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  • Molecular Vision: 2022, vol: 28, issue:
  • 1)- Hyun Jung Lee, Soonwon Yang, Eun Jeong Cheon, Soojung Shin, Yong-Soo Byun, Hyun Seung Kim, So-Hyang Chung. Diquafosol ophthalmic solution enhances mucin expression via ERK activation in human conjunctival epithelial cells with hyperosmotic stress. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 114-123
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  • 2)- Li Liu, Youde Jiang, Jena J Steinle. TNFAIP3 is anti-inflammatory in the retinal vasculature. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 124-129
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  • 3)- Fatemeh Azimi, Reza Mirshahi, Masood Naseripour. Review: New horizons in retinoblastoma treatment: an updated review article. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 130-146
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  • 4)- Om Srivastava, Landon Wilson, Stephen Barnes, Kiran Srivastava, Roy Joseph. αA and αB peptides from human cataractous lenses show antichaperone activity and enhance aggregation of lens proteins. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 147-164
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  • 5)- Bindu Kodati, Nolan R McGrady, Hayden B Jefferies, Dorota L Stankowska, Raghu R Krishnamoorthy. Oral administration of a dual ET/ET receptor antagonist promotes neuroprotection in a rodent model of glaucoma. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 165-177
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  • 6)- Lavanya Kalaimani, Bharanidharan Devarajan, Venkatesh Prajna Namperumalsamy, Muthukkaruppan Veerappan, Julie T Daniels, Gowri Priya Chidambaranathan. Hsa-miR-150-5p inhibits Wnt-β-catenin signaling in human corneal epithelial stem cells. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 178-191
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  • 7)- Kanya Moolsuwan, Tiravut Permpoon, Chanachai Sae-Lee, Mongkol Uiprasertkul, Viroj Boonyaratanakornkit, Pa-Thai Yenchitsomanus, Naravat Poungvarin, La-Ongsri Atchaneeyasakul. Dopachrome tautomerase is a retinoblastoma-specific gene, and its proximal promoter is preferentially active in human retinoblastoma cells. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 192-202
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  • 8)- Priya R Gupta, Wajiha Kheir, Bo Peng, Jie Duan, John P-W Chiang, Alessandro Iannaccone. Identification of numerous novel disease-causing variants in patients with inherited retinal diseases, combining careful clinical-functional phenotyping with systematic, broad NGS panel-based genotyping. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 203-219
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  • 9)- Melanie Scheive, Kathryn L Reinhart, Amir R Hajrasouliha. Using optical coherence tomography angiography as a biomarker of retinopathy severity and treatment for diabetic retinopathy. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 220-229
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  • 10)- Kai On Chu, Tina InLam Chan, Kwok Ping Chan, Yolanda WongYing Yip, Malini Bakthavatsalam, Chi Chiu Wang, Chi Pui Pang, Marten E Brelen. Untargeted metabolomic analysis of aqueous humor in diabetic macular edema. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 230-244
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  • 11)- Haruna Suzuki-Kerr, Kerry L Walker, Min-Hi Han, Julie C Lim, Paul J Donaldson. Hyposmotic stress causes ATP release in a discrete zone within the outer cortex of rat lens. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 245-256
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  • 12)- Lachlan S W Knight, Sean Mullany, Deepa A Taranath, Jonathan B Ruddle, Christopher P Barnett, Suzanne C E H Sallevelt, Ella C Berry, Henry N Marshall, Georgina L Hollitt, Emmanuelle Souzeau, Jamie E Craig, Owen M Siggs. The phenotypic spectrum of associated ectopia lentis: Additional cases, complications, and review of literature. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 257-268
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  • 13)- Xiaoli Lin, Xionggao Huang, Ling Wang, Weixian Liu. The long noncoding RNA MALAT1/microRNA-598-3p axis regulates the proliferation and apoptosis of retinoblastoma cells through the PI3K/AKT pathway. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 269-279
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  • 14)- Sofiane Miloudi, Maud Valensi, Mohamed El Sanharawi, Marc M Abitbol, Francine Behar-Cohen, Claudine Versaux-Botteri. Nestin contributes to laser choroidal and retinal neovascularization. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 280-299
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  • 15)- Ulrika Kjellström, Sten Andréasson. A five-year follow-up of carriers showing deterioration of retinal function and increased structural changes. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 300-316
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  • 16)- Zhennan Zhao, Yang Sun, Qi Fan, Yongxiang Jiang, Yi Lu. Structural and functional analysis of SNP rs76740365 G>A in exon-3 of the alpha A-crystallin gene in lens epithelial cells. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 317-330
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  • 17)- Kim Santerre, Stéphanie Proulx. Isolation efficiency of collagenase and EDTA for the culture of corneal endothelial cells. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 331-339
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  • 18)- Tadeusz J Kaczynski, Elizabeth D Au, Michael H Farkas. Oxidative stress alters transcript localization of disease-associated genes in the retinal pigment epithelium. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 340-351
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  • 19)- Yuan Wang, Qian Wu, Wenhong Cao, Lijuan Huang, Wen Liu, Cheng Li, Ningdong Li. Clinical and genetic studies of 17 Han Chinese pedigrees and 31 sporadic patients with blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 352-358
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  • 20)- Tahleel Ali-Nasser, Shiri Zayit-Soudry, Eyal Banin, Dror Sharon, Tamar Ben-Yosef. Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa with incomplete penetrance due to an intronic mutation of the gene. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 359-368
