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Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
  • Daniel I Herman, Griffin Mead, Fabrizio R Giorgetta, Esther Baumann, Nathan A Malarich, Brian R Washburn, Nathan R Newbury, Ian Coddington, Kevin C Cossel. Open-path measurement of stable water isotopologues using mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2023, 16 (17):
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  • Misti Levy Zamora, Colby Buehler, Abhirup Datta, Drew R Gentner, Kirsten Koehler. Identifying optimal co-location calibration periods for low-cost sensors. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2023, 16 (1): 169-179
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  • Karoline K Barkjohn, Brett Gantt, Andrea L Clements. Development and Application of a United States wide correction for PM data collected with the PurpleAir sensor. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2021, 4 (6):
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  • Russell W Long, Andrew Whitehill, Andrew Habel, Shawn Urbanski, Hannah Halliday, Maribel Colón, Surender Kaushik, Matthew S Landis. Comparison of ozone measurement methods in biomass burning smoke: an evaluation under field and laboratory conditions. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2021, 14 (3): 1783-1800
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  • Brian Gullett, Johanna Aurell, William Mitchell, Jennifer Richardson. Use of an unmanned aircraft system to quantify NO emissions from a natural gas boiler. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2021, 14 (2): 975-981
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  • Colby Buehler, Fulizi Xiong, Misti Levy Zamora, Kate M Skog, Joseph Kohrman-Glaser, Stefan Colton, Michael McNamara, Kevin Ryan, Carrie Redlich, Matthew Bartos, Brandon Wong, Branko Kerkez, Kirsten Koehler, Drew R Gentner. Stationary and portable multipollutant monitors for high-spatiotemporal-resolution air quality studies including online calibration. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2021, 14 (2): 995-1013
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  • Elena Spinei, Martin Tiefengraber, Moritz Müller, Manuel Gebetsberger, Alexander Cede, Luke Valin, James Szykman, Andrew Whitehill, Alexander Kostakis, Fernando Santos, Nader Abbuhasan, Xiaoyi Zhao, Vitali Fioletov, Sum Chi Lee, Robert Swap. Effect of Polyoxymethylene (POM-H Delrin) offgassing within Pandora head sensor on direct sun and multi-axis formaldehyde column measurements in 2016 - 2019. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2021, 14 (1): 647-663
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  • Allan C Just, Yang Liu, Meytar Sorek-Hamer, Johnathan Rush, Michael Dorman, Robert Chatfield, Yujie Wang, Alexei Lyapustin, Itai Kloog. Gradient boosting machine learning to improve satellite-derived column water vapor measurement error. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2020, 13 (9): 4669-4681
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  • Paul A Solomon, Dena Vallano, Melissa Lunden, Brian LaFranchi, Charles L Blanchard, Stephanie L Shaw. Mobile-Platform Measurement of Air Pollutant Concentrations in California: Performance Assessment, Statistical Methods for Evaluating Spatial Variations, and Spatial Representativeness. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2020, 13 (6):
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  • Sungyeon Choi, Lok N Lamsal, Melanie Follette-Cook, Joanna Joiner, Nickolay A Krotkov, William H Swartz, Kenneth E Pickering, Christopher P Loughner, Wyat Appel, Gabriele Pfister, Pablo E Saide, Ronald C Cohen, Andrew J Weinheimer, Jay R Herman. Assessment of NO observations during DISCOVER-AQ and KORUS-AQ field campaigns. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2020, 13 (5):
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  • Laura M Judd, Jassim A Al-Saadi, James J Szykman, Lukas C Valin, Scott J Janz, Matthew G Kowalewski, Henk J Eskes, J Pepijn Veefkind, Alexander Cede, Moritz Mueller, Manuel Gebetsberger, Robert Swap, R Bradley Pierce, Caroline R Nowlan, Gonzalo González Abad, Amin Nehrir, David Williams. Evaluating Sentinel-5P TROPOMI tropospheric NO column densities with airborne and Pandora spectrometers near New York City and Long Island Sound. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2020, 13 (11): 6113-6140
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  • David H Hagan, Jesse H Kroll. Assessing the accuracy of low-cost optical particle sensors using a physics-based approach. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2020, 13 (11): 6343-6355
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  • Lia Chatzidiakou, Anika Krause, Olalekan A M Popoola, Andrea Di Antonio, Mike Kellaway, Yiqun Han, Freya A Squires, Teng Wang, Hanbin Zhang, Qi Wang, Yunfei Fan, Shiyi Chen, Min Hu, Jennifer K Quint, Benjamin Barratt, Frank J Kelly, Tong Zhu, Roderic L Jones. Characterising low-cost sensors in highly portable platforms to quantify personal exposure in diverse environments. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2019, 12 (8): 4643-4657
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  • Alexander Zaytsev, Martin Breitenlechner, Abigail R Koss, Christopher Y Lim, James C Rowe, Jesse H Kroll, Frank N Keutsch. Using collision-induced dissociation to constrain sensitivity of ammonia chemical ionization mass spectrometry ( CIMS) to oxygenated volatile organic compounds. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2019, 12 (3): 1861-1870
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  • Yuekui Yang, Kerry Meyer, Galina Wind, Yaping Zhou, Alexander Marshak, Steven Platnick, Qilong Min, Anthony B Davis, Joanna Joiner, Alexander Vasilkov, David Duda, Wenying Su. Cloud Products from the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC): Algorithms and Initial Evaluation. Atmospheric measurement techniques. 2019, 12 (3): 2019-2031
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