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Juntendo Iji Zasshi

Published By The Juntendo Medical Society

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Juntendo Iji Zasshi
  • Yuji Ueno. Mechanism of Post-stroke Axonal Outgrowth and Functional Recovery. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 364-369
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  • Masaya Fujita, Takuya Ishizuka. Pharmacotherapy in Patients with Alzheimer-type Dementia Presenting with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Retrospective Chart Review of 102 Patients Available for 12-month Follow-up after Initiation of Treatment. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 370-377
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  • Yuki Umeno, Seiji Ishikawa, Osamu Kudoh, Shuko Nojiri, Gautam Deshpande, Eiichi Inada, Masakazu Hayashida. Introduction of a Multidisciplinary Preoperative Clinic at Juntendo University Hospital - A Retrospective Observational Study Focusing on Effects of Preoperative Interventions on Clinical Outcomes. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 378-387
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  • Kota Imashimizu, Kenji Suzuki, Shinsuke Uchida, Mariko Fukui, Aritoshi Hattori, Takeshi Matsunaga, Shiaki Oh, Kazuya Takamochi. Surgical Outcome after Sleeve Pneumonectomy for Thoracic Malignancy: A Comparison Between Salvage and Non-salvage. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 388-394
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  • Keiji Takahashi, Kazuhiko Mizushima, Mai Yamazaki, Naoko Takazawa, Hideyuki Isobe, Miki Asahina, Shu Hirai, Shigeo Horie. Germ Cell Neoplasia in Situ Recognized Incidentally with Complaining of Discomfort in the Right Testis: A Case Report. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 395-399
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  • Takashi Abe, Yoshimitsu Kohmura, Koya Suzuki, Yuki Someya, Jeremy P Loenneke, Shuichi Machida, Hisashi Naito. Handgrip Strength and Healthspan: Impact of Sports During the Developmental Period on Handgrip Strength (Juntendo Fitness Plus Study). Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 400-404
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  • Miwa Sekine, Yasuhiko Kiyama, Rieko Ueda, David Aune, Shoji Sanada, Yuji Nishizaki. Understanding International Differences in Academic Author Order in General Medicine Publications. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (5): 405-408
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  • Toshihito Suzuki. A Personal Historical Perspective on Psychiatry in Japan During the Last 4 Decades. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (4): 284-292
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  • Masaaki Noguchi. My 40-year Career as a Hematologist - Facing Clinical Challenges and Changing My Research - Focus from Glycolipids to Therapy Resistance. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (4): 293-299
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  • Kana Kato, Hinata Nishimura, Yuji Suzuki, Takahashi Tanaka, Ryusei Abe, Aurelien Kerever, Eri Arikawa-Hirasawa. Oligodendrocyte Cell Line OLP6 Successfully Differentiates on Decellularized Brain Tissue. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (4): 300-306
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  • Yoshinori Hama, Hiroaki Itoh, Sachiko Nakagami, Taiga Chiba, Soshi Dohmae, Yuji Nishizaki, Shuko Nojiri, Yukio Suzuki, Kazuhito Yokoyama. Predictors of Major Adverse Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Events After Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Retrospective Observational Study Using YoMDB Database. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (4): 307-318
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  • Yuya Saito, Koji Kamagata, Toshiaki Akashi, Akihiko Wada, Keigo Shimoji, Masaaki Hori, Masaru Kuwabara, Ryota Kanai, Shigeki Aoki. Review of Performance Improvement of a Noninvasive Brain-computer Interface in Communication and Motor Control for Clinical Applications. Juntendo Iji zasshi = Juntendo medical journal. 2023, 69 (4): 319-326
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