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Journal of Applied Mechanics

Published By University of Tehran

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal of Applied Mechanics
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  • Gang Bao. Magnetic Forces Enable Control of Biological Processes In Vivo. Journal of applied mechanics. 2021, 88 (3): 030801
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  • Rossella Laudani, Martin Ostoja-Starzewski. Spontaneous Negative Entropy Increments in Granular Flows. Journal of applied mechanics. 2021, 88 (3): 031010
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  • Pooya Niksiar, Zhaoxu Meng, Michael M Porter. Multidimensional Mechanics of Three-Dimensional Printed and Micro-Architectured Scaffolds. Journal of applied mechanics. 2021, 88 (10):
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  • Prem K Solanki, Yoed Rabin. Scaling Effects on the Residual Thermomechanical Stress During Ice-Free Cooling to Storage Temperature. Journal of applied mechanics. 2020, 87 (10): 101003
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  • S Deogekar, Z Yan, R C Picu. Random Fiber Networks With Superior Properties Through Network Topology Control. Journal of applied mechanics. 2019, 86 (8): 81010-NaN
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  • Xin Chen, Moxiao Li, Shaobao Liu, Fusheng Liu, Guy M Genin, Feng Xu, Tian Jian Lu. Translation of a Coated Rigid Spherical Inclusion in an Elastic Matrix: Exact Solution, and Implications for Mechanobiology. Journal of applied mechanics. 2019, 86 (5): 0510021-5100210
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  • Bo Wang, Pravarsha Ghanta, Sandra Vinnikova, Siyuan Bao, Junfeng Liang, Hongbing Lu, Shuodao Wang. Wrinkling of Tympanic Membrane Under Unbalanced Pressure. Journal of applied mechanics. 2017, 84 (4): 0410021-410026
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  • J H Yuan, M Pharr, X Feng, John A Rogers, Yonggang Huang. Design of Stretchable Electronics Against Impact. Journal of applied mechanics. 2016, 83 (10): 1010091-1010095
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