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  • Gabriele Bolte, Lisa Dandolo, Sophie Gepp, Claudia Hornberg, Susanne Lopez Lumbi. Climate change and health equity: A public health perspective on climate justice. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 6): 3-35
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  • Lena Lehrer, Lennart Hellmann, Hellen Temme, Leonie Otten, Johanna Hübenthal, Mattis Geiger, Mirjam A Jenny, Cornelia Betsch. Communicating climate change and health to specific target groups. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 6): 36-56
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  • Martin Mlinarić, Susanne Moebus, Cornelia Betsch, Elke Hertig, Judith Schröder, Julika Loss, Ramona Moosburger, Petra van Rüth, Sophie Gepp, Maike Voss, Wolfgang Straff, Tanja-Maria Kessel, Michaela Goecke, Andreas Matzarakis, Hildegard Niemann. Climate change and public health in Germany - A synthesis of options for action from the German status report on climate change and health 2023. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 6): 57-85
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  • Lukas Reitzle, Christin Heidemann, Josephine Jacob, Dorota Pawlowska-Phelan, Marion Ludwig, Christa Scheidt-Nave. Incidence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: analysis of routine data from 2015 to 2021. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 5): 2-25
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  • Susanne Breitner-Busch, Hans-Guido Mücke, Alexandra Schneider, Elke Hertig. Impact of climate change on non-communicable diseases due to increased ambient air pollution. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 4): 103-121
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  • Nadja Gebhardt, Katharina van Bronswijk, Maxie Bunz, Tobias Müller, Pia Niessen, Christoph Nikendei. Scoping review of climate change and mental health in Germany - Direct and indirect impacts, vulnerable groups, resilience factors. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 4): 122-149
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  • Claudia Winklmayr, Franziska Matthies-Wiesler, Stefan Muthers, Sebastian Buchien, Bernhard Kuch, Matthias An der Heiden, Hans-Guido Mücke. Heat in Germany: Health risks and preventive measures. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 4): 3-32
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  • Carsten Butsch, Liza-Marie Beckers, Enno Nilson, Marieke Frassl, Nicole Brennholt, René Kwiatkowski, Mareike Söder. Health impacts of extreme weather events - Cascading risks in a changing climate. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 4): 33-56
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  • Cornelia Baldermann, Gudrun Laschewski, Jens-Uwe Grooß. Impact of climate change on non-communicable diseases caused by altered UV radiation. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 4): 57-75
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  • Karl-Christian Bergmann, Randolf Brehler, Christina Endler, Conny Höflich, Sabine Kespohl, Maria Plaza, Monika Raulf, Marie Standl, Roma Thamm, Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann, Barbora Werchan. Impact of climate change on allergic diseases in Germany. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 4): 76-102
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  • Gerhard Adrian, Martin Dietrich, Birgit Esser, Andreas Hensel, Folkhard Isermeyer, Dirk Messner, Thomas C Mettenleiter, Inge Paulini, Sabine Riewenherm, Lars Schaade, Ralph Tiesler, Lothar H Wieler. Together we can counter the effects of climate change. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 3): 3-5
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  • Sandra Beermann, Gerhard Dobler, Mirko Faber, Christina Frank, Birgit Habedank, Peter Hagedorn, Helge Kampen, Carola Kuhn, Teresa Nygren, Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit, Erik Schmolz, Klaus Stark, Rainer G Ulrich, Sabrina Weiss, Hendrik Wilking. Impact of climate change on vector- and rodent-borne infectious diseases. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 3): 33-61
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  • Elke Hertig, Iris Hunger, Irena Kaspar-Ott, Andreas Matzarakis, Hildegard Niemann, Lea Schulte-Droesch, Maike Voss. Climate change and public health in Germany - An introduction to the German status report on climate change and health 2023. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 3): 6-32
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  • Susann Dupke, Udo Buchholz, Jutta Fastner, Christina Förster, Christina Frank, Astrid Lewin, Volker Rickerts, Hans-Christoph Selinka. Impact of climate change on waterborne infections and intoxications. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 3): 62-77
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  • Jessica Dietrich, Jens-Andre Hammerl, Annette Johne, Oliver Kappenstein, Christopher Loeffler, Karsten Nöckler, Bettina Rosner, Astrid Spielmeyer, Istvan Szabo, Martin H Richter. Impact of climate change on foodborne infections and intoxications. Journal of health monitoring. 2023, 8 (Suppl 3): 78-92
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