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  • Jiancheng Ye. Patient Safety of Perioperative Medication Through the Lens of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e34453
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  • Sabrina Grant, Emma Tonkin, Ian Craddock, Ashley Blom, Michael Holmes, Andrew Judge, Alessandro Masullo, Miquel Perello Nieto, Hao Song, Michael Whitehouse, Peter Flach, Rachael Gooberman-Hill. Toward Enhanced Clinical Decision Support for Patients Undergoing a Hip or Knee Replacement: Focus Group and Interview Study With Surgeons. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e36172
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  • Fabrice Ferré, Rodolphe Laurent, Philippine Furelau, Emmanuel Doumard, Anne Ferrier, Laetitia Bosch, Cyndie Ba, Rémi Menut, Matt Kurrek, Thomas Geeraerts, Antoine Piau, Vincent Minville. Perioperative Risk Assessment of Patients Using the MyRISK Digital Score Completed Before the Preanesthetic Consultation: Prospective Observational Study. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e39044
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  • Gregory Iovanel, David Ayers, Hua Zheng. The Role of Wearable Technology in Measuring and Supporting Patient Outcomes Following Total Joint Replacement: Review of the Literature. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e39396
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  • Rodney Allanigue Gabriel, Bhavya Harjai, Sierra Simpson, Austin Liu Du, Jeffrey Logan Tully, Olivier George, Ruth Waterman. An Ensemble Learning Approach to Improving Prediction of Case Duration for Spine Surgery: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e39650
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  • Mihyun Lim Waugh, Nicholas Boltin, Lauren Wolf, Jane Goodwin, Patti Parker, Ronnie Horner, Matthew Hermes, Thomas Wheeler, Richard Goodwin, Melissa Moss. Prediction of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Postsurgical Outcome Using Biomaterial-Induced Blood Cytokine Levels: Machine Learning Approach. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e40402
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  • Rodney Allanigue Gabriel, Sierra Simpson, William Zhong, Brittany Nicole Burton, Soraya Mehdipour, Engy Tadros Said. A Neural Network Model Using Pain Score Patterns to Predict the Need for Outpatient Opioid Refills Following Ambulatory Surgery: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR perioperative medicine. 2023, 6: e40455
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