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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Dmitri Panfilov, Victor Saushkin, Svetlana Sazonova, Boris Kozlov. Ascending Aortic Surgery for Small Aneurysms in Men and Women. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20220179
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  • Pablo Salazar Elizalde, German J Chaud, Joaquín Gundelach, Barbara Gaete, Marcos Durand, Ignacio Cuadra, Sinthya Provoste, Enrique Yanten, Marcelo Tiznado, Cristóbal Alvarado. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Uses in Refractory Cardiogenic Shock After Open-Heart Surgery. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20220344
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  • Ruslan Natanov, Malakh Lal Shrestha, Andreas Martens, Erik Beckmann, Heike Krueger, Morsi Arar, Linda Rudolph, Stefan Ruemke, Reza Poyanmehr, Wilhelm Korte, Tobias Schilling, Axel Haverich, Tim Kaufeld. Acute Aortic Dissection Type A in Younger Patients (< 60 Years Old) - Does Full Arch Replacement Provide Benefits Compared to Limited Approach? Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20220434
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  • Erlei Han, Zhifang Liu, Bing Zhou, Shuwei Wang, Zhibin Hu, Yong Cui. Application of Cut-and-Sew Technique in Thoracoscopic Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery and Concomitant Maze Procedure. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20220456
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  • Akram Abawi, Anders Magnuson, Ole Fröbert, Ninos Samano. Five-Year Follow-Up After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis and Concomitant Coronary Artery Disease: A Single-Center Experience. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20220461
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  • Tomasz Stankowski, Sleiman Sebastian Aboul-Hassan, Mohammed Salem, Kristin Rochor, Soeren Schenk, Temirlan Erkenov, Farzaneh Seifi Zinab, Anja Muehle, Volker Herwig, Axel Harnath, Michel Pompeu Sá, Basel Ramlawi, Dirk Fritzsche, Bartłomiej Perek. Prognostic Impact of Residual Moderate Mitral Regurgitation Following Valve-in-Valve Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20230012
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  • Ricardo de Carvalho Lima, Leonardo Pontual Lima, Mozart Augusto Soares de Escobar, José Ricardo Lagreca de Sales Cabral, José Aécio Fernandes Vieira, Guilherme Tavares da Silva Maia. Pioneer of Cardiothoracic Surgery - Luiz Tavares da Silva. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20230046
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  • Gabriela B de O Carvalho, Luiz Fernando Caneo, Gregory Matte, Caio Henrique de A Cruz, Everton Neri da Silva, Luciana P Carletto, Ana Vitória C X de Castro, Betina G Madueño Silva, Valéria C Policarpo, Idágene A Cestari, Fabio B Jatene, Marcelo Biscegli Jatene. Performance Evaluation of Geometrically Different Pediatric Arterial Cannulae in a Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Bypass Model. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20230110
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  • Jenny Lourdes Rivas de Oliveira, Magaly Arrais Dos Santos, Ari Timerman. Endothelial Microparticles: Markers of Inflammatory Response After Sutureless Valve Implantation. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20230111
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  • Laura Varela Barca, Laura Esteban-Lucia, Marta Tomás-Mallebrera, Ana Pello-Lázaro, Gonzalo Aldámiz-Echevarría. Treatment For Infected Frozen Elephant Trunk Prosthesis Caused by Propionibacterium acnes: A Surgical Challenge. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 39 (1): e20230186
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  • Nabil Dib, Raphael Martins, Erwan Flécher. Ventricular Fibrillation Is a Sign of Life. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 38 (6): e20210428
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  • Livia Rocha do Valle, Cristiane Nunes Martins, Roberto Max Lopes, Fernando Antonio Fantini, Erika Correa Vrandecic, Fernando Amaral. Reversed Potts Shunt as a Palliative Option for EndStage Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in Childhood. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 38 (6): e20220034
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  • Tiansheng Tang, Changjuan Wu, Jianshi Liu, Kaitao Jian, Wei Liu, Weiyong Sheng. Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest in Median Sternotomy Hemorrhage During Redo Aortic Surgery. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 38 (6): e20220164
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  • Emre Yaşar, Zihni Mert Duman, Barış Timur, Muhammed Bayram, Mustafa Can Kaplan, Ersin Kadiroğulları. Fate of the Patent False Lumen of the Descending Aorta After Surgical Treatment for Acute Type 1 Aortic Dissection. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 38 (6): e20220257
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  • Jin Yang, Zhiqiang Gong, Junjie Dong, Haotian Li, Bing Wang, Kaili Du, Chunqiang Zhang, Lingqiang Chen. Transcriptomics Provides Novel Insights into the Regulatory Mechanism of IncRNA HIF1 A-AS1 on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Brazilian journal of cardiovascular surgery. 2023, 38 (6): e20220260
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