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Published By Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

  • Johann Steurer. [Not Available]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 440
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  • Menderes Omeri, David Czell. [A Rare Cause for Median Nerve Irritation]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 441-445
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  • Yvik Adler, Carola Smolenski, Philippe Luchsinger. [The Prescription Model: Challenge and Chance for Physicians and Psychological Psychotherapists]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 447-451
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  • Catherine Klaghofer, Patricia Lanz. [Dementia: Overview of Nomenclature and the Most Common Forms]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 453-458
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  • Kai Michael Schubert, Bettina Schreiner. [Neuromuscular Practical Knowledge: Focus On Muscle Weakness]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 459-468
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  • Alain M Bernheim, Raban V Jeger, Omer Dzemali, Nestoras Papadopoulos. [Update Valvular Heart Disease: Heart Team Decision-Making Based on Patient Examples]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 469-475
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  • Claudio Caviezel. [Tumors of the Anterior Mediastinum - From T to T]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 477
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  • Patrick Heeb, Hans Gelpke, Corina Dommann-Scherrer, Guido Verhoek, Michael Huber. [A Rare Diagnosis for a Patient with Shoulder Pain - Mature Teratoma of the Mediastinum]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 478-482
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  • Sven Oser, Mathias Wenger. [Basics of Denosumab-Therapy aftercare]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (9): 483-486
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  • Stefan Gysin, Stefan Neuner-Jehle. [Reflections on the Future of Medical Education]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (7-8): 365-366
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  • Magdalena Müller, Martina Heim Classen, Niklaus Kamber. [CME: Hypertriglyceridemia]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (7-8): 367-372
    Cited : 1
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  • Florian Deuschle, David Semela, Samuel Henz. [CME: Outpatient Management of Patients with Liver Cirrhosis]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (7-8): 373-380
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  • Christof Schmitz. [What Kind of Doctors Will be Needed in the Future?]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (7-8): 383-387
    Cited : 1
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  • Andreas M Fischer, Reto W Kressig. [The Impact of Nutrition on Muscle Health in Older Individuals]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (7-8): 388-397
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  • Jan Krützfeldt. [Hormonal Causes for Excessive Sweating]. Praxis. 2023, 112 (7-8): 398-402
    Cited : 0
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