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  • Fiona Riordan, Lauren O'Mahony, Cormac Sheehan, Katie Murphy, Maire O'Donnell, Lorna Hurley, Sean Dinneen, Sheena M McHugh. Implementing a community specialist team to support the delivery of integrated diabetes care: experiences in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 1
    Cited : 0
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  • Megan McCarthy, Katie Gillies, Nikki Rousseau, Julia Wade, Carrol Gamble, Elaine Toomey, Karen Matvienko-Sikar, Matthew Sydes, Maura Dowling, Val Bryant, Linda Biesty, Catherine Houghton. Qualitative data sharing practices in clinical trials in the UK and Ireland: towards the production of good practice guidance. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 10
    Cited : 2
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  • Carol Rogan, Bernadette Rock, Emer Begley, Barry Boland, Kevin Brazil, Unai Diaz-Orueta, Sarah Donnelly, Michael Foley, Tony Foley, Caoimhe Hannigan, Louise Hopper, Fiona Keogh, Brian Lawlor, Iracema Leroi, Cora O'Neill, Laura O'Philbin, Maria Pertl, Dominic Trépel, Seán Kennelly. Dementia research in Ireland: What should we prioritise? HRB open research. 2023, 6: 12
    Cited : 0
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  • Daire Buckley, Sheena M McHugh, Fiona Riordan. What works to recruit general practices to trials? A rapid review. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 13
    Cited : 0
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  • Seán Kearns, Philip Hardie, Donal O'Shea, Karl Neff. Instruments used to assess gender-affirming healthcare access: a scoping review protocol. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 14
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  • Peter May, Frank Moriarty, Eimir Hurley, Soraya Matthews, Anne Nolan, Mark Ward, Bridget Johnston, Lorna Roe, Charles Normand, Rose Anne Kenny, Samantha Smith. Formal health care costs among older people in Ireland: methods and estimates using The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). HRB open research. 2023, 6: 16
    Cited : 2
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  • Tomás Barry, Alice Kasemiire, Martin Quinn, Conor Deasy, Gerard Bury, Siobhan Masterson, Ricardo Segurado, Andrew Murphy, . Outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Ireland 2012-2020: Protocol for an observational study. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 17
    Cited : 0
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  • Gráinne Kirwan, Aisling O'Leary, Cathal Walsh, Tamasine Grimes. Economic evaluation of a collaborative model of pharmaceutical care in an Irish hospital: cost-utility analysis. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 19
    Cited : 1
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  • Niamh Vickers, Anne Matthews, Gillian Paul. Perspectives and factors associated with informal human milk sharing: a mixed-methods systematic review protocol. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 24
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  • Danko Stamenic, Janas M Harrington, Seán R Millar, Lisa Delaney, Katarzyna A Gajewska, Claire M Buckley, Sheena M McHugh, Ivan J Perry, Patricia M Kearney. Cohort profile update: The Cork and Kerry Diabetes and Heart Disease Study. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 25
    Cited : 1
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  • John McCaffrey, Andrew Hunter. Protocol Development for a Qualitative Methodological Study Within a Trial (Qual-SWAT): The KARMA-Dep-2 Trial. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 29
    Cited : 0
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  • Elizabeth O Bodunde, Daire Buckley, Eimear O'Neill, Gillian M Maher, Karen Matvienko-Sikar, Karen O'Connor, Fergus P McCarthy, Ali S Khashan. Pregnancy and birth complications associations with long-term adverse maternal mental health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 3
    Cited : 0
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  • Kathleen Hannon, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Déirdre Daly, Valerie Smith. Stakeholders' perspectives and experiences of patient and public involvement (PPI) in clinical trials in maternal and neonatal healthcare: protocol for a qualitative evidence synthesis. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 30
    Cited : 0
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  • Daisy Wiggin, Elaine McMahon, Fiona McNicholas, Eve Griffin. Age of first self-harm act in childhood and adolescence: A scoping review protocol. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 36
    Cited : 0
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  • Maria-Louise Carroll, Catherine Doody, Cliona O' Sullivan, Carla Perrotta, Brona M Fullen. Co-Design of a website for women with pelvic organ prolapse: A study protocol. HRB open research. 2023, 6: 37
    Cited : 0
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