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Rare Tumors

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  • Anand Kumar Das, Saraj Kumar Singh, Kranti Bhavana, Subhash Kumar. Posterior fossa giant adenoid cystic carcinoma with skull base invasion mimicking glomus jugulare: A case report and review of literature. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613221150218
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  • Preethika Mahalingam, Sam Smith, Juanita Lopez, Rajaei K Sharma, Thomas Millard, Khin Thway, Cyril Fisher, David A Reardon, Robin Jones, Andrew G Nicholson, David Cunningham, Liam Welsh, Bhupinder Sharma. PARP inhibition utilized in combination therapy with Olaparib-Temozolomide to achieve disease stabilization in a rare case of BRCA1-mutant, metastatic myxopapillary ependymoma. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231152333
    Cited : 2
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  • Harper E Niver, Priscilla Strom. Axillary chest wall solid-papillary carcinoma: A case report on presentation and management. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231155957
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  • Divya Khosla, Rakesh Kapoor, Aditya K Singla, Kannan Periasamy, Shikha Goyal, Renu Madan, Narendra Kumar, Arunanshu Behera, Shrawan K Singh, Sanjay K Bhadada, Rama Walia. Treatment outcomes of adjuvant radiotherapy in adrenocortical carcinoma - A 13-years experience from a tertiary care centre. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231160699
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  • Phong Hong Nguyen, Thang Nguyen, Chien Minh Pham. A rare case of synchronous follicular thyroid carcinoma arising within a mature cystic ovarian teratoma and stage IV differentiated thyroid cancer in iodine-deficient area in Viet Nam. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231161940
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  • Sevda Dogan. Conference Report: European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2022. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231162474
    Cited : 3
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  • Harper E Niver, Edward Foxhall, Anup Lahiry. KEYNOTE-522 and male spindle cell carcinoma of the breast: A case report. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231163730
    Cited : 1
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  • David Corredor-Orlandelli, Lina Vargas. Lymphangitic carcinomatosis as the initial manifestation of primary signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma of the lung: A case report. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231164017
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  • Abbas Karimi, Samira Derakhshan, Mahboube Hasheminasab, Sheida Kordi. Fibrous dysplasia associated with peripheral giant cell granoluma in maxilla in a young patient, a case report of rare hybrid lesion. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231165883
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  • Farnoosh Razmara, Samira Derakhshan, Nazanin Mahdavi, Saba Mohammadi. Solitary amyloid tumor of the palate: A case report and literature review. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231166540
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  • Christine Marlow, Joshua A Cuoco, Austin R Hoggarth, Michael S Stump, Lisa S Apfel, Cara M Rogers. Pediatric diffuse hemispheric glioma H3 G34-mutant with gains of the BRAF locus: An illustrative case. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231168704
    Cited : 2
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  • Matthieu de Codt, Pascale Jadoul, Mathieu Luyckx, Jean-Luc Squifflet, Marie-Madeleine Dolmans, Charlotte Maillard, Jean-François Baurain, Etienne Marbaix, Amandine Gerday. Hysteroscopic management of molar pregnancy: A series of 36 cases. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231168767
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  • Farah Sassi, Ghada Sahraoui, Lamia Charfi, Leila Achouri, Raoudha Doghri, Karima Mrad. An incidental discovery of a gastric follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: A rare case report and a literature review. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231172077
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  • Paula I Hernandez Acevedo, Gloria J Carter, Madeleine Courtney-Brooks, Beth Z Clark. Ovarian serous borderline tumor with mural nodules of anaplastic carcinoma and omental involvement: A case report. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231172260
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  • Robin Go, Linus Lee, Gayathri Vijayakumar, Sarah Tepper, Steven Gitelis, Alan Blank. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of the distal lower extremity and the role of radiotherapy: A report of two cases. Rare tumors. 2023, 15: 20363613231172611
    Cited : 1
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