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The Astronomical Journal

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  • M J Huston, K L Luhman. The Initial Mass Function of Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in the W3 Complex. The Astronomical journal. 2021, 161 (3):
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  • Kathryn Volk, Renu Malhotra. Dynamical instabilities in systems of multiple short-period planets are likely driven by secular chaos: a case study of Kepler-102. The Astronomical journal. 2020, 160 (3):
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  • Elaine Winston, Joseph L Hora, Volker Tolls. A Census of Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy. II. The GLIMPSE360 Field. The Astronomical journal. 2020, 160 (2):
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  • K L Luhman, C J Hapich. NEW CANDIDATES FOR PLANETARY-MASS BROWN DWARFS IN IC 348. The Astronomical journal. 2020, 160 (2):
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  • K L Luhman, T L Esplin. REFINING THE CENSUS OF THE UPPER SCORPIUS ASSOCIATION WITH . The Astronomical journal. 2020, 160 (1):
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  • T L Esplin, K L Luhman. A SURVEY FOR NEW STARS AND BROWN DWARFS IN THE OPHIUCHUS STAR-FORMING COMPLEX. The Astronomical journal. 2020, 159 (6):
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  • Henry H Hsieh, Bojan Novaković, Kevin J Walsh, Norbert Schörghofer. Potential Themis Family Asteroid Contribution to the Jupiter-Family Comet Population. The Astronomical journal. 2020, 159 (4):
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  • Eric L Sandquist, Dennis Stello, Torben Arentoft, Karsten Brogaard, Frank Grundahl, Andrew Vanderburg, Anne Hedlund, Ryan DeWitt, Taylor R Ackerman, Miguel Aguilar, Andrew J Buckner, Christian Juarez, Arturo J Ortiz, David Richarte, Daniel I Rivera, Levi Schlapfer. Variability in the Massive Open Cluster NGC 1817 from : A Rich Population of Asteroseismic Red Clump, Eclipsing Binary, and Main-sequence Pulsating Stars. The Astronomical journal. 2020, 159 (3):
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  • Kathryn Volk, Renu Malhotra. Not a simple relationship between Neptune's migration speed and Kuiper belt inclination excitation. The Astronomical journal. 2019, 158 (2):
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  • T L Esplin, K L Luhman. A SURVEY FOR NEW MEMBERS OF TAURUS FROM STELLAR TO PLANETARY MASSES. The Astronomical journal. 2019, 158 (2):
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  • Nathan A Kaib, Rosemary Pike, Samantha Lawler, Maya Kovalik, Christopher Brown, Mike Alexandersen, Michele T Bannister, Brett J Gladman, Jean-Marc Petit. OSSOS XV: PROBING THE DISTANT SOLAR SYSTEM WITH OBSERVED SCATTERING TNOS. The Astronomical journal. 2019, 158 (1):
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  • B Quarles, N Kaib. Instabilities in the Early Solar System due to a Self-gravitating Disk. The Astronomical journal. 2019, 157 (2):
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  • Antranik A Sefilian, Jihad R Touma. Shepherding in a Self-gravitating Disk of Trans-Neptunian Objects. The Astronomical journal. 2019, 157: 59
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  • Offr Cohen, Sofia-Paraskevi Moschou, Alex Glocer, Igor V Sokolov, Tsevi Mazeh, Jeremy J Drake, C Garraffo, J D Alvarado-GÓmez. EXOPLANET MODULATION OF STELLAR CORONAL RADIO EMISSION. The Astronomical journal. 2018, 156 (5):
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  • Ann-Marie Madigan, Alexander Zderic, Michael McCourt, Jacob Fleisig. On the Dynamics of the Inclination Instability. The Astronomical journal. 2018, 156 (4):
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