induce IL-6 expression in mouse monocytes. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 13-24
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  • Dominic Williams, Onyinye Onyia, Doug D Chung, Artak Kirakosyan, Anna Hovakimyan, Carter Payne, Majid Moshirfar, Anthony J Aldave. Identification of a novel partial deletion of associated with pre-Descemet corneal dystrophy and X-linked ichthyosis. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 25-30
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  • Vianey Ordoñez-Labastida, Oscar F Chacon-Camacho, Victor R Lopez-Rodriguez, Juan C Zenteno. mutational spectrum causing syndromic and non-syndromic retinal dystrophies in a large cohort of Mexican patients. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 31-38
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  • Courtney Linne, Khine Yin Mon, Shane D'Souza, Heonuk Jeong, Xiaoyan Jiang, Dillon M Brown, Kevin Zhang, Shruti Vemaraju, Kazuo Tsubota, Toshihide Kurihara, Machelle T Pardue, Richard A Lang. Encephalopsin (OPN3) is required for normal refractive development and the GO/GROW response to induced myopia. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 39-57
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  • Na Meng, Jinling Wu, Jingjing Chen, Yuqing Luo, Luxing Xu, Xia Li. Basement membrane regeneration and TGF-β1 expression in rabbits with corneal perforating injury. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 58-67
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  • Thomas Michael Shiju, Lycia Pedral Sampaio, Guilherme S L Hilgert, Steven E Wilson. Corneal epithelial basement membrane assembly is mediated by epithelial cells in coordination with corneal fibroblasts during wound healing. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 68-86
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  • Chase Paterson, Jamen Cannon, Elizabeth Vargis. The impact of early RPE cell junction loss on VEGF, Ang-2, and TIMP secretion in vitro. Molecular vision. 2023, 29: 87-101
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  • Hyun Jung Lee, Soonwon Yang, Eun Jeong Cheon, Soojung Shin, Yong-Soo Byun, Hyun Seung Kim, So-Hyang Chung. Diquafosol ophthalmic solution enhances mucin expression via ERK activation in human conjunctival epithelial cells with hyperosmotic stress. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 114-123
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  • Li Liu, Youde Jiang, Jena J Steinle. TNFAIP3 is anti-inflammatory in the retinal vasculature. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 124-129
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  • Fatemeh Azimi, Reza Mirshahi, Masood Naseripour. Review: New horizons in retinoblastoma treatment: an updated review article. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 130-146
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  • Om Srivastava, Landon Wilson, Stephen Barnes, Kiran Srivastava, Roy Joseph. αA and αB peptides from human cataractous lenses show antichaperone activity and enhance aggregation of lens proteins. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 147-164
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  • Bindu Kodati, Nolan R McGrady, Hayden B Jefferies, Dorota L Stankowska, Raghu R Krishnamoorthy. Oral administration of a dual ET/ET receptor antagonist promotes neuroprotection in a rodent model of glaucoma. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 165-177
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