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  • 21)- Zainab Zehra, Netasha Khan, Minhal Nadeem, Sorath Noorani Siddiqui, Christopher S von Bartheld, Maleeha Azam, Raheel Qamar. Association of polymorphisms with exotropia in a Pakistani cohort. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 369-377
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  • 22)- Xiaoping Qi, Dorothy A Walton, Kendra S Plafker, Michael E Boulton, Scott M Plafker. Sulforaphane recovers cone function in an Nrf2-dependent manner in middle-aged mice undergoing RPE oxidative stress. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 378-393
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  • 23)- Michael H Farkas, Lara A Skelton, Sriganesh Ramachandra-Rao, Elizabeth Au, Steven J Fliesler. Morphological, biochemical, and transcriptomic characterization of iPSC-derived human RPE cells from normal and Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome patients. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 394-411
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  • 24)- Hoda Shamsnajafabadi, Zahra-Soheila Soheili, Shahram Samiee, Hamid Ahmadieh, Ehsan Ranaei Pirmardan, Massoud Haghighi. Neural differentiation of human retinal pigment epithelial cells on alginate/gelatin substrate. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 412-431
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  • 25)- Lvlv Zhou, Haifeng Zhang, Sarina Wu, Yuhong He, Kai Guo. In vitro induction and intraocular application in oxygen-induced retinopathy of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 432-440
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  • 26)- Xudong Peng, Xiaojia Zhu, Junjie Luan, Jing Lin, Yingxue Zhang, Qian Wang, Guiqiu Zhao. Lipoxin A4 alleviates inflammation in stimulated human corneal epithelial cells by Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 441-450
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  • 27)- Dandan Zhang, Nannan Sun, Congcong Guo, Jun Hui Lee, Jiamin Zhang, Zhenni Zhao, Xiaowei Yu, Ying Han, Jian Ge, Zhigang Fan. Psychological stress induces moderate pathology in the ganglion cell layer in mice. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 451-459
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  • 28)- Xiaoli Li, Wenhua Zhang, Zhiqiang Ye, Shuaili Pei, Dongliang Zheng, Lin Zhu. Safety evaluation and pharmacodynamics of minocycline hydrochloride eye drops. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 460-479
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  • 29)- Mohammed E El-Asrag, Marta Corton, Martin McKibbin, Almudena Avila-Fernandez, Moin D Mohamed, Fiona Blanco-Kelly, Carmel Toomes, Chris F Inglehearn, Carmen Ayuso, Manir Ali. Novel homozygous mutations in the transcription factor cause non-syndromic retinitis pigmentosa. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 48-56
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  • 30)- Duong Thu Trang, Nguyen Minh Phu, Do Manh Hung, Vu Phuong Nhung, Nguyen Ngan Ha, Ma Thi Huyen Thuong, Tran Thi Bich Ngoc, Nguyen Xuan Hiep, Nguyen Dang Ton, Nong Van Hai, Nguyen Hai Ha. Whole exome sequencing revealed novel pathogenic variants in Vietnamese patients with FEVR. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 480-491
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  • 31)- Kent R Barter, Hélène Paradis, Robert L Gendron, Josué A Lily Vidal, Oscar Meruvia-Pastor. Novel segmentation algorithm for high-throughput analysis of spectral domain-optical coherence tomography imaging of teleost retinas. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 492-499
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  • 32)- Li Liu, Youde Jiang, Jena J Steinle. Epac1 and PKA agonists inhibit ROS to reduce NLRP3 inflammasome proteins in retinal endothelial cells. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 500-506
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  • 33)- Yuan Chen, Yixiang Zhou, Xue Zhu, Ge Yan, Donghui Pan, Lizhen Wang, Min Yang, Ke Wang. PET imaging of retinal inflammation in mice exposed to blue light using [F]-DPA-714. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 507-515
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  • 34)- Jingwei Li, Chao Cheng, Tianlan Lin, Ran Xue, Xiuping Liu, Kaili Wu. Efficacy of sodium polyanethol sulfonate on herpes simplex virus-1 infection in vitro. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 516-525
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  • 35)- Sushil K Sangwan, Namrata Sharma, Tushar Agarwal, Neena Khanna, Ravindra M Pandey, Arundhati Sharma, Rasik B Vajpayee. Chronic ocular sequelae in Stevens-Johnson syndrome: a genetic association study. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 526-535
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  • 36)- Susette Lauwen, Bjorn Bakker, Eiko K de Jong, Sascha Fauser, Carel B Hoyng, Dirk J Lefeber, Anneke I den Hollander. Analysis of hemopexin plasma levels in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 536-543
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  • 37)- Evangelia S Panagiotou, Narcis Fernandez-Fuentes, Layal Abi Farraj, Martin McKibbin, Nursel H Elçioglu, Hussain Jafri, Eren Cerman, David A Parry, Clare V Logan, Colin A Johnson, Chris F Inglehearn, Carmel Toomes, Manir Ali. Novel mutations cause recessively inherited congenital cataract, microcornea, and corneal opacification with or without coloboma and microphthalmia. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 57-69
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  • 38)- Qi Fan, Dan Li, Zhennan Zhao, Yongxiang Jiang, Yi Lu. Protective effect of Glutaredoxin 1 against oxidative stress in lens epithelial cells of age-related nuclear cataracts. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 70-82
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  • 39)- Jie Yu, Peiwei Chai, Yixiong Zhou, Renbing Jia, Yefei Wang. Comprehensive circular RNA expression profiling with associated ceRNA network in orbital venous malformation. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 83-95
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  • 40)- Chang Shen, Bing You, Yu-Ning Chen, Yang Li, Wei Li, Wen-Bin Wei. Whole-exome sequencing identified genes known to be responsible for retinitis pigmentosa in 28 Chinese families. Molecular vision. 2022, 28: 96-113
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