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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Survey Research Methods
  • Narayan Sastry, Katherine McGonagle, Paula Fomby. Effects of the COVID-19 crisis on survey fieldwork: Experience and lessons from two major supplements to the U.S. Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Survey research methods. 2020, 14 (2): 241-245
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  • Joseph W Sakshaug, Jens Stegmaier, Mark Trappmann, Frauke Kreuter. Does Benefit Framing Improve Record Linkage Consent Rates? A Survey Experiment. Survey research methods. 2019, 13 (3): 289-304
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  • Christoph Kern, Thomas Klausch, Frauke Kreuter. Tree-based Machine Learning Methods for Survey Research. Survey research methods. 2019, 13 (1): 73-93
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  • Scott T Yabiku, Jennifer E Glick, Elizabeth A Wentz, Dirgha Ghimire, Qunshan Zhao. Comparing Paper and Tablet Modes of Retrospective Activity Space Data Collection. Survey research methods. 2017, 11 (3): 329-344
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  • Michael Gideon, Brooke Helppie-McFall, Joanne W Hsu. Heaping at Round Numbers on Financial Questions: The Role of Satisficing. Survey research methods. 2017, 11 (2): 189-214
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  • Frederick G Conrad, Mick P Couper, Roger Tourangeau, Chan Zhang. Reducing speeding in web surveys by providing immediate feedback. Survey research methods. 2017, 11 (1): 45-61
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  • Mick P Couper, Chan Zhang. Helping Respondents Provide Good Answers in Web Surveys. Survey research methods. 2016, 10 (1): 49-64
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  • Ting Yan, Lindsay Ryan, Sandra E Becker, Jacqui Smith. Assessing Quality of Answers to a Global Subjective Well-being Question Through Response Times. Survey research methods. 2015, 9 (2): 101-109
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  • Brady T West, Dirgha Ghimire, William G Axinn. Evaluating a Modular Design Approach to Collecting Survey Data Using Text Messages. Survey research methods. 2015, 9 (2): 111-123
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  • Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk. Age and Sex Effects in Anchoring Vignette Studies: Methodological and Empirical Contributions. Survey research methods. 2014, 8 (1): 1-17
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  • Katherine A McGonagle. Survey Breakoffs in a Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview. Survey research methods. 2013, 7 (2): 79-90
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  • Mick P Couper, Eleanor Singer. Informed Consent for Web Paradata Use. Survey research methods. 2013, 7 (1): 57-67
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  • Julia Soulakova, William W Davis, Anne Hartman, James Gibson. The Impact of Survey and Response Modes on Current Smoking Prevalence Estimates Using TUS-CPS: 1992-2003. Survey research methods. 2009, 3 (3): 123-137
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