LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN The Astrophysical Journal Letters
Jordan K Steckloff, John Debes, Amy Steele, Brandon Johnson, Elisabeth R Adams, Seth A Jacobson, Alessondra Springmann. How Sublimation Delays the Onset of Dusty Debris Disk Formation Around White Dwarf Stars.The astrophysical journal. Letters. 2021, 913 (2):
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Lindsay Glesener, Säm Krucker, Jessie Duncan, Iain G Hannah, Brian W Grefenstette, Bin Chen, David M Smith, Stephen M White, Hugh Hudson. Accelerated Electrons Observed Down to <7 keV in a Solar Microflare.The astrophysical journal. Letters. 2020, 891 (2):
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Pablo Rivière-Marichalar, Asunción Fuente, Clément Baruteau, Roberto Neri, Sandra P Treviño-Morales, Andrés Carmona, Marcelino Agúndez, Rafael Bachiller. Gas Accretion within the Dust Cavity in AB Aur.The astrophysical journal. Letters. 2019, 879 (1):
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